chapter 201
He directly called the third young master and asked him to deal with the guy who stopped at the door of the Wisdom Tree.

The third young master was aggrieved and depressed.

Why is he so miserable?Why did one or two of Mao regard him as a hard laborer?Could it be that he was born with a look of slavery?

God, it's getting dark.

Wait, the street lights are on.

The misty drizzle has stopped.

Mother and daughter, big hands holding small hands, walked happily on the sidewalk on the right.Little Princess Miaomiao's pink cartoon schoolbag was carried on Shi Xiaocao's body.

In his hand, one person held a bunch of candied haws, took small steps, biting the candied haws, humming a little song, the mother and daughter felt very comfortable.

"Squeak—" A black off-road vehicle stopped beside them.

Three tall and burly men in black clothes got out of the car.

"Mommy." Baby Miaomiao shrank behind Xiaocao with some fear.

"What are you doing!" Xiaocao had never seen any scene when Xiao Taimei was born, how could she be frightened by so many men.She hugged Miao Miao like a hen guarding her chicks, and stared at the three men in front of her without fear.

"Miss Shi, our lady would like to invite you to have dinner together, and also ask Miss Shi to show her face." One of the men opened the car door and politely made a standard invitation to Xiaocao.

your sister!
Invite my wife to dinner?Will you be so kind?

I rely on!

Which one is it again?


I reward your sister!
"Oh, invite me to dinner? My requirements are very high. I never patronize second- and third-rate places."

There was no expression on the man's face, he just said to Xiaocao: "Miss Shi, don't worry, our lady never patronizes second or third class places."

"Baby, what do you want to eat? It's rare that someone invites us to eat, and we don't have to pay for it ourselves. Remember Mommy's words, we will definitely pick the most expensive ones to eat later." Shi Xiaocao smiled and held her in her arms. Miao Miao said.

"Mommy, Miao Miao must have eaten her up!" Miao Miao patted her chest as a promise.

"Okay then, let's... get in the car!" Shi Xiaocao carried Miao Miao into the off-road vehicle, her expression, eyes and movements didn't seem to mean being robbed halfway at all, but she had a lot of thoughts It means having fun.

The three men who watched were stunned. Is this woman out of her mind?Otherwise, how could it be possible to be stopped by a stranger and still look so excited?
The car stopped at Emgrand International.

Xiao Cao held Miao Miao and raised her head to look at the glittering golden words Emgrand International.

Ouch, Mom, what a big deal?

Who is it?Treat her so favorably?

Three men who looked like bodyguards led Xiaocao and Baobao to a private room.

The private room is very large, covering a full [-] square meters, with everything you need to eat, drink and play.

There is a large round table with a diameter of two meters in the middle, on which various exquisite dishes are placed.

Shi Xiaocao directly tore a duck leg from a roast duck, and handed it to Baby: "Baby, then, I'm hungry, take a duck leg first."

"Thank you, Mommy!" Baby took the duck and gnawed it on his own.

Of course, Shi Xiaocao unceremoniously tore off the other leg and gnawed on it.

The elegant light music was playing very soothingly, which was very out of tune with the mother and daughter's rude gnawing of duck legs.

A few women sat elegantly on the expensive sofa, and the big screen on the wall in front of the sofa, which was no different from a movie theater screen, was showing the extras of a certain TV series.

In the tidbits, the reporter is interviewing the hero and heroine - the second young master and Tong Mushi.

When they saw Shi Xiaocao and Bao Baoer who entered the door, the women just gave the mother and daughter a sideways glance, and continued to focus on the big screen.But when they caught a glimpse of Xiaocao and Miaomiao's shapeless gnaws with duck legs in their hands, they all showed contemptuous eyes that could no longer be despised.

The reporter on the screen was asking: The two have collaborated in several dramas, and each of them acted as a couple, so will the two act in a fake way?After all, there are still quite a few couples who have developed from screen couples to real couples.

The woman shyly looked up at the man standing beside her, and looked at the man with her foggy eyes: What do you think?
Why is it said that women look up to men?
Because the two stand together, it is like the contrast between Wu Dalang and Pan Jinlian.

Oh, Second Young Master, I am guilty!
This was another thought that immediately came to Shi Xiaocao's mind after this thought came to mind.

Whether you are compared to Wu Dalang or Pan Jinlian, it is an insult to you.But Su, looking at the two people with disparity in height, the only ones that my sister thinks of subconsciously are Pan Jinlian and Wu Dalang.Second young master, just give in, at worst, I will make it up to you tonight.

On the screen, just as the woman finished speaking, the man's calm and joking voice sounded: Haven't you gotten tired of watching the couple on the screen?Want to watch something outside the play?You are not tired of me.

The reporter was silenced, and the woman's face froze.Then it was a change of film.

"Hahaha..." Shi Xiaocao laughed and turned her head backwards, Second Young Master, you are so cute, my sister really loves you to death.She could even see Tong Mushi's face turning green as she was sitting on the sofa.

"Mu Shi, who is this woman?" The women glanced at the shapeless Xiaocao who was laughing, with mockery in their eyes.Where's the wild girl, she's so shameless.

Tong Mushi stood up gracefully from the sofa, looked at Xiaocao with a very elegant and noble smile, and introduced to the women who were also dressed in the same famous family: "Shi Xiaocao, our honored guest today is Ran Xu's personal assistant."

"Cut..." Sneering and disdainful voices came from the nostrils of several women at the same time: "Second Young Master, has his eyesight deteriorated or his brain is fascinated by others, and such a thing is also attractive? He is still dragging an oil bottle! "

"Mu Shi, I really feel worthless for you. How many hurdles and levels have you passed along the way with the second young master? Is this how such a woman can take advantage of it? And she is still a person Broken shoes you have ridden on! Tell me, what happened to your second young master this time, and why did you make such a mistake."

"Mu Shi, you have such a good temper. People have already demonstrated in front of you, but you are not angry at all, and let her ride on your head. If it were me, I would definitely destroy Her seductive face, let her get mad, and see which man will take a fancy to her tattered face in the future."

Tong Mushi didn't speak, and continued to look at Xiaocao with her elegant smile, as if watching a good show.Xiaocao was ugly and helpless while waiting.

But obviously, Shi Xiaocao's reaction disappointed her.

(End of this chapter)

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