chapter 203
Baby nodded: "Mommy, Miao Miao remembered."

"Let's go, darling, let's go home!" Shi Xiaocao turned her true sister back, showing the radiance of a loving mother, took the hand of the little princess Miaomiao and walked out of the door, while walking, she said: "Miss Tong , I suddenly feel that it is not fun to block you."

Tong Mushi: "..."

Ran's villa.

Mrs. Ran is receiving two very important guests - Zhuang Xiaoou's parents.

Zhuang Youwan and Huang Qinying were sitting face to face with the old lady, both of them had expressions that could not be more stinky, as if the Ran family owed them 8000 billion [-] million.

On the tea table in front, there were two cups of hot tea. Zhuang Youwan picked up the teacup and drank it angrily, while Aunt Gui quickly filled the cup for him.

The third young master sat on another group of sofas not far away, facing the big LCD TV with nothing to do with himself. At the moment, the original version (cat and mouse) was playing on the TV, and the third young master stared straight at it. The TV series, but listened to the two old men of the banker who came to ask the crime with their ears up.


The boss is so brave and invincible that he stretched out his hand to the dealer's bird?
This was the first thought that subconsciously popped into the mind of the third young master when he saw Zhuang Youwan and Huang Qinying looking like they were coming to ask for their crimes.

The second thought was: the boss stretched out his hand to the bird, so what about his kid?

Oh, no wonder the boy was so angry that day, and even robbed his wife to vent. Could it be that she bumped into the boss's adultery with that bird?
carry on?
Not right, it seems that the boss is not that kind of person?Wouldn't be so hungry to attack that bird?Just based on the 21 years he has known his boss, the 21 years he has known each other, and the 21 years he has been together, he feels that his boss will never be so hungry.

So in other words, it is very likely that the bird attacked the boss?
As far as he knew, it was not a day or two for the dealer's bird to covet his boss.

Hey, it's all due to my mother who is far away in the kingdom of heaven. Why do you have to make such a baby kiss for the boss?
You said, if you want to order, you also order a three-quality person with temperament, quality, and beauty. Why did you fall in love with that big bird?How about it, it's all about whether his boy and the boss are more suitable when they stand together.

How good is his kid, he needs to be tall, has good looks, has temperament, has quality in quality, and has good quality in quality, so he is still carrying a bunch of two-star epaulettes!How mighty, how heroic, how high-spirited.

In the words of the old lady, a mighty officer and a cunning profiteer are definitely a perfect match!It's about the boss and the boy.

Well, this is all the fault of the old mother in the country.

Suddenly, watching the TV, I heard the third young master in the distance suddenly feel a chill on the back of his neck, and it was still a chill. Three seconds later, even the soles of his feet felt a chill .

The third young master hurriedly closed his eyes, put his hands together, and said very reverently: "Mom, mom, it's not your fault, it's really not your fault! You are farting like a son, um, farting! It's all wrong The mistake is definitely not the fault of the old mother, it is the fault of the big bird in the dealer! Then, mother, don't pester your son and me in the shade, the son is for pain, not for pestering."

"Third Young Master, what are you mumbling about?" Aunt Gui's concerned and puzzled voice came from beside her ear.

The third young master opened his eyes, turned his head, and looked at Aunt Gui who was holding ice cubes.

"Wow!" The third young master was shocked, and patted his frightened little heart, "Aunt Gui, what are you doing with ice cubes in this cold weather?"

Aunt Gui showed him a look of "what's the fuss?", and said calmly, "Isn't it you who yelled and wanted to eat iced whole duck at night? Didn't I ask for it with ice cubes?" I'm going to make you an ice-cold whole duck. Third young master, what's wrong with you? Why do you have a ghost-like expression? Aunt Gui, am I so scary?" Aunt Gui said, moving closer to the third young master.

The third young master hurriedly retreated one by one, but in the end...

The very unrecognizable scatter like a turtle flipped over and fell on all fours.

The sofa, how can there be so many places for the third young master to retreat.

"..." The third young master uttered a series of birdsong that no one could understand, quickly got up from the ground, and slightly complained to the bewildered Aunt Gui: "Aunt Gui, you can't be earlier or Can you pass behind me later?" He is talking bad things about his mother behind his back, you are always kind, and you are holding a large piece of ice and passing behind my master, the cold air hits, can you let others understand Why did my mother come to the door?
Really, so uncute, so uncute!snort!
With a snort through his nostrils, he rolled his bare-toed legs on the sofa, and continued to stare at the TV to watch his (cat and mouse).

At this moment, in the eyes of the third young master, the hopelessly stupid Tom is much cuter than Aunt Gui.

If Aunt Gui knew that the third young master was comparing her with that cat, then the iced whole duck that the third young master wanted to eat at night would probably fly away.

Aunt Gui glanced at the third young master with a puzzled look on her face, and walked towards the kitchen with the ice cube.

The third young master continued to watch TV and heard from all directions.

Aunt Gui entered the kitchen, and Zhuang Youwan and Huang Qinying, who were sitting face to face with the old lady, spoke.

I saw that Zhuang Youwan's face changed. It was originally a debt collection expression that the Ran family owed him 8000 billion [-] million, and it instantly changed to Yang Bailao, who was oppressed by Huang Shiren and had nowhere to go.Facing the old matriarch, she was about to snot and burst into tears, "Madam Ran, you have to explain this to us."

Huang Qinying hurried forward to agree, matching Zhuang Youwan's bitterness and affection: "Yes, Mrs. Ran, this matter is Ran Xi's fault no matter what. The matter between our family Xiaoou and Ran Xi, then But Mrs. Ran made a promise before her life. But you say, this Ran Xi, if you don’t like it, don’t like it. Our family Xiaoou is also a reasonable person. Since you can’t get happiness by force, let’s let it go, we two are old I also respect Xiaoou's decision. Let's cancel this engagement. Besides, we Xiaoou have already made an engagement, but, you say this Ran Xi, what is he doing? As for forcing our family to Has it reached this point? You don’t even know that none of the company’s customers, no matter whether they are online or offline, dare to do business with our company. They all say that it was an order from Ran Xi. Old lady Ran, what do you say? Is he forcing us to die? He... he can't do things so badly, can he? Our family Xiaoou has voluntarily let go, where is he singing?"

(End of this chapter)

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