Wife stand at attention

253 Chapter 5 - I'll be the one

253 Chapter 5 - I'll be the one ([-])
The woman's whining and coquettish voice came from the room, and the man's comforting voice also came from the room.

Suddenly, Fang Ying pushed the door open and entered.

The bed, the big bed where she and Kang Shuo shared, a man and a woman were lying on it at the moment.Kang Shuo leaned against the back of the bed, the woman buried her head on his chest, her snow-white arms were exposed and wrapped around his neck.

When she saw the woman's face clearly, Fang Ying was furious!

Li Qingxue, it turned out to be Li Qingxue!

When Li Qingxue saw Fang Ying suddenly appearing at the door, she was taken aback.But it only took a second, pulled off the quilt covering her body, pulled it on her body, and yelled nonchalantly to Fang Ying who was at the door with bloodshot eyes: "Auntie."

When Kang Shuo saw Fang Ying, his body froze for a moment, and then he said angrily to her, "Get out!"

go out?

Fang Ying was once again angered by these two words!
This is her room, and the niece she has raised since she was a child is lying on her bed at this moment, sleeping with her man, but her man is going out on her!
Fang Ying was furious, stepped forward, and slapped Li Qingxue hard on the bed: "I feed you, clothe you, raise you up, and this is how you repay me? Ah! It's your uncle, your elder!"

Li Qingxue's face had five finger prints in an instant, tears of grievance welled up in her eyes, she stroked the cheek that Fang Ying had slapped in the face with one hand, and looked at Fang Ying like a little daughter-in-law: " Auntie, I..."

Fang Ying hit Kang Shuo like crazy, "Kang Shuo, are you still a person? Why did you treat me like this! I have nothing to say sorry to you. For 30 years, I have no complaints or regrets. Raising children for you, I serve my old mother for you. For you, I was bullied by Gu Meiyun all the time, why did you treat me like this! You watched her grow up, you said you treated her like a daughter , why can you even kill half of your daughter who you watched grow up! Why are you so shameless for killing the child in your own daughter-in-law's belly!"

Fang Ying yelled heart-piercingly, she had never felt so uncomfortable for a moment.

You lost the child in your daughter-in-law's womb!These words circled Kang Shuo like a curse, and the scene of Yang Yi falling down, the scene of Yang Yi bleeding, and the scene of Kang Qiao swinging his fist at him in the hospital could only be seen in his mind. The scene on the wall, and the five slaps that Gu Meiyun gave him in the hospital.

Kang Shuo was dazed, dazed, and suddenly felt completely unaware of what he had done.

"Auntie, I..." Li Qingxue looked at Fang Ying with eyes full of vicissitudes and grief, her hands tightly grabbed the corner of the quilt, and said timidly: "Auntie, can you go out first? I get dressed, can we talk again?"

Fang Ying glared fiercely at Li Qingxue, then at Kang Shuo, then turned and left the room.

As soon as Fang Ying went out, Li Qingxue burst into tears and looked at Kang Shuo like a song, "Uncle, what should we do? Auntie seems very angry. I... don't know, Auntie will be back at this time , I... I never thought about making my uncle responsible for me, everything is my own will."

With trembling hands, she put on her clothes one by one.

After Kang Shuo saw the pool of blood on the bed sheet, his eyes were fixed, and he made a decision, "Xue'er, don't worry, Uncle knows what to do, you go back first."

"But..." Li Qingxue paused for a moment, and showed him a careless smile: "I'm sorry, Uncle, it's all my fault. Then I'll go back first." After finishing speaking, she turned and walked out the door, but At the moment when she turned around, the corners of her lips rose again.

Fang Ying, I hate you!

Fang Ying was sitting on the sofa in the hall, and 10 minutes later, Li Qingxue came down the stairs neatly dressed, and walked towards the door with her head bowed in silence.

Fang Ying stood up from the sofa with a "chuckle", strode towards Li Qingxue, grabbed her hand, and pulled her straight to her car.

The big silver-gray Mercedes was driving on the wide road. Fang Ying held the steering wheel in her hand, stared straight ahead with her eyes, stepped heavily on the accelerator with her right foot, and the speed had already reached 180 yards per hour.

"Squeak—" After the car drove for more than half an hour, Fang Ying stepped on the brakes and stopped, "Get out of the car!"

Li Qingxue got out of the car, "Auntie, what do you want to say?" Leaning halfway on the door car, looking at Fang Ying with a half smile but not a smile, Li Qingxue was in a good mood.The bright street lamps shone on her cheeks, and the cold wind blew her long hair fluttering.Perhaps because she didn't wear enough clothes, her body was trembling slightly, her lips were bloodless, and her expression that seemed to be a smile was not a smile.At this moment, Li Qingxue looked a little ferocious.

Fang Ying stared at her bitterly: "I really didn't expect that I raised a white-eyed wolf! If I had known back then, I shouldn't have taken you in!"

"I knew it earlier?" Li Qingxue still looked at her with a smile that was not a smile: "There are too many things I knew earlier, Auntie, you can't be too greedy in life, you will always lose what you gain. You have gained so much Do you want to lose something too? You owe me this!"

"What do I owe you?" Fang Ying's eyes flashed with anger: "What do I owe you? I raised you so much, I gave you delicious food, I gave you delicious drinks. You have been like a parasite all these years." I rely on me to live in the Kang family. If it wasn't for your lack of self-discipline, would Cambridge not want you? You can't even beat Yang Yi, so what can you say that I owe you!"

Li Qingxue pursed her lips and sneered: "Kang Qiao? Auntie, you really speak better than you sing! Don't think I don't know what you're thinking, but you are the one who doesn't want me to be with Cambridge the last time, right? Your company, who will suffer the most? It is you! Kang Qiao is the heir designated by the old woman. As long as he takes over the company, will there still be a place for Kang Jian to gain a foothold in the company? You should thank me for giving Kang Qiao a knife back then. Let him run away from home and give up everything, and you will have everything today! But I regret it now, all this should be mine, why should I let you enjoy it! Why should I make a wedding dress for you! I I want to take back everything that belongs to me!"

Fang Ying looked at Li Qingxue in disbelief, did she know what she was talking about?
"Do you know what you're talking about? You gave Cambridge that knife on purpose?"

Li Qingxue's smile was strange: "Auntie, don't blame me, I'm just imitating you! People don't kill the world for themselves, people are, and I am too!" After finishing speaking, Fang Ying didn't wait for Fang Ying to react. Enter Fang Ying's car, start it, step on the accelerator, and drive away.Only Fang Ying stood there dumbfounded, unable to react at all, what happened.By the time she realized it, Li Qingxue had already disappeared somewhere in her car.On the wide road, the cold wind was blowing, but Fang Ying was helpless.

(End of this chapter)

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