Wife stand at attention

Chapter 266 Mrs. Please Be Your Husband First

Chapter 266 Mrs. Please Be Your Husband First (2)
"Half a woman" is enough for Yang Yi to know who the one calling Sao Bao is, who else can there be besides Ran Xiaobai?
"Saobao, let me tell you, my sister is not Ran Xiaobai's woman!" Yang Xiaoguai said righteously to Saobao.

Saobao was slightly taken aback, and then said to the third young master over there: "Hey, Xiaobai, half of your woman said she is not your woman, did you hear that?"

"Well, your Xiaobai is looking for you." While talking, he pointed to the mobile phone in front of him, motioning for her to answer the phone.

Yang Yi stared at him fiercely, took the high-end mobile phone in front of her, and said angrily, "What are you doing!"

"Yang Xiaoyi, have you eaten gunpowder? I haven't seen you for a few days, why are you so rushing! Come over with Saobao later, and I invite you to eat, drink, and have fun!" The third young master said that it was a Generous and forthright.

"I'm not free, I'll see the pregnant woman later!" Yang Xiaoguai obviously had no interest in what the third young master said about eating, drinking, and having fun, and she wanted to go see Yuefang now.

"What's the big deal, I'll accompany you, come here, come here, Yang Xiaoyi, I miss you. My brother was brutally slaughtered by Xiaoyecao some time ago, and the boy didn't help me, and he even made trouble. I'm still sad now." The third young master said that he was about to cry.

"Xiaobai, figure it out, is that your money? Isn't it the second young master and my brother-in-law's? The one that Xiaocao slaughtered was also her man's money, what a pity you are!" Obviously, Yang Xiaoyi is absolutely with Xiao Cao and Liuliu stand in a straight line, and they will never stand in a straight line with the third young master, and they will never show pity and sympathy for the third young master.

The third young master covered his heart in pain.

It is said that girls are extroverted, and it is true at all.The boy is like this, and now Yang Xiaoyi is also like this.Woohoo, he swears, he also wants to find a woman to be outgoing, otherwise he will lose money.Xiaocao crushed him to death in an hour, and he was fighting back!
In the end, after Sao Bao put Yang Yi down at the entrance of the mall, he asked again, "Are you going with me?" After getting Yang Yi's affirmative shake of his head, Sao Bao drove away in his own sports car.

Yang Yi picked out four sets of baby clothes from the maternity and baby counter in the shopping mall, two for men and two for women.Because I don't know whether Yuefang will have a boy or a girl, I simply bought both male and female baby clothes.Anyway, the design of this dress is relatively neutral, so it should be worn by both male and female babies.

I bought a few cans of milk powder for pregnant women for Yuefang, and when I was about to go to eat with the big and small bags, my phone rang.

Taking a look at the incoming call, it shows that it is Master Kang, pick it up, "Master Kang."

"Little boy, are you off work? Let's have dinner together." Mr. Kang's pleasant voice came from my ear.

The corners of Yang Xiaoguai's lips raised. Hearing what he meant, he must be downstairs in Ye's company, "Master Kang, your wife is unemployed, and from this moment on, I will depend on you to support her. May I ask Mr. Kang, do you support her?" No?"

Over there, Mr. Kang was stunned for a moment, and then asked, "Where is it?"

"Shengyuan Shopping Mall, I just bought some baby clothes..."

"Xiaoguai, don't think about the child, we will have it." Kang Qiao hurriedly interrupted Yang Xiaoguai's words. When he heard the baby's clothes, he subconsciously reminded him of the child Yang Yi lost.

"Master Kong is, what are you thinking? I just want to go to see Yuefang, and then I bought clothes for her baby. Don't worry, your wife and I are not so child-crazed. Anyway, Mrs. Ye It’s not far from Shengyuan shopping mall, so come here, I haven’t eaten yet, I happened to talk to you while eating, and then we went to see Yuefang.” Although the loss of the child hurts, but he always stands up, “I’m here The Jinxiu family next to you is waiting for you, let's order food first."

"it is good."

15 minute later.

When Yang Xiaoguai ordered the first dish——sheep sticks were served, Mr. Kang hurriedly walked up to Yang Xiaoguai with big strides.

"Hey, Mr. Kang, you came here at the right time. As soon as this dish was served, you were bubbling." Yang Xiaoguai held a sheep stick in one hand, and joked to Mr. Kang while gnawing on it indistinctly. , By the way, he brought a sheep stick to Mr. Kang.

When Mr. Kang was about to see the sheep stick she handed over, he frowned slightly, took it and put it on the plate in front of him, and didn't start eating.

"Master Kang, don't tell me, you don't eat mutton?" Yang Xiaoguai gnawed on the mutton, looked at Mr. Kang, and said inarticulately.

Kang Qiao smiled slightly, "Do you like it? Then eat more." After speaking, he thoughtfully put the sheep stick in front of Yang Xiaoguai.

Yang Xiaoguai gave him a look, and she said it nicely, obviously she didn't like it, but she said it as if she loved her so much.Well, it seems that Mr. Kang has done a good job of loving his wife, so there is nothing to say.Well, well, for the sake of loving your wife so much, I won't expose you.

So, Yang Xiaoguai showed a very caring smile to Mr. Kang with bubbling eyes, and said while gnawing: "Mr. Kang, your wife and I have just been failed. Please treat me this time."

"That's just right, you go back to the company to help mom..." Very smoothly, the word "Mom" came out of his mouth. Even he was startled by the word, and then looked at Yang Xiao with a little awkwardness. Guai said very coyly: "I mean...uh..." For a while, he couldn't find a suitable word to address Gu Meiyun.

The corner of Yang Yi's lips raised a slight smile, and she was very satisfied with the word "Mom" blurted out by Master Kang. Although at the moment, he looked a little awkward and unnatural, but it was enough to explain the relationship between their mother and son. There have been great improvements.

At this time, the waiter just brought a dish, Yang Xiaoguai picked up a lotus root clip with chopsticks and stuffed it directly into Kang Qing's mouth: "Master Kang, you have made progress, keep it up."

Master Kang chewed on the lotus root clip, and gave her a hard look.

Mrs. Kang just turned a blind eye and continued to nibble on the mutton in her hand: "What did you just say to go to the company to help mom? What's going on?"

Another group of mushroom stew is served.

Kang Qiao gave her a bowl, "Grandma left a will, the company will give it to me, and you and...she will take care of it."

Yang Xiaoguai choked slightly, and stared at him with wide eyes without blinking, "Mom and I? They won't get any points?"

Wouldn't that make them vomit blood with anger?


"Dinner, I'll go and see the sea and Yuefang later." Kang Qiao didn't want her to worry too much, he wasn't interested, but that didn't mean he could be manipulated by others.


Ke Lei sat on the bar counter, drinking wine glass after glass.Kang Mei sat beside him, watching him drink whiskey glass by glass like drinking plain water.

"Stop drinking, shall we go home?" Kang Mei said to Ke Lei almost in a begging tone, trying to snatch the bottle of whiskey from him.

(End of this chapter)

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