Episode 277
Kang Shuo took a deep breath, as if he was trying to gather courage, "What happened that day..."

Li Qingxue lowered her head slightly, with a shy look on her face, "I never blamed you, I did it voluntarily."

Kang Shuo's old eyes looked at her tightly: "No matter what, I should be responsible for you. It's just that I don't know if you are willing or not."

Said Qingxue smiled without saying a word.

"On the day when Gu Meiyun and I received the divorce certificate, I found out that the old lady had changed her will. Everything in the company will be inherited by Cambridge. Yes. The only thing left to me is the Kang family's villa, of course there are conditions, that is, I can't marry your aunt Fang Ying, I..."

"Pa—" Before Kang Shuo finished speaking, the coffee shop and the plate in Li Qingxue's hand slipped from her hand, and the coffee was all dripped on her long blue dress that day, her hands froze in mid-air, The whole person was completely unresponsive.

What did he just say?
He has nothing?Everything in the Kang family was left to Kang Qiao?The old lady changed her will before she died!So what is she doing all this for?In order to let him sleep in vain, there is nothing in the end?

All of a sudden, the person in front of Li Qingxuejue was so hateful, Ruo's wretched, Ruo's face was hideous!
Kang Shuo glanced at Li Qingxue who was completely unresponsive, and continued: "Uncle knows you are a good girl, it is Uncle who is sorry for you. If all you care about is money, then when I gave you money last time, you didn't I would refuse it without even thinking about it. So, I should give you an explanation, if you don't mind... let's go to the Civil Affairs Bureau now..."

Li Qingxue couldn't hear what he said at all, but could only see his opening and closing mouth, and his hateful old face.

"Boom—" Li Qingxue's eyes went dark, and Li Qingxue fell to the ground.


Gu Meiyun sat on a chair, staring straight at the three department managers standing in front of her.Three resignation letters were lying flat on her desk.

This is the third resignation letter she has received from an employee since she and Yang Yi took over the company ten days ago.For the first time, the two managers of the finance department and the personnel department handed in their resignation letters on the second day. The second time, the two managers of the design department and the business department handed in their resignation letters on the fifth day. Department, Merchandise Department and Transportation Department three managers.

Kang's company is neither big nor small. The whole company has about [-] employees, and the division of labor in each department is very fine.It has only been ten days since he took over the company, but the managers of seven departments have resigned. This is absolutely abnormal for a company.

Moreover, after each department manager offered to resign on the same day, he would not come to work directly the next day, and he was very generous to pay 20.00% of the annual salary as compensation according to the company's regulations.

You don't need to think about it, you can know whose idea it is.Who else but Kang Jian?
Gu Meiyun took three resignation letters, and folded them one after another and held them in her hands. At this moment, her eyes were extremely sharp, completely showing the temperament that belongs to a strong woman .

Pursing her lips, she looked at the three department managers standing in front of her with a vague but extremely stressful arc: "Do the three managers also want to tell me that today is the last day of work in my company? If you don’t come to the company, are you willing to compensate 20.00% of the annual salary according to the company’s regulations?”

"Sorry, Ms. Gu, my wife is due to give birth next month, and I have no choice but to resign from the company." One of them said to Gu Meiyun with a very apologetic expression.

Gu Meiyun pursed her lips and smiled, then turned to look at the other person beside her, "Manager Sun, what about you?"

Manager Sun straightened the tie around his neck: "My daughter said that she wanted to go to Hawaii. You see, it's almost winter vacation. I have been focusing on work for so many years and have no time to spend with my family. My daughter is very happy. It's a rare request for me, I don't want to let my daughter down."

Gu Meiyun nodded: "Well, Manager Sun is a good parent, your daughter must like you very much." After speaking, she continued to turn to the last person, and looked at him with narrowed eyes.

"My parents in my hometown are not in good health, and I want to do my best as a son of man."

"Pa-pa-pa!" Gu Meiyun clapped her hands, "Very good, as a son, a father, and a husband, the three managers are very beautiful! Don't worry, I have always been a very reasonable person. I have come this way. I am also a mother, and I have also been a wife. I understand your feelings very well. Don’t worry, I have approved your resignation letter. If there is nothing wrong, you can go back now and do your best. It's their respective responsibilities, anyway, I don't care about the half-day effort."

The three managers looked at Gu Meiyun with very strange eyes, then turned and left.

Gu Meiyun held the three resignation letters in her hand, and the corners of her lips curled into an unfathomable curve.

There was a knock on the door.


"Mom!" Yang Yi pushed the door open and walked towards her hurriedly.

The moment she saw Yang Yi, Gu Meiyun removed the deep curve of her lips, and showed her a gentle smile: "Xiao Yang, come and sit!" She pointed to the chair opposite her.

The moment she saw Yang Yi, Gu Meiyun removed the deep curve of her lips, and showed her a gentle smile: "Xiao Yang, come and sit!" She pointed to the chair opposite her.

"Mom, has another department manager offered to resign?" Yang Yi sat down on the chair opposite, and Gu Meiyun handed her a cup of hot tea.

"Well," Gu Meiyun nodded, "This time it's the customer service department, merchandise department, and transportation department. Then, the resignation letter is still here." As she spoke, she pointed to the three resignation letters that she had thrown aside.

Yang Yi put the tea cup in her hand aside, and said with a worried face: "Mom, this is the third time, and the managers of seven departments have resigned. We have only taken over the company for less than ten days, and there are only seven departments. The manager is gone, I'm afraid the employees below don't know what to think? I'm currently in charge of the finance department and the human resources department, but the managers of the other five departments are still vacant, which will directly affect the company's operations. Mom, what should we do next?"

Gu Meiyun took the teacup that was placed aside and took a sip, "It's expected. If they don't do this, it's still beyond my expectation. The next step is that the partner company proposed not to sign with us anymore. "

Yang Yi frowned, "I heard from some employees in the business department that the contracts with several factories are about to expire, so if they don't renew their contracts with us, where can we find them? Cooperative factory? And it seems that the batch of lighting decorations we signed with the seller will be delivered in two months. Mom, isn’t it obvious that Kang Jian is playing tricks on us? Then he will no longer sign a contract with us."

(End of this chapter)

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