Wife stand at attention

Chapter 296 Three 3s

Chapter 296 Three nine thousand nine hundred and nine hundred (1)
All the employees stared at the large electronic screen with envious and longing expressions.

"Wow, it turns out that the CEO is so poetic and picturesque. A woman will definitely agree to such a marriage proposal."

"Sure enough, real people don't show their faces, and those who show their faces are not real people! The second young master's high-profile marriage proposal live broadcast has already opened our eyes. I didn't expect the president's marriage proposal to be even better."

"Three nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine, it represents my love for you Sansei III, and my affection will not change! It is so touching and romantic! If a man proposes to me with 99 roses, I will be dizzy with happiness I really don't need three nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine!"

"Not only that, but also the flower path paved with rose petals, it's so fascinating."

All the female employees, whether married or unmarried, stared at the electronic screen with fascinated eyes.Expressed envy, jealousy and hatred to ING for Yang Liu who was proposed by the CEO.

Shi Xiaocao also looked at Willow on the electronic screen with an extremely envious expression, clenched her fists and lightly embraced her chest, and looked at the boss and Xiao Liu on the screen with fascinated eyes just like other women. "Wow, Liuliu is so happy, boss is so creative! Second young master, why didn't you even have a single rose when you proposed to me? Why did you only see Grandpa Mao in your eyes? I always thought The person who only smells of copper in his eyes or on his body should belong to a profiteer. Just like you, who is used to playing the heroic and narrow-minded person who is full of righteousness and the love master who is used to speaking tender and affectionate words, you shouldn't be very good. Are you experienced? Why don’t you even have a single flower? Look at the boss, what a big deal, three nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine plus a flower path paved with rose petals, how romantic and atmospheric, It smells like a marriage proposal. I'm really at a loss, I'm at a loss!"

Second Young Master: "..."

Speechless and unable to answer ING.

Shi Xiaocao, did I not prepare it for you, young master?Haven't prepared any flowers for you?Isn't romance ready for you?Don't you have the mood to propose?That's because you don't have the good fortune, okay?As soon as you hear that the diamond ring is worth [-] million, you just give me a dizzy look and don't care about anything, okay?Young master, everything I prepared is more romantic than the boss, okay?How lucky you are, to blame me here for the fact that my young master's marriage proposal is not as romantic as the boss's?
you you you……

The second young master has the intention that he is doing Fa-rectification if he wants to give Shi Xiaocao to him.But this woman was chosen by myself, so I can only bear her anger!
The third young master was sipping the red wine in the goblet in style, while admiring his eldest's marriage proposal very comfortably.

It seems that he was very correct in linking the scene of the marriage proposal directly to the big screen at the celebration banquet.Look, how many women are envious of the boy!I really didn't expect my boss to be so artistic, and he returned three buildings for thousands of nine hundred and ninety-nine!
Damn, boss, you are so talented!

As far as your proposal is concerned, if the boy still doesn't agree, I will be the first one to say no to you, sir!Even if it is a bet, the boy is still being held to the execution ground, er, no, it is not the execution ground, it should be the Civil Affairs Bureau!

The boss and little Liu Tiao at the scene of the marriage proposal had no idea that their scene had been broadcast live.

Yang Liu never thought that Ran Xi would really give her such a unique marriage proposal.In fact, the extraordinary marriage proposal she mentioned was just a talk, but she never expected that he would really give her a different marriage proposal.

The second young master is a three-year-old star, so there is no doubt about using a live broadcast of the premiere as a marriage proposal.The chief's brother-in-law is a soldier, so it is normal to give Comrade Yang Yi a soldier's wedding.But she never thought that her man would give her a marriage proposal full of flowers.Three nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine, twenty-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven, not counting the red roses that paved the flower path.

Xiao Liutiao felt dizzy and dazzled.But there was a warm electric current flowing from the bottom of my heart, and a feeling called flattery flowed all over my body from the head.

At the other end of the flower bed, Ran Xi held a microphone and looked at the little wicker at this end affectionately. The music TV was still singing (I want to marry you tomorrow): "The second hand and the minute hand are ticking in my heart, my eyes are twinkling It’s so empty. My heart is throbbing and throbbing. I ask myself how much I want you to love you, how impulsive I want to be with you, and my heart is throbbing up and down. Tomorrow I will Marry you Tomorrow I'm going to marry you, if the daily traffic doesn't disturb all my dreams. Tomorrow I'm going to marry you Tomorrow I'm going to marry you If you don't ask me If you don't persuade me. If it weren't for the right time for you to make my heart beat, open-air venue."

Everyone clapped rhythmically and shouted together: "Promise him, go over! Promise him, go over!"

After Yang Liu was stunned for 30 seconds, a faint smile finally appeared on the corners of her lips, and she moved her steps, walking towards the flower road covered with rose petals leading directly to Ran Xi.

The delicacy of red roses, the coquettishness of the blue enchantress, the purity of the perfume lily, the fragrance of flowers fills the room, and the flashing neon lights are matched with the god-like man.At this moment, Xiao Liutiao's heart was full of throbbing emotions, her heart was beating wildly "thumping" like a deer, and her eyes were full of things that were like gods. The man looked at her tenderly, with eyes as tender as water.

The dark purple evening dress, and the coquettish rose petals, accompanied by the colorful neon lights.At this moment, the little wicker is beautiful and moving. Walking on the rose petals, she is like a fairy walking out of a painting. Ran Xi looks at her like a dream, like a dream.

When Xiao Liutiao walked towards Ran Xi, Ran Xi put down the microphone in her hand and walked towards her.

In the open-air meeting place, all employees stared at the electronic screen with excited expressions.

When Yang Liu reached the tip of his heart, Ran Xi happened to reach the bottom of his heart.

Seeing those neatly arranged and charming blue enchantresses and perfume lilies, Yang Liu couldn't help but stop, and couldn't bear to take another step forward.Because if she took another step forward, she would destroy the delicate and charming blue enchantress and perfume lily.

Ran Xi paused slightly for two seconds standing in the heart, then continued to walk towards the sea of ​​flowers, and stretched out his pianist-like hands to the willow at the apex of his heart.After Yang Liuwei hesitated for two seconds, he also walked towards him.

When the two stood in the middle of the sea of ​​flowers, Ran Xi took Yang Liu's right hand with both hands.At some point, a diamond ring was added to his hand, and he raised his head slightly, with a sweet smile on his face, "Little Wicker, if you have walked the rose road, it means that you are willing to become Mrs. Ran! Put on this ring." After that ring, you will be worthy of the name Mrs. Ran!" After finishing speaking, before Xiao Liutiao could react, the shiny diamond ring was already securely worn on her ring finger.

(End of this chapter)

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