Wife stand at attention

Chapter 298 The In-Law and Brother-in-law Make a Marriage

Chapter 298 The In-Law and Brother-in-law Make a Marriage (1)
"Second brother, second sister-in-law, come on, it's your chance to perform!" The third young master greeted the second young master and Xiaocao with a playful smile, then took a big stride towards the stage, and took the The microphone spoke to the employees of Qianbaihao: "In the next time, please enjoy the tango song performed by our second young master and second young lady of the Ran family who are popular in the three worlds of video songs! Please..." Watching the second young master and Shi Xiaocao make a gesture of invitation in a gentlemanly manner.

With the "please" of the third young master, there was warm applause from the audience.

Shi Xiaocao glared at the third young master fiercely, with an expression of wanting to shoot him to death with his god.However, the third young master, whose skin is thicker than a toilet seat, completely ignored Shi Xiaocao's look at each other and showed her a super invincible and super Xiaobai smile, which was comparable to Zhou Xing's classic laugh.

The second young master shook his head helplessly, and with his arms around Xiaocao stepped onto the stage again.

The screen turned on again, but it was no longer the live broadcast of Boss Ran and Little Liutiao, but the live broadcast of Second Young Master and Shi Xiaocao.The corner of the third young master's lips curled up into a long and relieved smile.

some corner.

The two women held a goblet in each hand, filled with a small glass of red wine, and one of them was wearing a sky blue evening dress that reached the floor, with a sapphire necklace around his neck.One was wearing a knee-length moon-white lady's dress, and a pair of rivet shoes at least fifteen centimeters stomped hard on the ground, trying to make a small hole in the ground.

The two of them stared at the Ruoda electronic screen strangely and eeriely.

"Are you willing?"

"What do you think?"

"I'm not reconciled, and of course you won't be reconciled either!"

"Of course, all of this should belong to the two of us, but now we can only stand in an empty corner and look up at them in this way. Why? What's so good about them! I won't be reconciled, and I won't Just let it go! Just wait and see!" The woman raised her glass and drank the red wine in the glass, staring at the big electronic screen without blinking her gloomy eyes.

The other woman also raised her glass, drank half of the glass of red wine in one gulp, stared at the big screen with the same gloomy and strange eyes, and touched my empty tall glass with the empty goblet. Foot cup: "Happy cooperation!"

The sound of lightly touching the cups sounded again: "Happy cooperation!"

Function Room.

Ran Xi and Yang Liu are immersed in the sweet and happy sea of ​​flowers at the moment, and they don't know that at the celebration banquet in the open-air square, the third young master has already broadcasted the two of them live in front of thousands of Ran's employees.As Xiao Liutiao said, if he can't surpass the brother-in-law of the chief, he must surpass the second young master's live broadcast high-profile marriage proposal.So, can it still be as good as the second young master's proposal?

This is a single-family small villa, not very big, about a hundred square meters and two floors.The villa is surrounded by a two-meter-high fence, and a row of iron trees is placed in the courtyard.A black BMW off-road vehicle was parked beside the row of iron trees.

There is a half-foot-square crack in the vermilion door. A mahogany sofa is placed in the center of the living room. In front of the sofa is a transparent glass coffee table. On the coffee table is a box of cigars and a lighter.

On the large LCD TV directly opposite the sofa, the economic channel is broadcasting the development history of several large leading enterprises in Jing City.As one of the leaders in Jing City, Ran's is naturally one of the companies with a high rate of ratings.

Li Ran was sitting obliquely on the sofa, staring straight at the Ruoda TV two meters away, with her left hand resting on her lap, and her right hand flipping the phone over and over again.When the TV camera flashed Ran Xi's figure, there was an intriguing depth in her eyes, which looked slightly similar to the third young master's peach blossom eyes, and the corners of her curved lips curled into curves of different shades.It made her already unpredictable eyes even more profound.


Ran Xi!

She Saihua!
A disdainful cold snort came out of her nostrils, and a flash of hatred flashed across her eyes.

The right hand continued to play with the mobile phone, and the eyes that stared at the TV without blinking passed the TV to the calendar hanging on the wall, paused for three seconds, and then returned to the TV.At this moment, the heroic figure of Boss Ran still appeared on the TV.

"Squeak—" One meter away from the TV, a hidden door that was the same as the wallpaper on the wall opened.The man walked out in a coffee-colored nightgown, walked towards Li Ran, sat down on the sofa beside her, and put his legs on the tea table in front.Glancing at Ran Xi in the TV, she turned slightly sideways, and looked straight at her with complicated but deep eyes.He didn't speak, just looked at her straight and unblinking.

Li Ran didn't say a word, but he just looked at her like this, while her eyes continued to stay on the TV.The screen cuts and Ran Xi's figure disappears.

Huo Tianliang leaned back slightly, took the remote control placed on the coffee table and pressed it, turned off the TV and then threw the remote control to the side of the sofa, turned to look at her, but still did not speak.

Li Ran squinted at him, stood up from the sofa, and said a word coldly: "When will you go back?"

Huo Tianliang put his arms around his chest, staring straight at her with his falcon-like eyes, showing a cold smile that was half a smile: "Why do you expect me to go back so soon? I haven't even sat on my buttocks yet. , think I'm leaving?"

Li Ran turned around, and when she saw the half-smile on the corner of his lips, she raised a cold smile: "Secretary-General Huo is busy with work, and there are beautiful wives and children at home, how dare I let you Is Secretary-General Huo taking good care of me? I don't expect to be pointed and scolded by Mrs. Huo!"

Huo Tianliang pursed his lips and slightly tilted his head to look at her sideways. His eyes were so profound that it was hard to see what was going on in his heart.His smile gave people a creepy feeling, and his hands were still wrapped around his chest: "I heard you mean that you want to sit in the seat of my Mrs. Huo?"

Li Ran glared at him angrily: "How dare you!"

Huo Tianliang let go of his right hand around his chest, stroked his chin instead, and continued to look directly at Li Ran with his inscrutable eyes: "I don't think you will either! Li Ran, you know our relationship very well. You also know that it is impossible for me to get a divorce. You are a smart person, so you naturally know what you want and what you shouldn’t want. Don’t covet things that are not yours. You know my personality very well. I will ask about your past affairs. Don't even try to interrupt my family! A wife will always be a wife, and a lover can only be a lover!" Huo Tianliang looked at Li Ran's eyes without any affection, and his words were also without any affection.

Li Ran pursed her lips and smiled: "Forever?"

Huo Tianliang's face froze slightly, a little bit unnaturally, and even with a faint latent anger, "What do you want to say?"

(End of this chapter)

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