Wife stand at attention

Chapter 305 If you want to be a gun target, you can continue

Chapter 305 If you want to be a gun target, you can continue (1)
"What exactly do you want?" Li Qingxue stared at Kang Shuo fiercely and said.

Kang Shuo took a deep breath and said with some self-blame: "Xue'er, I don't want to do anything, I just don't want to watch you go wrong step by step. I know that the Kang family is sorry for you, and I am sorry for you. But, no matter No matter what, you shouldn't give up on yourself. You will only make others look down on you even more. Listen to your father and break up with that man. Dad will support you, really!" Kang Shuo was sincere and remorseful Said.

Li Qingxue sneered: "Raise me? What do you use to support me? You can't even support yourself, what do you use to support me? Do you have a share of the Kang family's money? Apart from that villa, you also have Do you have any other money? You keep saying you love me, why do you love me? You said that I would definitely be the daughter-in-law of the Kang family, and you said that the only one Kang Qiao could marry was me! What happened? You threw away a piece of money. Give me a check for 50! 50!" Li Qingxue yelled at him heartbreakingly: "I'm only worth 50 in your eyes! This is what you call loving me! I'm not as good as a You've only met Yang Yi a few times! Oh, no, I can't compare to Yang Yi as Yang Yongxin's daughter!"

"You said you hurt me like a daughter, would you sleep with your own daughter? Ah! Is this what you mean by loving me? Now that you know I'm your daughter, are you talking nonsense again? Then if I Is it not your daughter? What will you do? Do you continue to drag me to be your nameless mistress? Kang Shuo, let me tell you, I am not your daughter, don't give me a fucking fake here! You are just a bad old man with no money, a half-dead old man with half a foot in the loess, will my youth be lost on you?"

"No, Xue'er, listen to me, you are really my daughter, you and Kang Jian are twins..."

"Don't be so fucking naive!" Li Qingxue interrupted him with disdain: "I was born to Fang Ying, but not with you, but with another man! I am half married to Kang Jian." Blood relationship, but it has nothing to do with you! Fang Ying not only gave birth to me with another man, but also gave birth to another daughter with another man, but you didn't know it! You deserve to be a fucking green bastard! Please! Don't come to pester me again, I'm not interested in a half-dead old man like you! That night, it was just that I was fascinated by ghosts..."

Li Qingxue's words hit Kang Shuo hard, and he staggered violently, almost falling to the ground.He muttered to himself: "Isn't it my daughter? She was born with another man? There is another daughter? How is that possible?" Suddenly, as if thinking of something, she stood up and said to Li Qingxue: "Since you're not my daughter, it's even better, and I don't have to worry about this relationship anymore. I'm your first man, so I have the right to control you! I won't let you do anything wrong with me." Since that woman Fang Ying put on so many green hats for me, then it's up to you to take off these green hats for me!" After finishing speaking, he picked up Li Qingxue and left with lightning speed.

Li Qingxue directly pushed him to the ground with a backhand: "Are you mentally ill? Don't you like Yang Yongxin? You like her, go find her daughter! Go find Yang Yi! Go find her other daughter, I don't have time to go crazy with you!" After speaking, Kang Shuo, who turned around and didn't even look at him when he fell to the ground, walked straight towards his BMW.

Kang Shuo, who fell to the ground, looked at her back in a daze, suddenly lost his way.

Kang Mei followed Ke Lei's car all the way to the downstairs of the company, watching Ke Lei carry a small box into the elevator, and Kang Mei, who was sitting in the car holding the steering wheel, was a little confused.How come you came to the company?
Kang Mei has been sitting on the second floor of the coffee shop opposite the office building, looking directly at everything in the office building here.Today is the weekend, except for Ke Lei, few people entered the gate of the office building.Among the few people, there is not a woman, either the security guard of the property or the cleaning lady who goes in and out to clean.No matter how messed up Kang Mei is, no matter how high-spirited her mind is, it is impossible to think that the ones who have an affair with Ke Lei will be these aunts who hit the toilet.

After waiting for two hours, still no woman came.

A very familiar Yinzheng BMW drove into the parking lot of the office building.

Kang Mei's eyes lit up suddenly, this is Li Qingxue's car, she naturally recognized it.

Why did Li Qingxue appear here?

Suddenly, my heart was troubled.A bad premonition rose from the soles of his feet.

Suddenly, that familiar voice echoed in her ears.No wonder that voice is so familiar, it turned out to be Li Qingxue's voice!It turned out that the woman who had an affair with Ke Lei was actually her, Li Qingxue!

Naturally, Li Qingxue would not know that Kang Mei was looking directly at her in the opposite coffee shop, parked the car, locked the door and stepped into the elevator.

Kang Mei trotted out of the coffee shop quickly, a murderous look of anger flashed in her eyes.

very good!

Li Qingxue, since you grew up eating and living in our Kang family, using our Kang family, in the end, you turned out to be a white-eyed wolf!
In the elevator, Li Qingxue straightened her charming long hair in front of the mirror, revealing a charming smile.

The elevator stops on the fifteenth floor.

Li Qingxue rang the doorbell of the apartment.

Ke Lei, who was in a nightgown, opened the door. Before Li Qingxue could react, he was pulled into his arms and kissed her eagerly and rudely.

Li Qingxue's whole body was half hung on his body, and she half pushed and said in a snarky voice: "Why are you so impatient? Didn't you say that you have something to tell me? What is it?"

Ke Lei lit a fire on her body with one hand, and looked at her with fascinated eyes: "Didn't you say you miss me? Aren't I answering your request?" The other hand took advantage of her not paying attention. , dialed Kangmei's mobile phone with Li Qingxue's number.

The elevator opened, and Kang Mei just stepped out of the elevator, took out the company key from her bag and was about to open the door, when the phone in her bag rang.

While opening the company door, he took out his mobile phone from his bag and glanced at the caller ID, Li Qingxue.

When seeing the three words Li Qingxue, Kang Mei paused slightly when she opened the door, and at the same time the company's door opened.Kang Mei couldn't figure out why Li Qingxue would call her cell phone at this time.

The company was quiet, all the windows were closed, and there was no trace of anyone coming.While looking around the small company, he pressed the answer button. Just when he opened his mouth to speak, Li Qingxue's voice came: "Are you serious? Do you really want to divorce her?"

Li Qingxue's voice on the other side of the phone was a little panting, a little coquettish, a little soft, and even a little dissatisfied with desire, and there was a faint knocking sound.

(End of this chapter)

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