Wife stand at attention

Chapter 314 The Lover's Injury

Chapter 314 Valentine's Day Injury (1)
With a big stride, he walked from the end of the bed to the head of the bed, looking down at Li Qingxue, and a sarcasm came out of her mouth: "Is it because there are no men in this world or are you really lacking men to this extent?" Are you so shameless that you even snatched your sister's man?"

Li Qingxue opened her eyes and stared at her coldly: "I'm sorry, I was born in the womb! I even stole your man!"

"You—" Fang Ying was so angry that she couldn't utter a word, and her face turned blue and white alternately, "Why don't you just die?"

"Dead?" Li Qingxue sneered, her voice was weak and weak: "I'm dead, your daughter will pay for her life! I won't die so easily, you haven't paid me back what you owe me, how could I Let yourself die?"

"Li Qingxue, what do I owe you?" Fang Ying glared at her.

"You owe me two lives!" Li Qingxue gritted her teeth and squeezed through the gaps between her teeth: "You don't have to give birth to me, but you shouldn't let me kill my parents for yourself! I always thought I owed you What a great favor, but it turns out that you owe me two lives! So, as long as I don't die, I will make you pay back everything you owe me!"

Fang Ying took two steps back and looked at her in disbelief: "How is it possible? How did you know? How did you know?"

Li Qingxue pursed her lips and sneered: "How would I know? I also knew that you had a daughter with another man. In order not to let others know, you repeated the old tricks. I also know who your daughter is! So, Fang Ying, just wait, you will die a terrible death!" After speaking, she closed her eyes again, not paying attention to Fang Ying who was in a panic.

Wedding photography shop.

Yang Liu was sitting in front of the dressing table, and the makeup artist was putting on her makeup.Xiao Liutiao felt very awkward, a plum red embroidered cheongsam was placed on the long white jade table in front of her at the moment.Originally, I was going to change into a cheongsam and then put on makeup, but Comrade Yang Liu has never worn a skirt, let alone a cheongsam since he entered the military academy.Oh, no, Ran's celebration banquet was the day the boss proposed, and the little wicker had already worn a long skirt.

But now, Little Wicker is twitching, facing the devil's training, she didn't blink her eyes.But now, facing this cheongsam with high slits, she is timid and cowardly.

He was still wearing his own T-shirt and denim.

After the makeup was done, Yang Liu sat in front of the mirror, looking at the shadow printed in the mirror that she couldn't even recognize as her, looked down at the denim T-shirt she was wearing, and then at the plum red cheongsam , the little wicker got tangled up.

If I had known earlier, I would not have agreed to take wedding photos with him. I might as well be more comfortable in military uniform.This is simply suffering!
Ran Xi was sitting on the sofa, flipping through the magazine with her head down, the moment she inadvertently raised her head, she met her tangled eyes.

Putting down the magazine in her hand, Ran Xi stood up from the sofa and walked towards Yang Liu, waving to the makeup artist to signal her to go out.Naturally, the make-up artist turned around and went out with good eyesight, and kindly closed the door behind her.

Sitting sideways on the table, looking down at Yang Liu condescendingly, stroking his chin with one arm around his chest, smiling without saying a word.

Xiao Liutiao looked up at him, pointed to the cheongsam with high slits: "Did you pick it?"

The boss nodded.Xiao Liutiao shook her head speechlessly, hey, eyes, eyes, nothing to say.

The phone on the table rang, Yang Liu took the phone and looked at the caller ID: Aunt Li?

Yang Liu was slightly puzzled, Aunt Li?
I haven't contacted her for a long time, why did she call her cell phone all of a sudden?
Press the answer button: "Aunt Li, hello!"

Li Ran's voice came from beside her ear: "I'll be waiting for you for half an hour in front of Yang Yongxin's tomb!"

The expression on Yang Liu's face was beyond surprise. How could she know her mother?You said it was in front of my mother's grave?what happened?

"Aunt Li, what happened? I..."

"I said, wait for you in front of Yang Yongxin's tomb for half an hour!" Li Ran interrupted Yang Liu's words sharply, "Also, I don't want to see irrelevant people. I don't want to see you after half an hour. I know what I will do!" After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

"Hello...Hello..." Yang Liu whispered into the phone, but only heard the busy tone.

"What's the matter?" Ran Xi asked, looking at her.

"Sorry, I have something to go out for a while." Yang Liu looked at him very apologetically and said.

"Where are you going? I'll take you there." Ran Xi is a very measured person, and of course she also knows that Yang Liu is also a very measured person. If it's not very important, she wouldn't say she wants to leave at this time of.

Yang Liu shook her head, "No need, I can handle it myself, but your good intentions today may be in vain."

"Then let's do it next time." He patted her on the shoulder and said.


Li Ran was standing in front of Yang Yongxin's tomb wearing a black suit. A pair of sunglasses covered most of her face. The very glaring sunlight shone directly on her body, reflecting an even more glaring reflection on the sunglasses.

On the tombstone, in the photo, Yang Yongxin's smile is as gentle as a spring breeze.

Li Ran reached out to take off her sunglasses, her eyes were gloomy, she stared directly at Yang Yongxin in the photo like a cold glow, with a weird smile on her lips: "This is the second time I have come to see you since I came back. How about it, is it surprising that I will come to see you again? Of course, I didn’t even think that I would come to see you! Don’t worry, I’ll let you watch the show in a while. What you and Huo Tianliang have done to me Pain, I will return it to your daughter countless times!"

It took Yang Liu only 10 minutes to arrive at the cemetery.

Parked the car and went straight to Yang Yongxin's tomb.From a distance, she saw Li Ran standing in front of the tomb, striding towards the tomb: "Aunt Li, what do you want from me?"

Hearing the sound, Li Ran turned around and looked directly at Yang Liu with a gloomy face. Her eyes were like a sharp knife cutting Yang Liu, and there was a ghostly strangeness all over her body.There was a faint smile on her face, trembling: "Yes, I'm looking for you."

Facing Yang Yongxin's tomb, Yang Liu bowed three times, "Do you know my mother?"

Li Ran showed a cold smile again: "What is your relationship with Ran's family?"

"Ah?" Yang Liu turned his head and looked at her in confusion.

"Is Ran Xi your boyfriend? Are you planning to get married?" Li Ran's gloomy eyes stared at her without blinking.

"If you have something to say, you don't need to beat around the bush. I don't like turning around, and I don't like making friends with people who don't understand." At this moment, if Yang Liu can't feel her unfriendliness and hostility, it will be in vain. She claims to be as sharp as a military dog.

(End of this chapter)

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