Wife stand at attention

Chapter 327 It's Not a Problem

Chapter 327 It's Not a Problem (1)
Could it be that the old lady has something to do?
This was the most likely thought that Maureenlin thought of when she saw Yang Liu standing in front of her.

One quickly picked up the landline on Maureen Lin's desk, trying to call Ran Xi's cell phone.

"Liu Liu, use this one, that one is an inside line, you can't call an outside line." Mo Linlin took another microphone and handed it to Yang Liu.

Yang Liu quickly changed the microphone, and dialed the boss's cell phone number very skillfully.

At the gate of the military area, Ran Xi was waiting for Jian Bojun when his cell phone rang.

Picking up the phone, seeing that it was from the company, he frowned in displeasure, "Say, what's the matter!" His voice was stern with displeasure.

"Where are you?" Yang Liu's voice came from beside my ear.

"Little Wicker?" It seemed a little disbelieving, "Why are you in the company?"

Could it be that she was looking for him?

Thinking like this, the unhappy and gloomy mood was swept away.

"Where are you? Is the prince busy?" Yang Liu's thoughts were very consistent with Ma Linlin's.

In her perception, Ran Xi was always a very rational person, and it was absolutely impossible for her to leave the company's senior executives behind and slam the door for such an important meeting.Unless something happened to the family.

The second young master is flying to Japan with Shi Xiaocao, and Ran Xiaobai is even more impossible, so the only possible one is Taijun.

"I'm at the gate of your military region, why am I leaving all of a sudden?"

It turned out that he left the meeting for her sake!Suddenly there was such a trace of joy in her heart, and a firm belief suddenly emerged in her mind, no matter what the woman said was true or false, she decided not to leave him again.

"I don't want to leave now, I'll wait for you in your office, I have something to tell you." There was a touch of firmness and expectation in her voice.

"Wait." After hanging up the phone, he realized that Jian Bojun was already standing outside his car.

Ran Xi rolled down the car window and glanced at Jian Bojun standing outside the car.

"If you don't mind, I want to chat with you. Yang... Staff Officer should be in your company now." He originally wanted to call him Yang Liu, but he felt that the title of Staff Officer Yang was more suitable to be mentioned in front of Ran Xi.

He does not deny that he has a good impression of Yangliu, but he also firmly believes that love is a matter between two people, and the love of one person is not called love.Therefore, he is willing to bless them.

Loving someone is not necessarily possession.Seeing her happy makes him happy, that's true.He can do it.

Furthermore, the relationship between him and Yang Liu has not reached the level of love, at most it is a kind of sympathy between soldiers and comrades-in-arms.

Yes, both he and Yang Liu are persistent and firm, and they are more suitable comrades-in-arms and friends, and they can talk about everything.But if they really become a couple, he is sure that they will not get along as well as they do now.

Some people, you can be a lifelong friend and confidant, but you can never develop into a couple.He and Yang Liu are such two people.

Ran Xi's Bugatti Veyron was driving on the spacious road, and the green belts and trees on both sides of the road moved back rapidly, and row after row disappeared from the car window.

Ran Xi held the steering wheel with both hands, her eyes were gloomy.

Jian Bojun's voice still echoed in his ears: Mr. Ran, as an outsider, I shouldn't have interfered in the matter between you and Staff Officer Yang.However, whether as her friend or as her boss, I think I should tell you.Maybe you will say that I am a big man who meddles in other people's business, but I really don't want to see me, who was originally a high-spirited warrior, become an ostrich who escapes when things happen.Of course, every time she becomes an ostrich, it must be related to you, and it is the same today.She is like a hedgehog, covered with thorns for self-protection. In fact, she needs your protection more.

you like her?

This is a very direct question Ran Xi asked after listening to Jian Bojun's words.

However, Jian Bojun just pursed his lips and gave a relieved smile, and said unabashedly: Naturally, there is a little bit of liking, but not love.Of course, this love is more of a sympathy between comrades in arms.I think, I should spend no less time with her than you, so I don't know her less than you.But you can rest assured that I will not be an obstacle or barrier between you.That's all I want to say. As for her abnormality or other things today, she should tell you by herself.I think that any problem can be solved.

Jian Bojun's words were just to the point, but he was clearly telling him that something unusual must have happened to her abnormality today.Moreover, Jian Bojun already knew about this matter, but he didn't.

Is it because he is not worthy of her trust or is there another reason?

He chose the latter.

Of course he knew that Little Wicker's anomaly was related to the woman named Li Ran whom he met yesterday.

Li Ran, Li Ran!
Why did he find this name so familiar?Where did I hear it?
Li Ran... Ran... Ran Li?
Could it be her?
He took the mobile phone and dialed Tian Kun's mobile phone.

Tian Kun quickly connected the phone: "Boss."

"Do you have a photo of Li Ran?" Straight to the point.


"Send me your phone."

Five seconds later, a photo of Li Ran was sent to Ran Xi's phone.

Looking at Li Ran in the photo, Ran Xi frowned into the word "Chuan".

This is Li Ran's current photo. Ran Li left Ran's family 25 years ago. At that time, he was only five years old, Ran Xu was only two years old, and Ran Ning was not born yet.Therefore, he really couldn't recall Ran Li's appearance 25 years ago from his mind.The fastest way is to go home directly and find Ran Li's photo.

Call Maureen Lin.

"Hello, President Ran's Office." Mo Linlin's professional voice came with a sweet voice.

"Let Yang Liu answer the phone." Based on his understanding of Yang Liu, she must be mixed with Maureen Lin's group of secretaries at this moment.

Sure enough, Maureenlin directly handed the microphone to Yang Liu who was sitting across from her and was holding the CEO's hand and playing military games: "Liu Liu, Mr. Ran is on the phone."

Yang Liu put down the mouse in his hand, took over the microphone: "What's the matter?"

"I'm not going back to the company, I'm going home directly. Is there any problem with driving home by yourself? No, I'd better find someone to take you home and let Maureen listen to the phone." Normally, he wouldn't ask such a question, But it's different now, she is a pregnant woman, so he is naturally worried about her driving alone.

"Did you take the wrong medicine? Is there any problem if I drive home by myself? All right, I'll come down and go home now." After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone and said to Maureen and the others: "Sister, I'm going back first, and I'll see you next time."

(End of this chapter)

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