Wife stand at attention

Chapter 329 It's Not a Problem

Chapter 329 It's Not a Problem (3)
Taijun clapped his hands and applauded, "Yes, yes! I love to hear that!" Looking at Yangliu's belly, the smile on her face couldn't be concealed, and she pulled her to sit on the sofa, "Tell Taijun how long gone?"

Yang Liu bit her lower lip lightly, and stretched out two fingers to Taijun.

The Taijun smiled, and his eyes became a slit: "Two months? Oh, my precious golden egg, in another eight months, I can hold my great-grandson. Hahaha..."

Yang Liu shook her head, continued to bite her lower lip, and there was a mist in her eyes, "Taijun, I don't know if I should have this child, can I..."

"I can, I can, why can't I!" Taijun answered naturally, but suddenly he seemed to understand something, he was startled for a moment, and the smile on his face froze instantly.Looking at Yang Liu with a blank face, he finally stopped his gaze on her stomach: "What... what do you mean?"

Aunt Gui, who was standing behind the Taijun, also froze, looking at Yang Liu in a bewildered state, "Eldest young mistress, why...why do you say that?"

Yang Liu took a deep breath, with a painful expression on her face, "Taijun, do you have a daughter named Li... called Ran Li?"

Taijun's stiff body suddenly shook, "Lili? Granddaughter-in-law, have you seen her?"

Although I didn't hear Taijun answer "yes" personally, this question is enough to answer her question, that is, "yes".

Yang Liu nodded, her hands tightly twisted together, "She came to me yesterday and told me that I was her daughter. She said that she was the daughter of the Ran family, and she said... Ran Xi and I are cousins , she said, it is impossible for us. So, I don’t know if I can have this child. My mother never told me..."

"Hahaha..." Taijun suddenly laughed, and following Taijun's big laugh, Aunt Gui also pursed her lips and smiled.

"What... what's wrong?" Yang Liu felt a little baffled by their smiles.

After laughing, Taijun patted the back of her hand lightly: "Daughter-in-law, let Taijun tell you this, regardless of whether your mother told you about it or not. It doesn't matter whether you are Lili's daughter or not. Even if you are really her daughter, it will not have any influence on you and Xi. Of course you can have a child, this is my precious great-grandson, how can you not want it? I hope that this great-grandson will have a long neck Now, then, if you don’t believe me, look.” As she said, she raised her neck to Yang Liu, to show that she really had a long neck.

Yang Liu looked at the Taijun with a dull face, not understanding what she meant at all.

What do you mean, even if she is really Li Ran's daughter, it won't have any effect on her Ran Xi?If she is really Li Ran's daughter, then she and Ran Xi are really cousins, so can they still do it?

"Taijun, what do you mean?"

"it means……"

"Taijun." Ran Xi hurriedly walked towards Taijun and Yang Liu.

"Eldest young master is back."

"Xi is back."

Taijun and Aunt Gui smiled and said to Ran Xi at the same time.

Ran Xi walked up to Yang Liu, looked at Taijun and asked, "Taijun, are the photos of our childhood in your room?"

Taijun looked at him puzzled: "Xi, why are you looking for photos from your childhood?"

Ran Xi took Yang Liu's hand and said to Taijun: "Taijun, I will talk to you later. Come with me, I have something to tell you." Pulling Yang Liu to stand up from the sofa, she wanted to Head for the stairs.

"Xi, be careful, take it easy, grandson's daughter-in-law is a healthy person." Taijun was worried.

"Taijun, don't worry, I know."

"When did you know?" Yang Liu asked with a puzzled expression.

Ran Xi turned around, staring at Yang Liu who looked surprised and stunned, her big warm palm held her slightly cool little hand, her thin lips slightly raised, and she spoke round and clear: "This morning."


Could it be when he went to the bathroom?
Could it be that he saw the pregnancy test stick she hid?
OK, now this is not the most important.The most important thing is what Taijun said just now.

"Xi, sit down." Taijun patted the sofa beside him and said to Ran Xi.Then he pointed to the little wicker, "The granddaughter-in-law is also sitting," and turned to Aunt Gui, "Guixiang, go to my room and bring that photo album."

Aunt Gui nodded: "Understood, Taijun."


As soon as the boss opened his mouth, Taijun waved his hand at him, "Xi, Taijun knows what you want to ask, and probably knows what you want to do with your childhood photos. I was talking about this issue with my granddaughter-in-law just now. Then just in front of the two of you, solve the problem together."

Xiao Liutiao looked at Taijun and then at the boss in confusion, as if she could understand what Taijun said, but she didn't seem to understand.In short, at this moment, Yang Liu's face showed a look of vague understanding, but he also wanted to know the specific situation abnormally.

Ran Xi glanced at Taijun, then at Yangliu.Then he pulled Yang Liu and sat down beside Taijun.

The third young master didn't know when he was curled up on the single sofa opposite.Because the whole person was shrunk into a ball and nested, so baby Miaomiao didn't realize that he was hiding here at all.

After a while, Aunt Gui came to Taijun with a thick photo album.

Taijun took the photo album and opened one of the pages. The third young master nestled on the sofa had sharp eyes and called out directly: "Taijun, isn't this woman the so-called aunt you told me about a while ago?"

Baby Miaomiao's joyful voice came from the doorway, accompanied by clapping of hands: "Oh, third uncle, you are finished, you can go to the pool and swim back and forth twice!"

Third young master: "..."

When Ran Xi's eyes caught sight of the almost yellowed photo of Ran Li in the photo, her brows furrowed into lines.

Taijun pointed to Ran Li in the photo, and said to Yang Liu, "Is she the one looking for you?"

Yang Liu carefully looked at Ran Li in the photo, although she has indeed changed a lot from the current one in the photo, her eyes have not changed at all, just like the peach blossoms of the third young master, so chaotic .

Yang Liu nodded.

Taijun handed the photo album to Aunt Gui, and patted the back of Yangliu's hand lovingly: "Don't worry, she is not my own, but adopted. So even if you are really Lili's daughter, Hexi has nothing to do with you." They are related by blood, so...are you at ease?" Taijun's smiling eyes fell on Yangliu's stomach again.

The third young master suddenly put a handsome face in front of the boss, "Boss, let me tell you, be careful with this woman, maybe there will be something wrong with her. Anyway, I don't like this so-called aunt very much. Look at her... The look in the eyes, that expression is completely coveted by Dad. Of course, boy, don't worry, whether you are her daughter or not, our relationship will not change. Don't worry, don't worry!"

(End of this chapter)

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