Wife stand at attention

Chapter 352 You Are Really Promising

Chapter 352 You Are Really Promising (2)
Yang Yi stood up with some difficulty, pursed her lips and smiled at the old man: "Thank you, grandpa, I... I'll go back now."

"Here, take the umbrella. It's raining." The old man kindly handed the umbrella to Yang Yi.

Yang Yi declined: "No need, Grandpa, you can use it yourself."

The old man himself only had this umbrella. If she used it, what would he do?
The old man smiled, as if he saw what she was thinking: "Don't worry, grandpa lives here..."

Yang Yi's eyes widened, and she looked at the old man in disbelief...

The old man pointed to a hut not far ahead, "Grandpa is the caretaker of this cemetery, son, where are you going!"

Yang Yi smiled embarrassingly.

In the end, after the two shared an umbrella and sent the old man to the hut, Yang Yi held the umbrella and thanked the old man again before leaving the cemetery.

It was already dark, and Yang Yi was holding an umbrella and walking on this strangely sparsely populated and quiet road. Because her clothes were all wet, she suddenly shivered.

Crossroads, red lights.

Yang Yi stopped and looked ahead in a daze.There were only a few vehicles passing by, which formed a very sharp contrast with the urban area of ​​Jing City.

It's not very easy to stop a car here, so I don't want to bother to stop a car.What's more, she hasn't recovered from the trance at all.

A dazzling light shone, and she couldn't open her eyes.Subconsciously, she reached out to cover her eyes, but the car stopped in front of her.

An anxious and worried Kang Qiao got out of the car, and when he saw Yang Yi, a relieved smile appeared on his face, "What happened? Why did you turn off your phone and stay in front of Mom's grave until now?"

Reaching out his hand and taking out the phone from his pocket, he looked down and saw that the phone was turned off.He smiled apologetically at him: "It's out of power, it's turned off. I don't even know it myself."

"Get in the car," opened the car door, let her get in the car, glanced at her soaked clothes, and frowned.

Yang Xiaoguai got into the car without making a sound, and sat on the passenger seat like a puppet, still holding the mobile phone he took out of his pocket.

Kang Qiao got into the car, took a deep look at the silent Yang Xiaoguai, stretched out his hand to untie her coat, then took off his own coat, put it on her, and turned up the temperature of the air conditioner in the car a little.

Although now he wants to know what happened, but looking at her wet hair and clothes, he just wants to go home early and let her change out of this wet clothes.

When the two arrived home, Ran Xi was waiting for her with Yang Liu.

"Old sister, what's the matter with you, where are you going? You are so anxious!" Seeing Yang Yi, Yang Liu asked anxiously.

Yang Yi still didn't have too much expression, put the mobile phone in her hand on the coffee table, and said mechanically to Yang Liu: "I'm going to take a bath." After finishing speaking, she ignored anyone and went straight to the direction of the bathroom go.

"Hey, Comrade Yang Yi!" Yang Liu called out to her back.

"Since it's all right, let's go back too." Ran Xi held Yang Liu and smiled at Cambridge.

Cambridge smiled back, "I'm sorry to bother you."

The boss nodded slightly, put his arms around Yangliu, "Let's go, I have work tomorrow, go back and rest early." Pointing to her stomach, "He will be if you are not tired."

Yang Liu turned her head and looked in the direction of the bathroom with some anxiety, and said to Cambridge, "Brother-in-law, ask her what's going on."

Cambridge nodded.

The boss returned with Yang Liu.

Seeing that Yang Yi had returned, Gu Meiyun also went back to her room opposite.

At this time, it is natural to leave time and space for the young couple.

Yang Xiaoguai went into the bathroom empty-handed, and didn't change her clothes at all.When Kang Qiao opened the door of the bathroom with a set of nightgowns, he saw Yang Xiaoguai standing outside the bathroom, still wearing her wet clothes, looking up and staring at him unblinkingly. incandescent lamps on the ceiling.Her expression was a little dazed, a little bewildered, and a little dazed, as if she couldn't find her target at all.

Put the nightgown in his hand on the towel rack, put his hands around her body, and let her face him, "Tell me, what happened?"

Kang Qiao's voice brought Yang Yi, who was in a daze, back to her senses, but her eyes still didn't have any sparks, and she glanced at him with a faint look, "I'll take a shower first." After speaking, he pulled away the hands clasping her arms, and opened the glass. Open the bathroom door, and open the flower wine.I didn't know whether I turned on the cold water or hot water, so I just let the water under the flower wine wash at me, and I didn't even take off my clothes.

Seeing her distraught appearance, Cambridge took a long breath and opened the glass door, only to find that the water under the Huajiu wine was icy cold water.One quickly turned off the flower wine, and Cambridge yelled: "Yang Xiaoguai, can you tell me what the hell is going on! Did you ignore what I said last time? Ah!"

Kang Qiao's roar completely woke up Yang Xiaoguai, who was in a trance, and Yang Xiaoguai's body trembled. It was not known whether it was because of the cold or because of the shock of Kang Qiao's roar.All of a sudden, Yang Yi hugged him around his neck with both hands, "Wow—" she burst into tears.

This was the first time Kang Qiao saw Yang Xiaoguai crying since he met her.Holding her in one hand, patting her back with the other, his tone became gentle again: "Tell me, what happened?"

Yang Yi stopped crying, but she was still sobbing a little. Standing upright from his arms, she reached out and wiped the tears on her cheeks, "I'm a little cold, take a hot bath first."

"Yang, Xiao, be good!" Kang Qiao gritted his teeth and squeezed out his teeth.

In the end, it was Cambridge who compromised. As long as she was wearing wet clothes like this, if she didn't take a hot bath, she would catch a cold.

Yang Yi was taking a hot shower in the bathroom, and Kang Qiao went out of the bathroom to cook ginger soup in the kitchen.

Fifteen minutes later, Yang Xiaoguai came out of the bathroom wrapped in a thick nightgown.

Cambridge handed a bowl of ginger soup in front of her: "Drink the ginger soup." He said and put a coat on her body.

"Oh." After taking the ginger soup, Yang Xiaoguai held it in both hands and drank it incessantly.

After she finished drinking the ginger soup, Cambridge patted the sofa: "Sit down, can you tell me what happened now?"

Yang Xiaoguai looked down at him, obediently sat down on the sofa beside him, bit her lower lip, as if she was thinking about how to start the conversation. Two minutes later, Yang Yi took a deep breath and closed her eyes: "I was not born to my mother."

With his arms folded around his chest, Cambridge listened carefully to what she said.

(End of this chapter)

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