Wife stand at attention

Chapter 354 Asking for trouble

Chapter 354 Asking for trouble (1)
After searching for a long time, I couldn't find any information about the man in front of me.So he looked at the man with blank eyes, pointed to himself and then to the man opposite: "I...you know me?"

The man let go of the woman in his arms, took two steps closer to Shi Xiaocao and the second young master, smiled at Shi Xiaocao who looked dazed, "You are really Xiaocao, I thought I had mistaken someone. I haven't seen you in 16 years, you still haven't changed at all, you look exactly like when you were a child, with a round face, big eyes and two small dimples."

Shi Xiaocao was even more confused, staring at the man standing in front of her with wide eyes without blinking, then turned to the second young master after five seconds, and asked sullenly: "Second young master, my face is very round Is it?" As he asked, he stretched out his hands and stroked his cheeks.

"Haha..." The man smiled lightly, and after laughing, he rolled up the sleeve of his right hand to Shi Xiaocao.

"What do you want to do?" Shi Xiaocao looked at him warily, as if the man rolled up his sleeves to hit her.

Of course, the second young master subconsciously held her in his arms, and looked at the man with a look of "whatever you want, believe it or not, this young master asked you to walk out of the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau".

The man pursed his lips and smiled, and stretched his right wrist in front of Shi Xiaocao, "Then, do you still remember this tooth mark?"

Shi Xiaocao rubbed her eyes, then looked at the row of tooth marks on the man's wrist, six on the bottom, four on the top... er, four, and no two in the middle.Because at that time, she happened to be changing her teeth, and the two upper front teeth fell out and hadn't grown out yet.Because she has no front teeth, she can't speak correctly, so some children in the village who are slightly older than her make fun of her, saying that her speech is broken.Then again, she got angry, and regardless of 32, she casually grabbed someone's arm and bit down hard.After I finished biting, I realized that this person... er, didn't mention the sound of her talking and breaking the door.And then, she, who did something wrong, "chucked away" and disappeared.And then, it was her father who escorted her to the door to apologize to others.

Could it be that the man in front of her is the one whose wrist was bitten by her once like a puppy... er... stuttering?

It seems that later, the two of them became good friends.Because of her broken speech, he stuttered.So this is called "birds of a feather flock together"?
"You..." Shi Xiaocao looked at the man in disbelief, "Big stutter?"

As soon as the words "big stutter" came out of Shi Xiaocao's mouth, a smile flashed across the man's face, but he immediately blushed shyly, and nodded to show that he was the "big stutter" in her mouth. Big stutter".

"Hey, why don't you stutter now?" Shi Xiaocao patted him on the shoulder very loyally.

The man scratched his short hair naively, "Well, stop stuttering."

Shi Xiaocao pointed to the smiling woman who had been standing behind him, "Why don't you introduce me? You stuttered."

The man suddenly realized, and pulled the woman beside him, "My fiancee, Hong Min, came here to register today."

Shi Xiaocao put a proud shoulder on the second young master, and said to the man, "My husband, Ran Xu. We just registered." Then he stretched out his right hand to Hong Min, "Shi Xiaocao, I have been with your man since we were young. I grew up. But don't worry, we have no affair."

Hong Min stretched out his right hand and shook hands with Shi Xiaocao. He pursed his lips and showed a decent smile: "Of course, I'm the only one in this world who can fall in love with him."

The second young master extended his right hand towards him, "Ran Xu."

The man stretched out his right hand to shake hands with the second young master: "Time mark."

The second young master withdrew his right hand, hugged Shi Xiaocao naturally, and said politely to Shi Guangguang: "Then don't disturb the two of you who are doing business. Next time, find a time to sit down and have a cup of tea together, as a thank you for your previous treatment." The care of my little grass."

Shi Guang returned him with a polite smile: "Mr. Ran, you are welcome, I am Xiaocao's younger sister. However, we also have..." After a slight pause, "I haven't seen you for 17 years. By the way, Xiaocao , where did you go with your uncle? I seem to have seen your father go back to the village a few years ago."

Shi Xiaocaoweizi was stunned, and smiled at him: "Are you mistaken? My father died six years ago. Also, I left with my father, and my uncle didn't stay with us."

Shi Xiaobiao frowned, "Impossible, that's obviously your father." He turned his head and thought carefully for a while, "Just three years ago, in the wasteland of your house that was burned by fire, even though you Dad's face was burnt beyond recognition, but I'm sure that's your dad. Also, there was a woman who came to our village in the previous period and found the waste of your house, as if she was looking for something .”

Shi Xiaocao smiled, looked at Shi Guangbiao with an incredulous expression on his face, and shook his head, "You must be mistaken, my dad was only crushed to the waist by the collapsed beam, and his face was not burned. And the fire that day Uncle was not at home when I was here, and I haven’t seen him again in these years. Okay, don’t disturb your business, it seems that there are a lot of people receiving certificates today. If you don’t go in, the staff will get off work later, and you will be in the afternoon Come back to get the certificate."

Hong Min tugged on Shi Guangbiao's sleeve, still smiling and asking: "A Biao, you must have read it wrong, how could Xiaocao even admit his father wrong." He said in a soft voice, "Don't hold back, it will save others from stepping down." Turning around, he smiled at Xiaocao and the second young master and said, "I'm sorry, that's just how he is, sometimes he can't turn his head around. Yes. Then we won't bother you anymore, I believe you must have other programs." He took the hand of the cursor and walked towards the certificate processing hall.

But there was a soft murmur from the cursor, "How can I read it wrong? Although his face was burned, I clearly saw that there was an extra little finger on his little finger. Uncle Kun is not a six-finger, Uncle Yan is six-fingered."

Shi Xiaocao's body froze for a moment, although Shi Guangbiao's voice was very soft, but she could hear it very clearly.

"Father, where's your little finger?" That was Shi Xiaocao's timid voice.

"When the beam fell, it probably crushed the little finger. Xiaocao, Dad used to be so fierce to you, are you afraid of Dad?"

Shakes, nods, then shakes again.

The small body was embraced by the thick big palms, and a gentle and loving voice sounded in her ears, "Don't worry, Xiaocao, Dad will treat you very well in the future. I will never be cruel to you again. In the future, you It's daddy's sweetheart."

"Really?" Shi Xiaocao was overjoyed but looked at Shi Bingyan with half-belief.

(End of this chapter)

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