Wife stand at attention

Chapter 356 Asking for trouble

Chapter 356 Asking for trouble (3)
The slightly hunched body straightened, but he still couldn't hide the desolation and powerlessness on his body, and said sharply to Kang Jian: "What's the matter with Kang?"

Kang Jian looked at him with a half-smile. In his opinion, Kang Shuo's question was really ridiculous, "Kang? Shouldn't you ask your ex-wife Gu Meiyun? How do I know what's going on? That day When the lawyer was reading the will, I was dismissed as the grandson of the general manager that day. Dad, you came here today to ask me what happened to the Kang Corporation? Did you ask the wrong person? When it was in my hands, it was developing vertically and horizontally, but once it was handed over to your ex-wife Gu Meiyun, it fell down within three months. So, if you want to ask, ask your ex-wife Gu Meiyun or your good son Cambridge. I'm sorry, Dad, I'm busy, so I won't accompany you." After speaking, she took the briefcase, straightened the tie around her neck with one hand, and walked towards the door, but Turning around suddenly again, he said to Kang Shuo, "By the way, if you really have nothing to do, why not persuade Li Qingxue to see if there is any way to help Meimei. Anyway, she is still your daughter .” After finishing speaking, he continued to walk towards the door.

"Stop!" Kang Shuo shouted!
Kang Jian, who had just walked to the door, paused obediently, turned around and looked at Kang Shuo with an angry face, "What else?"

Kang Shuo strode up to Kang Jian, pointed his finger at the tip of his nose and said angrily, "Don't think that I don't know about your little tricks. If you didn't do it behind your back, the Kang Corporation would have collapsed so quickly?"

Kang Jian suddenly laughed coldly: "Dad, you really know how to joke. I do tricks? Where do I have so much time to do tricks? I'm busy with my company all day..."

"If you hadn't encouraged those department managers to leave, if you hadn't encouraged that factory, the Kang Corporation would have been acquired so quickly? Don't let me know about the nasty things between you and King-Dong!" Kang Shuo's cold eyes He stared at Kang Jian fiercely.

"Isn't this what you want, Dad?"

"But I didn't let you ruin the Kang Corporation!"

"Is there a difference?"

Kang Shuo was speechless.

Kang Jian gave him a sideways look, turned and went out.

"Kang Shuo, let me tell you, this is what you owe our mother and son all these years, and we are just getting back what we deserve!" Fang Ying looked at him sarcastically, and pointed to the door: "Now, you can go ! You are never welcome here!"

Suddenly, Kang Shuo waved his hand, before Fang Ying could react...

"Slap!" A loud and crisp slap landed on her face, "Bitch!" Then, before Fang Ying could react, she turned and left.

"Kang—shuo—" Fang Ying's tearing roar sounded, and she caressed the left cheek that was slapped by Kang Shuo and was still burning hot at the moment. She couldn't believe that she was slapped by Kang Shuo just like that. slap in the face.

When she rushed out, Kang Shuo was no longer in the corridor.

Fang Ying gritted her teeth in hatred.

The car couldn't help but drove to the community where Yang Yi lived.

Kang Shuo was sitting in the car, leaning on the back of the chair, looking up at a certain direction through the window glass.

Even he himself didn't know, at this moment, whether he was looking at the second floor, the fifth floor or...

The second floor is where Yang Yongxin used to live, the fifth floor is the current home of Kang Qiao and Yang Yi, and the opposite is Gu Meiyun's current house.

His eyes hesitated between the second floor and the fifth floor, as if there was a ray of expectation, but he couldn't tell exactly what he was looking forward to.It's just that the eyes are looking between the second floor and the fifth floor.

This will be working time, everyone who should go to work will go to work, and everyone who should go to school will go to school.Therefore, there are not many people in the community, and the few people who come back and forth occasionally are mostly elderly people.

Looking at the Mercedes-Benz parked in the community, I couldn't help but take a few more glances.

Ye Anran's white Nissan was parked five meters away from Kang Shuo's car. In the car, Ye Anran took off his sunglasses, rolled down the window slightly, looked at the car five meters away in front of him with confused eyes, and held the steering wheel His hand loosened, but it was tightly clenched into two fists.

The phone on the right hand rang.

Ye Anran picked up the phone and looked at the caller ID, but when she saw Ye Shanming's call, her right hand holding the phone trembled slightly, and her eyes flickered.With trembling hands, he pressed the answer button: "Hello."

"Mom, where are you?" Ye Qianming's worried voice came from anxiety.

Ye Anran couldn't help looking at Master Kang's car ahead, and said in a calm voice as much as possible: "I... I'm bored at home, so I'm going out for a walk."

"Did you go to find him?" Ye Shanming said affirmatively instead of questioning.

"No, no!" Ye Anran came back anxiously and flustered, "I really didn't come to him, I was just wandering on the road. I won't come to them, really, Ming Ming, you believe me! "

The sentence "I really didn't come to him" revealed what she wanted to hide.Ye Shanming naturally heard that she didn't intend to recruit.

"Where are you?" Ye Shanming slightly slowed down his tone.

Ye Anran looked away from Kang Shuo's car, raised his eyes from the window of the cradle, scanned the surroundings, frowned and replied truthfully: "I don't know where this is, I don't know it. It's not you, don't worry, I I didn't get lost, I followed his car all the time..." Suddenly, he seemed to realize that he had said something he shouldn't have said, so he hurriedly said to Ye Lianming on the other end of the phone: "I ...I still have something to do, so hang up first, that's it!" After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone directly, and was about to put the phone on the passenger seat, but took it again and turned it off.

However, when she looked up at Kang Shuo's car again, she found that Kang Shuo's car was no longer where it was.

All of a sudden, Ye Anran panicked, looking around for Kang Shuo's figure a little bit at a loss.But besides her car, there are only a few elderly people walking back and forth in the whole community.

A little dazed, a little dazed, a little melancholy looking around.After looking around, he reversed the car hurriedly and drove out of the community.

Ye Anran drove the car aimlessly, not knowing where she was at all.In her mind, she only wanted to see Kang Shuo's car soon.

However, when she was at a loss and the car turned back to the community, she saw that Kang Shuo's car also drove back to the community.

Kang Shuo's car continued to park at the original place, and he looked up at the willow in military uniform on the balcony on the second floor, slightly lost in thought.

(End of this chapter)

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