Chapter 363 The only one who loves her all her life (2)
Shi Xiaocao: "..."

Speechless to add two lines of tears.

It seems that she is really enslaved by the second young master and has a tendency to be abused.

Otherwise, how can she say the word "running errands" so righteously and confidently?
Hey, it's really not a good thing to get used to this thing. It seems that she has to change and work hard to improve in a good direction. She must not let the second young master and her man lose face and face.

After turning over the painful realization, Shi Xiaocao stared at the second young master who was very happy and in a good mood, gritted his teeth and said four words: "Drive well."

The second young master replied without hesitation: "Okay, my wife!"

Shi Xiaocao's mood instantly brightened when she said "my wife".

Kang's villa.

A black off-road vehicle was parked in the deserted courtyard, the off-road vehicle that belonged to Huo Tianliang.In the same deserted and unpopular living room, at this moment, Huo Tianliang and Kang Shuo were sitting face to face on the sofa.

Kang Shuo seemed to be much older than before, his hair was originally mixed with a little white, but now it was almost half white.There are also a lot of wrinkles on his face, which seem to have grown overnight.The eye sockets are somewhat sunken, the eye circles are black, and the wrinkles at the corners of the eyes are clearly visible.The eyes are no longer as energetic and sharp as before, but they are a bit more slender and vicissitudes.

Compared with Kang Shuo's slump, Huo Tianliang was extraordinarily energetic, his eyes were sharp, and his whole body exuded a vague sternness.

"I don't know what advice does Secretary-General Huo have when he comes to the humble house today?" Kang Shuo tried his best not to show his embarrassment in front of Huo Tianliang, and tried his best to make himself the same as the previous Kang Shuo who was called Chairman Kang.However, no matter how hard he tried to hide it, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't change who he was now - a failed husband, a failed father, a failed... businessman.

From the beginning to the end, no matter from which aspect, he is a failure and has never succeeded.

Huo Tianliang stared fiercely at Kang Shuo with his eagle-like eyes, showing a sinister and hostile smile: "For my daughter!"

"Your daughter?" Kang Shuo looked at him puzzled.

"Yes! My daughter, my daughter and Yongxin's, Yang Yi!" Huo Tianliang spat out every word, and the eyes that looked at Kang Shuo became even more angry.

He was not only rude to Yongxin, but also rude to his daughter, and even caused Yang Yi to have a miscarriage!

Kang Shuo's whole body stiffened suddenly and turned into a block of ice. He looked at Huo Tianliang in disbelief, and it took him a long while to hear the cowardly voice in his mouth: "Xiao's you and... Yong Xin's... …daughter?"

Huo Tianliang looked at him with a half-smile: "Otherwise, what do you think? Whose daughter is she supposed to be?"

Kang Shuo never thought that he would have such a moment of helplessness and self-hate.At this moment, sitting in front of Huo Tianliang, he was like that naked and transparent person, allowing him to examine himself completely.

This is the so-called self-inflicted evil.

"So, what does Secretary-General Huo mean?"

Huo Tianliang continued to look directly at Kang Shuo with his cold and creepy eyes, and said mockingly: "It seems that Chairman Kang is really old, so old that he doesn't even know what he should do." I don’t know anymore. Or I shouldn’t call you Chairman Kang anymore, after all, the Kang Corporation doesn’t exist anymore. I also heard that it was your son who teamed up with outsiders to cheat the Kang Corporation. Sure enough, Mr. Kang is the godson. Fang, turn your elbows outward!"

Kang Shuo's body trembled in vain again.

Huo Tianliang stood up from the sofa, looked up slightly at the decorations in the villa, "Is this where my daughter suffered so much?"

Kang Shuo was about to speak, but Huo Tianliang didn't give him a chance to open his mouth, "I wonder if Mr. Kang can tell me where Yong Xin suffered?"

A trace of remorse flashed across Kang Shuo's face, and he was about to shed two lines of old tears of repentance, "Secretary Huo, for Yong Xin and Xiao Yang, I..."

Huo Tianliang's cell phone rang at this moment.

Coldly squinting at Kang Shuo with a penitent face, he took the phone and was about to hang up, but suddenly found that the number seemed to belong to Yang Yi, his daughter.

An unconcealable joy flashed across his face, and he picked up the phone: "Hello, Yang..."

"Are you free? If you are free, make an appointment. I have something to talk to you." Yang Yi interrupted him directly, telling the purpose of her call.

Casual Café.

Yang Yi was sitting by the window, with a cup of steaming cappuccino in front of her.Yang Yi lowered her head slightly, holding a small iron spoon in her right hand, and gently stirred the coffee in the porcelain cup.

It is now 03:30 in the afternoon, afternoon tea time, there are not many but not few customers in the coffee shop.Usually couples sit face to face, talking and laughing while drinking coffee.

Yang Yi's mood was a little heavy, and her left hand was placed on her knee under the table, but it was slightly clenched into a fist that was neither tight nor loose.

When Huo Tianliang walked into the coffee shop, he immediately saw Yang Yi who was sitting quite far from the door.With a faint smile on his face, he walked towards Yang Yi with big strides.Walking in front of Yang Yi, Huo Tianliang said with an expectant look on his face before Yang Yi looked up, "You...have you been waiting for a long time? I'm sorry, I asked you to wait for me..."

Yang Yi raised her head and showed him a polite smile without any emotion: "I just arrived for a while."

"Waiter." Huo Tianliang sat down on the chair opposite her and waved to the waiter who was walking towards him.

"What do you need, sir?" The waiter asked politely with a professional smile, and handed the menu to Huo Tianliang by the way.

After receiving the menu handed over by the waiter, Huo Tianliang smiled and looked at Yang Yi opposite, "What do you want to eat?"

Yang Yi pursed her lips and smiled, "No, thank you."

Huo Tianliang's body froze for a moment, and then he returned the menu to the waiter, "Have a cup of coffee like hers first, and we'll talk about it later."

"Okay, please wait a moment." The waiter turned and left very politely.

"You...have you figured it out, don't blame me?" Huo Tianliang looked at Yang Yi who was opposite him cautiously, and asked tentatively.

Yang Yi still had a calm smile on her face, put down the small iron spoon in her hand, and looked directly at him with bright eyes: "I have no right to blame you..."

"Then when are you going to go home with...Dad...Follow me?" I wanted to say "Dad", but in the end I only said "Dad", and felt that she must not be able to accept herself so quickly at this time of.No matter what, as long as she is willing to go home with him, that is a good start.It can be regarded as a kind of compensation for the guilt he felt towards Yong Xin back then.

(End of this chapter)

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