Wife stand at attention

Chapter 46 Comrade Cambridge's First Reaction

Chapter 46 Comrade Cambridge's First Response
Comrade Yang Liu lived up to expectations, and finally returned with a full load after an hour of departure.

But Su, when Comrade Yang Yi saw clearly that her dear sister had returned home with a full load, the wind was messed up, and after the mess, she laughed, almost hitting the plaster cast on her right leg.

Yang Liu looked at the smiling sister with a dull expression, who was almost rolling around on the ground, and asked weakly: "Comrade Yang Yi, can you tell me, your dear sister, what do you mean? Are you praising me or belittling me with this smile?"

Comrade Xiao Yang suffered several times and finally suppressed his smile. In fact, the corner of his stomach was still throbbing.

Pointing to the fruits of her sister's labor, she shook her head helplessly: "Liu Liu, I really shouldn't have too much hope for you. Really. What my mother said is still very true."

Yang Liumo, after the silence, don't be ashamed to ask: "What truth did our mother say?"

Yang Yi patted Yang Liu on the shoulder: "My mother said, baby Yi, you said that if you get married someday, what will Liu Liu do if you are a foodie? So, for the sake of you foodie, I won't have nothing to eat, sister, I have decided , If I don’t marry you, I won’t marry anyone for a day!”

Yang Liu was moved, that was moved by a shocking and weeping ghost.

Lie on Yang Yi's shoulder with two moved poops: "Woo...sister, I'm so touched. I'm so touched..." His face pulled, his hands crossed his waist, and the momentary small The white rabbit turned into a hag, "Comrade Yang Yi, am I as bad as you say?"

Yang Yile shook her head happily: "No, no. I didn't say that, it was my mother. If you want to settle the score, you can go to my mother."

Willow weeps.

"Ding dong" the doorbell interrupted the noise of the two sisters.

"Go, open the door." Yang Yi kicked Yang Liu's ass with her left leg without plaster, as if I was a disabled person.

Yang Liu gritted her teeth and punched her plastered right leg, went to open the door, and said to herself as she walked, "Who is it? Is it Ran Xiaobai or Shi Xiaocao? Damn Shi Xiaocao, he'll be here in a week." Once, let's see how I deal with you next time... ah...brother-in-law of the chief?"

Yang Liu's "chief brother-in-law" surprised Yang Yi who was sitting on the sofa.

"Who? Liuliu."

Comrade Yang Liu had a lot of smiles on his face, and the one who smiled was as bright as a flower, flamboyant, "Oh, brother-in-law, why are you here? Hurry up, come in, it's hot outside, and the air conditioner is on in the room. Oh, oh, I Got it, you must know that my sister is wounded, so you came to see her specially. Sister, you see how much my brother-in-law cares about you. Are you moved? You are not moved, I am moved." Comrade Yang Liu said one by one What my brother-in-law called was a joy.

Yang Yi has a black line on her face.

Liuliu, that's not your brother-in-law, okay?Are you promoting your own sister like this?

As soon as Cambridge entered the room, he saw sitting on the sofa with his plastered right leg resting on the tea table in a disfigured way, and there were some chickens and ducks that seemed to have been robbed in disorder on the floor next to the sofa. While serving fish and meat dishes, the corners of his mouth twitched and the corners of his eyes twitched.

"Your house...was someone robbed or...you robbed someone else?" Kang Qiao looked down at Yang Yi, this was his first reaction when he saw Yang Yi and the pile on the ground.

It seems that the possibility of the two sisters robbing others is high, so their legs were discounted?
Facts have proved that Yang's mother's words are really wise.

Comrade Lieutenant Yang Liu is a foodie who doesn't understand rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea at all.

Standing by the sofa, Kang Qiao kicked the pile of chicken, duck, fish and meat dishes that Comrade Yang Liu had robbed and brought them back. Unusually high."

Comrade Xiao Yang grabbed a pillow on the sofa with one hand, and the shameless person buried his face in it.Then a muffled voice came from the pillow: "Liu Liu, you are so shameful! Your comrades despise you. How embarrassing are you for me!"

In the infinite echo...

Yang Liu: "..." She looked down at Yang Yi who was pretending to be dead with a blank face, raised her head to look at her comrade in arms who looked disgusted, and then looked down at the pile of her spoils, dumb...

I have to admit that Lieutenant Yang Liu is really a genius.Uh, no, there should be two quotation marks on genius.

This pile of spoils includes: 1. Half a fish.

Why did Mao say it was half a piece?
Because there are only fish tails and no fish heads.Obviously being fooled.

2. More than half of the duck.

Uh... the table asks why the hair is more than half?Because there is neither a duck head nor a duck paw, and it is a duck buttocks, half of which was cut off.

3. Half a chicken.

There is still no chicken head, no chicken claws, no chicken buttocks, even less than ducks, that is, no chicken wings.

4. A pack of meat.

Don't be suspicious, it's a pack and not a piece.Moreover, the four kinds of chicken, duck and fish are the most normal ones.

According to Comrade Xiao Yang's many years of experience in cooking and shopping in the vegetable market, these are a few pieces of dry hind legs without any oil.

5. A handful of celery.

Normally, the celery that Yang Yi bought back home was white, thin, and tender, but today Comrade Yang Liu bought thick, dark green celery.

6. One oyster mushroom.

It has already bloomed, and it is obvious that it cannot be sold after several days.

7. A piece of tofu.

Comrade Xiao Yang knew it was a piece of hard and unpalatable gypsum old tofu without looking at it with his hands.

8. There are five duck eggs, three of which have been broken, and the egg yolk and egg white are reluctantly separated.

9. A handful of tender ginger weighs two catties.

10. One bag of garlic, peeled, at least two catties.

The above is what Comrade Yang Liu gained from going out for an hour, the first time he set foot in the vegetable market in his 23 years of life.

Yang Yi asked: Sister, why does the fish only have a tail but no head?

Yang Liu replied: The boss said that the fish head is braised in soup and the fish tail is braised, so I choose braised in soy sauce.

Yang Yi stroked her forehead and continued to ask: I understand that chickens and ducks have no buttocks, but why don’t they have heads and claws?Where are the chicken wings?

Yangliu replied: No one in our family eats heads and claws, and they don’t eat chicken wings anyway, so I just asked the boss to chop them up.

Yang Yi asked again: Since I bought the fish, what about the onions?

Yang Liu looked bewildered: Do you still need green onions when buying fish?The boss didn't tell me when I bought the fish.

Oh... Comrade Xiao Yang was speechless and weeping for thousands of lines, and could even hear the sound of "cracking". She decided that she would kill this foodie and not let him enter the vegetable market again.

(End of this chapter)

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