It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 141 Visiting the Bridal Shop

Chapter 141 Visiting the Bridal Shop
Xu Ruohan's words confirmed Shen Yun's thoughts, she guessed that Xu Ruohan would not let Su Mu be her boyfriend.

"If it's not Su Mu, then I'm sorry, I don't have to participate."

Shen Yun also knew that it was not good for her to reject others so hastily, but there was no way, she really couldn't accept wearing wedding dresses with others.

"No, why are you like this? You obviously agreed, but you said you couldn't act anymore. What's the matter? Do you think there is no one for us except you? Let me tell you, Shen Yun, whether you like to act or not. Isn’t it human? Cui Ying and Shiya are better than you.” Xu Ruohan yelled at Shen Yun angrily.

"That's fine, you can go find someone else." Shen Yun said lightly, in stark contrast to Xu Ruohan's panic-stricken look.

"What do you mean? Do you think I can't find anyone?" Xu Ruohan felt questioned and jumped up immediately.

"Okay, stop arguing." Seeing that Xu Ruohan and Shen Yun had a unilateral quarrel, Cui Ying and Zhang Shiya hurried forward to try to persuade them to fight.

"Hmph, let me tell you, Shen Yun, whether you like acting or not, I don't want you yet."


"You're the only one?" Xu Ruohan, who was already angry, was completely irritated by Shen Yun's indifferent attitude. He rolled up his sleeves and was about to fight.

However, Cui Ying stopped her and hugged Xu Ruohan.

"Take a breath, everyone calm down." The two quarreled, but Zhang Shiya didn't dare to go forward, so she could only hide behind Cui Ying to persuade them.

"I'm not angry." Shen Yun turned on the computer and said lightly to Zhang Shiya.

Zhang Shiya forced a smile, complaining in her heart.Brother, do you know that your tone is more terrifying than life and death.

"Of course you don't need to be angry. Why are you angry? If you want to act, you don't act. Is there anyone more comfortable than you? Why are you angry?" Xu Ruohan still didn't calm down, hearing Shen Yun's words But back to her.

"Okay, okay, don't be angry." Cui Ying helped Xu Ruohan calm down, trying to calm his anger.

"Did you hear that what she said was human? She wouldn't act without Su Mu, and now she can't live without Su Mu, right? Because she's a boy, why don't she act casually?" Xu Ruohan became more and more excited as she spoke. , the sharp voice gradually increased.

"Then it's okay if we bring Su Mu over together. It just so happens that these two people are in the popular CP. At that time, I will definitely give you a very good popularity. Besides, handsome men and beautiful women, talented and beautiful women, what a match." Cui Ying talked eloquently. Thinking about it, I didn't see Xu Ruohan's getting darker and darker.

"No." Xu Ruohan refused without thinking.

"Why?" Cui Ying asked Xu Ruohan suspiciously, not understanding why she disagreed with such a good opportunity.

"Yes, why?" Shen Yun followed behind Cui Ying and asked Xu Ruohan in a tricky way.

"Why? You still ask me." Xu Ruohan gritted her teeth and looked at Shen Yun who asked knowingly, she was forcing herself.

"Anyway, you come to act, and your male partner is Xie Nanfeng, whether you like acting or not."

"Then I won't act." Shen Yun said these words lightly.

Xu Ruohan was so angry that she wanted to vomit blood, but what made her even more angry, she was so angry that she was half dead, but Shen Yun didn't respond at all.

In the end, the quarrel was over, Xu Ruohan and Shen Yun got angry and asked Cui Ying to be a model.

When Xu Ruohan decided to show Chinese and Western wedding dresses, she approached Cui Ying and Zhang Shiya, but they both rejected them.At that time, no matter how much they persuaded, Cui Ying and Zhang Shiya were unwilling to become models. In their opinion, Shen Yun was the most suitable model, so they stopped going out to make a fool of themselves.

But after a quarrel between Xu Ruohan and Shen Yun, Xu Ruohan approached Cui Ying again, but Cui Ying was too embarrassed to refuse.

Seeing that Cui Ying agreed, Xu Ruohan started to work. They first went to a bridal shop to choose a wedding dress.

Xu Ruohan asked Cui Ying to choose the wedding dress and wedding dress first. Cui Ying chose the wedding dress, and Xu Ruohan chose the wedding dress.

In the bridal shop, Cui Ying looked at the exquisite wedding dress, and she was so surprised that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear.

"A lot of beautiful wedding dresses." Cui Ying said with emotion from the bottom of her heart, she suddenly wanted to get married.

Cui Ying quickly took out her mobile phone to take a picture and sent it to her boyfriend.

Cui Ying's actions were seen by Xu Ruohan, and she gave Cui Ying a contemptuous look, as if she had never seen the world.

Of course, Cui Ying did not see this scene.

"Ruohan, what are we going to do next?" Cui Ying asked Xu Ruohan curiously with staring eyes.

"Choose a wedding dress."

Xu Ruohan pointed to Cui Ying and said to the shopping guide standing aside, "Hi, please help her choose a wedding dress."

"Okay, no problem." The shopping guide immediately agreed, and said to Cui Ying, "Miss, come with me."

Cui Ying followed behind the shopping guide, staring at the wedding dresses on both sides, her eyes were dazzled.In the past, at most, I stood outside the bridal dress shop and looked at the wedding dresses that were only displayed in the window. I never stepped into the shop. I didn't expect that there was a world inside.

The shopping guide has brought them to the wedding dress area, looking around, they are all red.

"Miss, what do you think of this one?" The shopping guide pointed to a wedding dress and asked Cui Ying.

Cui Ying was deeply attracted by the wedding dress on the other side.

The background color of this wedding dress is red but not bright. Overall, there is no heavy pattern embroidery, but none of them are missing.Gold silk embroidery is dotted on the skirt, the corners of the skirt are embroidered with longevity mountains and blessings, and colorful clouds are embroidered in the blank space.She couldn't see the fabric of the wedding dress, but it was comfortable and soft to the touch.

"Miss has a good eye. This is a new product that just arrived in our store. If you like it, you can try it on." The shopping guide noticed that Cui Ying was staring at this dress, and hurried over to introduce it to her.

"Is it okay?" Cui Ying didn't dare to make a decision lightly, and asked Xu Ruohan cautiously.

"Of course." To be honest, Xu Ruohan was attracted by the wedding dress as soon as she came in. If Cui Ying hadn't chosen the wedding dress, she would have wanted to go up and try it.

Cui Ying happily took the wedding dress and went to the fitting room to change.Xu Ruohan continued to look at other wedding dresses, she hadn't written a manuscript yet, so reading more of these wedding dresses would help trigger her inspiration.

Xu Ruohan stopped in front of a dark black wedding dress. She didn't expect that there was a black wedding dress in the bridal shop, but this wedding dress was placed at the very back, blocked by layers of clothes, and she hadn't seen it just now.

"This wedding dress is inspired by the designer based on the wedding dress of the Han Dynasty. The wedding dress of the Han Dynasty is the upper part and the lower part, which is similar to the wedding dress in your hand. However, because everyone wears red when they get married, this wedding dress has been stranded Yes. If you are happy, you can try it on. It will definitely look good on someone with such a good figure as Ms. Xiang." The shopping guide actively introduced it to Xu Ruohan, seeing that Xu Ruohan is so interested, if he can buy this wedding dress back, Wouldn't it be nice.

Xu Ruohan nodded and did not speak, looking at the wedding dress thoughtfully.

She suddenly had an idea.

(End of this chapter)

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