Chapter 156

Su Mu walked up to Shen Yun, took her hand and put it in his pocket together, and said to Shen Yun distressedly, "Why did you come so early and stand outside in such a cold day, isn't it cold?"

Shen Yun shook his head at Su Mu, and smiled slightly, "It's okay, and isn't there you warming my hands here?"

"Then you don't have to stand and wait so early, your nose is red from the cold." Su Mu pinched Shen Yun's nose punitively.

"Stop, please go to another place to spread dog food. This is the entrance of the examination room. I am worried that they will rush out to beat you after handing in the test papers." Zhu Wensheng couldn't stand it and interrupted Su Mu and Shen The two of Yun are so affectionate, just ignore him, and throw dog food in front of him, which is somewhat unreasonable.

"Then let's go first, you wait here for Zhao Xiaoxiao and Gao Zeyu." Su Mu was not polite, and really pulled Shen Yun away.

"Bye." Shen Yun and Zhu Wensheng waved and followed Su Mu.Seeing that Su Mu seemed to be walking in one direction with a purpose, he asked Su Mu curiously.

"where are we going?"

"Go to the milk tea shop at the door, and I'll take you to have a cup of milk tea to go to Han."

"Yes." Shen Yun was instantly excited when he heard that he was going to the milk tea shop.On such a cold day, there is nothing better than a hot pot meal and a cup of milk tea.

Zhu Wensheng, who was left to wait alone, looked at Su Mu's ungrateful back.Did no one ask him if he drinks milk tea?In fact, he also likes to drink milk tea, and he is also afraid of the cold, especially when he is alone, lonely and cold.

But it seemed that he couldn't wait for this opportunity, because Su Mu and Shen Yun had already gone far.

Shen Yun and Su Mu came to the milk tea shop at the door, ordered two cups of black full set, and sat on the table in the shop waiting for their own milk tea.

The milk tea shop at the entrance of the school can be said to be a leisure place specially set up for students. There are poker, chess, mahjong, backgammon, and Sanguosha.Therefore, when get out of class is over, many people like to come to the milk tea shop, order a cup of milk tea, sit down and play games with a group of people.

Shen Yun and Su Mu randomly sat on a table close to them, they were just the two of them, and they couldn't even play those games.Therefore, every sitting is very casual.

Coincidentally, there was a chess set on the table where the two of them were sitting today.

"Let's play a game?" Shen Yun pointed to the chess and asked Su Mu. It seemed that the two of them hadn't sat together to play chess for a long time.

"Okay, let's say it first, you can't cry when you lose." Su Mu readily agreed, and laughed at Shen Yun by the way.

Because when she was a child, Shen Yun didn't know how to play chess, but when she saw Su Mu playing, she came over curiously and said that she wanted to play too.Of course, she was abused miserably in the end. At that time, Shen Yun couldn't afford to lose, and she would cry every time she lost.There was no other way, Su Mu could only let Shen Yun do his best, trying his best to make Shen Yun win him.

When the past was brought up, Shen Yun blushed and raised his head proudly, "I don't know how to cry."

"Come on then."

The two quickly set up the chess, Shen Yun is the red chess, she goes first.

After such a long period of tempering when they were young, the chess skills of the two people can be said to be on par now. There are strategies and countermeasures. The two people are really in a state of intense heat, and neither will let the other.

"Ah, Su Mu and Chen Yun, what a coincidence to meet you here." Qi Xiwen accompanied her classmates to buy milk tea, thinking she would not drink such a high-calorie thing.Meeting Shen Yun and Su Mu was purely accidental, but it was a pleasant surprise for Qi Xiwen, who hadn't seen Su Mu for a long time.

Both Shen Yun and Su Mu ignored her, Qi Xiwen sat next to Su Mu very familiarly, and said, "You are playing chess, I can also play a little bit of this, can I play with you?"

Seeing Qi Xiwen come over, without saying a word, Su Mu stood up with a sullen face and sat beside Shen Yun.

"You two play." Considering that Qi Xiwen is a girl, Su Mu didn't say some things in front of so many people.

"Okay, I'm not very good at playing, and I hope that sister Shen Yun will show mercy." Qi Xiwen fully agreed, and looked at Shen Yun with a smile.

"En." Shen Yun didn't want to talk to Qi Xiwen, so he hummed if there was nothing.

Qi Xiwen looked at Shen Yun's indifferent appearance, and laughed in her heart. She is the president of the school's Go club, so how could it be that she is not good at Go.I also humbled myself for a while, I didn't expect that she would actually take over.

Shen Yun disrupted the original chess game and rearranged his own chess.

"Two cups of black are ready." The waiter shouted into the living room with two cups of milk tea in his hand.

Su Mu got up to get milk tea.

"How about we make a bet?" Qi Xiwen said to Shen Yun when he saw Su Mu leave.

"not so good."

Shen Yun blocked Qi Xiwen's throat before he could say the rest, why didn't this sister play cards according to the routine every time.

"Aren't you curious about what gambling is?"

"Not interested." Shen Yun was in high spirits, she just wanted to finish playing chess quickly and go back.

"About Su Mu."

Mentioning Su Mu, Chen Yun finally reacted, and looked at Qi Xiwen with cold and sharp eyes, "Su Mu is not for betting, and even if you want to bet, you are not here to bet."

After finishing speaking, Shen Yun stopped playing chess, and directly got up and walked towards Su Mu who was coming over with the milk tea.

"What's the matter?" Su Mu asked softly, looking at Shen Yun who suddenly came over and straddled his arm.

"I don't want to stay here anymore, let's go back."

"it is good."

Su Mu handed a cup of milk tea to Shen Yun, and the two passed Qi Xiwen, but neither of them thought of saying hello to her.

Qi Xiwen sat in front of the table blankly, Shen Yun's look just now really scared her.If eyes could kill, she would have been killed by Shen Yun.

Qi Xiwen's classmate took the milk tea and saw Qi Xiwen who was still sitting in a daze, and rolled his eyes undisguisedly at her back.

She watched the scene just now so vividly, if Qi Xiwen wasn't her friend, she would have wanted to go up and scold her. The young couple had a good time together, and if she insisted on stepping forward, she deserved to be scolded.

Thought that way, but the superficial relationship still needs to be maintained, the classmate walked beside Qi Xiwen and patted her on the shoulder lightly. "Xiwen, let's go too."

"Well, let's go." Qi Xiwen came back to his senses, got up and walked with his classmates.

Originally, he was in a good mood when he saw Su Mu today, but Qi Xiwen messed it up. Shen Yun became angry when he thought of Qi Xiwen's words while walking on the road.

Laughing to death, why should she bet on Su Mu? What qualifications does she have? It's as if she is sick.

"My little vinegar bag is jealous? I didn't expect her to sit next to me. I got up immediately." Su Mu also thought that Shen Yun was angry at Qi Xiwen sitting next to him, so he quickly explained and coaxed Shen Yun was happy.

Shen Yun stopped suddenly, turned around and looked at Su Mu solemnly, "You are mine, do you hear me?"

"Here! I've always been yours."

"It's almost there."

(End of this chapter)

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