Chapter 158 I'm in Love

He didn't play very late that day, Shen Yun was still very sympathetic and released He Yan when he lost more than 20 games in a row.

After He Yan went back, he disappeared for two consecutive days and didn't show up in front of Shen Yun, for fear that she would drag him to the milk tea shop to play poker after seeing him.

After a day of relaxation, Su Mu returned to physics.Although the results of the experimental assessment have not yet come out, but if you learn more now, you won't be so flustered if you really enter.

The day when the results came out was the most difficult day for Su Mu in the whole dormitory. They were not sure when the results would be released, so they kept logging on to the website to see if the results were released.

"Please, please, you must enter." Zhu Wensheng held the mobile phone in both hands, praying for his grades.

"The results are out." With a word from Su Mu, the three people in the dormitory immediately went to refresh their phones, nervous along with the loading progress.

Su Mu looked at his score, 98.5, No.3.Well, a bit of a surprise, but not that much of a surprise.

"Yes! I'm in." Zhu Wensheng looked at No.10 on his phone and jumped up excitedly.

"Hey, no." Zhao Xiaoxiao threw the phone on the table and sighed as expected.


After Gao Zeyu finished speaking, Zhao Xiaoxiao stretched out his palm to Gao Zeyu, and the two sympathetic people slapped their palms.

Hearing that they didn't enter, Zhu Wensheng felt that it was not good for him to be so happy, but he really couldn't help it.

"Hahahaha." Zhu Wensheng tried hard to control his volume, secretly delighted.

Zhao Xiaoxiao and Gao Zeyu heard the laughter and looked at him at the same time.

hit him?

The two exchanged glances, removed the stool and walked towards Zhu Wensheng.

"Don't, don't, I was wrong." Zhu Wensheng looked at the menacing two men, and protected his head cowardly.

However, it was too late, Zhao Xiaoxiao and Gao Zeyu held Zhu Wensheng's leg one by one, lifted his body by the other, and walked towards the wall.

Su Mu stayed out of the matter and had no intention of participating in the relationship between them.

Christmas is coming, and he saw a knitted bag for his girlfriend on the Internet two days ago, and he thought it looked pretty.He bought it without hesitation, worrying that he had nothing to give to Shen Yun.From childhood to adulthood, it feels like I have given her almost all of them, and I really can't think of anything else to give her.

Su Mu watched the video carefully. He was pressed for time. He had to prepare for the written examination during the day and came back at night to prepare Christmas gifts.

"Su Mu, what are you watching?" The three people who had been arguing for a while finally calmed down. Zhao Xiaoxiao watched Su Mu watching the video seriously, and came over and asked.

"What are you doing? Yarn, you don't plan to knit a sweater, do you?" Zhao Xiaoxiao pointed at the pile of wool and needles in front of Su Mu, and couldn't help laughing.

"Oh my God, I must take a picture of him to record this historic moment. The outstanding student of the Physics Department of University B is actually watching a video and knitting." Zhu Wensheng also followed to join in the fun, and took out his mobile phone to secretly take pictures.

"What do you single dogs know?" Su Mu knocked off the hand that was trying to touch the wool, and said coldly to them.

"Don't touch my wool, it's dirty for me."

? ? ? ?Zhao Xiaoxiao and Zhu Wensheng put down their mocking smiles in an instant. How can this be nothing more than a personal attack.

"Look down on singles or what? You are the only one of the four in our dormitory who has a partner. If you want to fight, you can't beat us." Being looked down upon, Zhao Xiaoxiao straightened her back and provoked Su Mu.

"That's right." Zhu Wensheng followed behind and nodded in agreement.

"Not really."

Su Mu said lightly, making Zhao Xiaoxiao and Zhu Wensheng puzzled at the same time, what is it?The three of them might not be able to beat him alone.

After watching the video, Su Mu felt that he could start preparing.Su Mu paused the video, picked up the wool in his hand and started to try it out. The store also sent a sample, so there should be no mistakes.

As for Zhao Xiaoxiao and Zhu Wensheng who were in a daze, Su Mu didn't want to talk to them.

"He said that there are not three single dogs in the dormitory." Gao Zeyu, who was watching the show, couldn't help but make a sound.These two people are like the silly sons of the landlord's family. They don't care about anything except eating, sleeping and playing.

"What?" The two looked at Gao Zeyu in shock at the same time.

"That's right, I'm in a relationship, and there are only you two single dogs left in the dormitory." Gao Zeyu smiled faintly, and suddenly started to show off to the two of them.

"Damn it, when did you fall in love?" Zhao Xiaoxiao couldn't believe it. The person who had vowed to be single for the rest of his life before fell in love today.

"Just two days ago." Gao Zeyu suddenly became shy, lowered his head and smiled shyly.

"With who? Why don't we know? We don't know. Why does Su Mu know? Do you stop treating us as brothers and keep this from us?"

Zhao Xiaoxiao uttered a series of questions in one breath, but Gao Zeyu had no chance to intervene.

"You said so much in one breath, which question should I answer for you?"

"You answer who you are with first."

"Guan Junyue."

"Okay, you, I just said that the atmosphere between you two didn't feel right before, so it turns out that you have already been in the dark."

"No, that's the last month." When Guan Junyue was mentioned, Gao Zeyu couldn't help smiling.

"Don't give me a hippie smile, then why does Su Mu know that we don't? Does he not treat us as brothers?"

"I really don't know this. I originally planned to tell you these two days, but I haven't figured out what to say. I'm also curious, why did Su Mu know?" Speaking of this, Gao Zeyu asked Su with a puzzled expression. Mu, he is a person who is either studying or falling in love every day, how does he know that he is in love.

After Gao Zeyu asked, the three of them looked at Su Mu at the same time, but Su Mu was weaving bags unaffected.

"Want to know?" Su Mu put down the wool in his hand and glanced at the three of them.

The three nodded repeatedly. They were not so curious about how Su Mu knew, but when Su Mu asked them, they became curious instead.

Su Mu smiled slightly at them, and lightly parted her thin lips. Zhao Xiaoxiao and Zhu Wensheng stared at Su Mu with wide eyes.

"I saw it when they were dating."

...They still think that Su Mu knows something inside.

Zhao Xiaoxiao and Zhu Wensheng rolled their eyes speechlessly. They have been waiting for so long, so they might as well ask Gao Zeyu about the details of his love life when they have this time.

"Don't ask, just know that much." When Zhao Xiaoxiao and Zhu Wensheng looked at him again, he knew that they were targeting him again. Gao Zeyu hurried back to his seat, put on his headphones and pretended to be Can't hear them talking.

(End of this chapter)

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