It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 170 My Boyfriend Is Awesome

Chapter 170 My Boyfriend Is Awesome
Wang Kaile also returned the earphones to Pan Sheng. It was useless for him to ask for them, so he just played for a while as a novelty.

Pan Sheng took the earphones and left straight away. He didn't want to stay in this ghostly place for a moment, and he didn't want to see anyone here again.

After Pan Sheng left, Wang Kaile quietly asked Su Mu and Shen Yun, "Did you really delete the video and audio?"

"Deleted." Su Mu nodded and replied sincerely.

"You guys are stupid, his family has a big business, what if they mess with you in the future? I don't know how to save myself." Wang Kaile said Su Mu disapprovingly, as expected, he was still a child and didn't know the dangers of society.

"It's okay, he just asked me and Shen Yun to delete it." Su Mu is not stupid, of course he knows to stay behind, even if he deletes it, Gao Zeyu still has a recording.

"That's good. Keep it well, in case it's useful in the future." The two looked at each other and smiled, and Wang Kaile instantly understood what Su Mu meant, and patted Su Mu on the shoulder in satisfaction.

Yes, his student did not teach in vain.

"Teacher, I still have to go to the hospital, so I'll go first." Qingchen said to Wang Kaile.When he was about to come to school, the doctor didn't agree with him walking around now, but he insisted on leaving and escaped while the doctor was not paying attention.

"Oh, I forgot if you didn't tell me. How about this, I'll take you there." Wang Kaile knocked himself on the head, and he forgot that Chenchen was still a wounded person.

"Well, then I'll trouble the teacher." Chenchen didn't shirk it, it was really inconvenient for him to go to the hospital in his current state.

"Okay, then you guys talk first, I'll take him to the hospital." Wang Kaile said to Su Mu.

"Okay." Su Mu nodded, and Wang Kaile helped Chen Chen to go first.

"Then I'll go back too." He Yan said very consciously, he knew that at this time, he must give the young couple some space to be alone, and he didn't want to follow them to eat dog food.

"Then, goodbye." Su Mu didn't hold back at all, and after saying goodbye to He Yan, he dragged Shen Yun away.

He Yan turned around and walked towards the dormitory as if he had expected it.

"Are we going too far today?" Shen Yun asked Su Mu softly.

Originally, she and Su Mu just wanted to make the matter of Pan Sheng's cheating known to the public, but she later took a picture of Pan Sheng pushing Chen Chen down, not to mention that He Yan revealed that Pan Sheng had stolen the quota.

"No, since he did it, he should have the idea of ​​being exposed. And he did it himself, and we didn't force him, so how could he go too far." Seeing Shen Yun's soft heart, Su Mu comforted him.

"Yeah." Shen Yun pursed his lips and nodded slightly, as if agreeing with Su Mu's words.

"People are right. If two people stay together for a long time, the love between each other will be wiped out. You see, I am still by your side, and you still think about other men." Su Mu is clichéd, pretending Said aggrievedly.

Hearing Su Mu's words, Shen Yun immediately put his arm around him, leaned on his shoulder, and coaxed him to be happy, "How come, today my boyfriend is very good, his whole body is radiant, and the eyes that attracted me didn't move at all." not open."

Su Mu tried hard to suppress the raised corners of his mouth, raised his head arrogantly, and asked Shen Yun, "Really?"

"Of course, my boyfriend is the best in my eyes, especially outstanding." Shen Yun nodded vigorously, and praised Su Mu without hesitation.

It can also be seen from Su Mu's uncontrollable upturned mouth that he is very useful.

"Let's go, my boyfriend treats you to hot pot." Su Mu pulled out his arms and pulled Shen Yun into his arms.

"it is good!"

The gray sky enveloped the campus, and snowflakes fell profusely on the ground. On Christmas Eve, B University had the first snowfall in winter.

"What are you doing in such a cold day?" Cui Ying leaned out from the bed and asked Shen Yun, who was fully dressed and was wearing a scarf below.

"I'm going to get the courier. The Christmas present I bought for Su Mu is here." Shen Yun wrapped her scarf and was ready to go out.

"Wait a minute." Seeing that Shen Yun was about to go out, Cui Ying hurriedly shouted towards the door.

Shen Yun stopped and looked at Cui Ying suspiciously.

"Help me get a courier." Cui Ying smiled sheepishly. Winter weekends are really suitable for sleeping.

"Okay, send me the verification code." Shen Yun agreed.

"Okay, thank you. Well, maybe the thing is a bit big, if you can't hold it, call me again."

"no problem."

After finishing speaking, Shen Yun closed the door and went down to get the courier. Only when he saw the whiteness at the door of the dormitory did he realize that it was snowing outside.

Looking at the emergency, she could hardly see the snowflakes on the road ahead, Shen Yun realized a problem, she didn't take an umbrella.The dormitory was still on the sixth floor, and she didn't want to go up anymore.

Shen Yun put the hat on his head directly, wrapped the scarf tightly, and rushed in as soon as he lowered his head.

The school's courier station was still some distance away from the dormitory, and Shen Yun stepped on the snow, making a creaking sound.There were hardly any people on the road, and they probably didn't want to come out because of the cold weather.

When she arrived at the courier station, Shen Yun stood at the door and wiped off the snow on her body. If it wasn't for urgent things, she wouldn't be so anxious to pick up the courier.

After receiving the courier, Shen Yun started to worry again, looking at the three big boxes in front of her, how would she carry them back.

"Let me get it for you." The boy came to Shen Yun's side, and just outside he noticed Shen Yun running to the express cabinet in the snow.

"Thank you, no need." Shen Yun refused without even thinking about it, without even looking up.

"I don't mean anything else, I just see that it's not easy for you to carry such things by yourself. Otherwise, I have an umbrella here, and you can use it to support it." The boy felt that Shen Yun might have misunderstood, so he quickly explained, wanting to He handed her the umbrella in his hand.

"Thank you, but she has an umbrella." Su Mu walked over holding the umbrella, and reached out to take all the couriers in Shen Yun's hand.

Shen Yun was a little surprised to see Su Mu. She didn't tell Su Mu that she came to pick up the courier, and if she remembered correctly, Su Mu should be in class at this time.

"How do you know I'm here? Aren't you in class?" Shen Yun gave Su Mu the courier, while holding the umbrella himself, and asked Su Mu suspiciously.

"It's for class. Just as I turned around, I saw a little fool who didn't know how to hold an umbrella under such heavy snow, so he ran to get the express delivery." Su Mu turned his head and glanced at Shen Yun, his eyes were full of sternness.

"Didn't I forget that?" Shen Yun's voice gradually faded away, and he lowered his head guiltily.

"I forgot, so I can't go back and get it? I don't believe you didn't remember it when you saw so much snow downstairs." Su Mu was a little annoyed, what if there was such a heavy snow, what if you caught a cold when you went back.

"Wow, it's snowing really hard today." Shen Yun had no way to refute, and began to change the subject abruptly.

"Well, yes, there are fools who don't open umbrellas in such a heavy snow." Su Mu saw through Shen Yun's inner Xiao Jiujiu and prevented her from changing the subject successfully.

"Hmph." Shen Yun, who failed to change the subject, snorted angrily, it was too much, and he didn't cooperate with her.

(End of this chapter)

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