Chapter 172 She Was So Sour

"Ahhhhhhh, Xiaoyun, did he talk to you just now? Didn't he?" Xia Wei felt that she was going crazy, and couldn't think of any words to express her inner excitement except ah.

The people next to him seemed to be more excited than Xia Wei. Hearing Mu Sibai's words, they got excited and took off their mobile phones.

"Everyone, stop crowding, and stand consciously on both sides of the road, okay?" Someone in the team shouted loudly. Others may also be aware of their own problems, and quickly stood on both sides of the road to look at Mu Sibai.

Mu Sibai looked at the orderly fans, smiled and nodded to them, it was much more relaxed than before.

"Well, do you know where the principal's office is?" Mu Sibai asked the fans on both sides of the road.Although he didn't want to admit it, he had indeed wandered around the school for a long time, and he couldn't find the principal's office.

"Turn left at the intersection ahead, the first building, the third floor, 308." Fans enthusiastically pointed the way to Mu Sibai, and some fans laughed softly at Mu Sibai for getting lost.

"Thank you." Mu Sibai thanked the fans, and walked towards the principal's office with his manager.

"Oh my god, what does it feel like to talk to Mu Sibai? Does it feel like I'm going to fly happily?" Zhang Shiya came to Shen Yun's side, and pulled Shen Yun's arm excitedly.

She is so sour, and she really wants to talk to Mu Sibai.

"Not at all." Shen Yun replied indifferently, how could she just say a word without knowing how to make them so excited.

Shen Yun was so cold that his hands and feet were icy cold, and he felt snowflakes drifting towards his face, and a small umbrella couldn't stop it at all.

Even so, the number of people standing on the side of the road will only increase.

"Go back, it's too cold outside." Xia Wei saw through the mobile phone that it was still snowing heavily on Shen Yun's side, and she was embarrassed to let Shen Yun stand outside to suffer from the cold.

"Then you didn't see it?"

"I don't want to watch it, I can't see the real person anyway, so it's different where I look."

"Then I went back?" Shen Yun asked slowly, giving Xia Wei a chance to regret, if she went up now, she wouldn't come down.

"Well, let's go up." Xia Wei nodded, since they were all on the phone anyway, watching videos sent by others was also watching.

Shen Yun talked to Zhang Shiya and asked her if she would go back now, but Zhang Shiya refused, and she still wanted to wait for Mu Sibai to come out.

When Mu Sibai arrived at the principal's office, the principal had already been waiting there for a long time.

"It's really embarrassing. I'm too big in school, so I'm dizzy." Mu Sibai apologized embarrassedly. After all, he was bothering others and he was late.

"It's okay, I understand. Sit down." The principal was also a generous person, smiling cheerfully, and poured tea for Mu Sibai and his manager.

"Thank you." Mu Sibai picked up the teacup and took a sip, put down the teacup, and straight to the point stated the purpose of his visit this time.

"Principal Wu, I don't know what you think about borrowing the campus to shoot the MV."

"Okay, of course." Principal Wu readily agreed.

As for Mu Sibai's idea of ​​borrowing the B venue to shoot the MV, after Mu Sibai's agent called him, he discussed with other deans in the school and agreed to borrow it.

Not only giving money, but also promoting the school, so why not do it.

"Really, thank you, Principal Wu. Here is a contract for you to take a look at. If you are not satisfied, we can discuss it again." Mu Sibai took the contract from the agent and handed it to the principal.

"Hahaha, what is there to be dissatisfied with? I trust you." The headmaster laughed a few times, took the contract and directly signed his name on the back.

"Thank you Principal Wu for trusting me, then we will have a happy cooperation." Mu Sibai stood up and held out a hand to the principal.

"Happy cooperation." Principal Wu also stood up and held Mu Sibai's hand.

Things are much easier than Mu Sibai imagined. He also thinks that a hundred-year-old school like University B will be more difficult to say, because they are neither short of money nor short of reputation.Unexpectedly, the negotiation was completed so soon.

Now that the matter has been negotiated, he has to hurry back and go back. He has to catch a plane at night to attend an event tomorrow.

"I'm really sorry, because I have to catch a plane in the afternoon, so I won't accompany you first. I will let you know the specific time in advance."

"Leaving so soon? Why don't you stay and have lunch together before going back."

"No, it might be too late."

"That's fine, I'll take you to the school gate." After saying that, Principal Wu was about to get up to see Mu Sibai off.

"Stay, stay. We can just walk by ourselves. It's snowing heavily outside, so you don't have to go out." Mu Sibai said respectfully.

Although, since he came in, Principal Wu has always been smiling and looking easy to get along with, but for some reason, Mu Sibai feels inexplicably in awe of him.Maybe being a teacher has a deterrent effect in itself.

"Then I won't see you off, you go slowly." Principal Wu stopped being polite, stopped and did not continue to see Mu Sibai off.

"Si Bai, why don't we go in another direction, you will be surrounded again if you go down, and you don't know when you will be able to get out of this school." The manager remembered being surrounded just now If he hadn't tried his best to stop him, it is estimated that Mu Sibai would have been eaten by a group of fans.

If he had known that they would be exposed so quickly, he would never have accompanied Mu Sibai out alone today, and would definitely have brought a bodyguard with him to protect Mu Sibai's safety.

"No, my fans are still waiting for me down there." Mu Sibai refused without thinking, he couldn't let the fans down there waiting for her in the cold wind chill their hearts.

"Okay then, you stay under the umbrella and don't move, I'll protect you out." The manager could only follow Mu Sibai, his stubborn temper, as long as he decided it would be useless to say more.

There are so many ways for young people today.After Mu Sibai left, Principal Wu returned to his seat, thinking cheerfully.Suddenly, he remembered something. Before going out this morning, his daughter heard that he was going to meet Mu Sibai, and asked him to ask Mu Sibai for his autograph.

It's over, he forgot all about it, and he will definitely be scolded when he comes home at night.It's time to catch up now, but it's too embarrassing, it doesn't fit his identity at all.

But compared to going back and being scolded, face is not that important, he doesn't want to see the child's mother's gloomy face as soon as he goes back.

I don't know where Mu Sibai has gone now, how long it will take to chase, and it's snowing so much, they shouldn't go too fast.

Not thinking so much, Principal Wu got up and chased him out with an umbrella.

(End of this chapter)

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