It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 209 Girl Answers the Call

Chapter 209 Girl Answers the Phone

Not knowing what was said on the other end of the phone, he saw Xia Wei froze for a moment, then hung up the phone in a panic.

"What's the matter?" He Yan couldn't suppress his inner curiosity and asked Xia Wei.

"It was a girl who received the call just now." Xia Wei buried her head between her legs, shrinking into a ball.

He Yan was at a loss for words, didn't know how to speak, he was silent for a while, raised his hand to pat her on the back to comfort her, hesitated for a moment, then put it down again.

"Maybe, it's a misunderstanding. It might be her sister who answered the phone, or maybe it's his mother who can't tell."

Xia Wei didn't speak, but suddenly turned around and hugged He Yan, lying on his neck and crying loudly.

He Yan raised his hand again, paused, and gently placed it on Xia Wei's back.

It felt like Xia Wei had been crying for a long time, and her shoulders were numb as a pillow.

"I'm sorry, I made your clothes wet from crying." Xia Wei got up from He Yan's arms, her body twitched before she could stop crying.

"This is my best dress. I won't forgive you without 5000 yuan." He Yan grabbed the part that was wet from Xia Wei's crying with two fingers, and said to Xia Wei.

"I'm so, so uncomfortable, you still touch porcelain." The more Xia Wei said, the more wronged she became, and she burst into tears again.

"Oh, don't cry, don't cry, I don't want money anymore, I'll give you the clothes, you can wipe your nose." Seeing that Xia Wei was crying again, He Yan panicked and reached out to hug her.

Xia Wei leaned against He Yan's arms, crying non-stop.

"Crying really makes me feel better." Xia Wei leaned on the bench, feeling much more comfortable now.

"I warn you, Ang, don't tell about today's matter, or you will be killed." Xia Wei pointed at He Yan, threatening He Yan with what she thought was a fierce expression.

But in He Yan's eyes, Xia Wei is now a vicious kitten, and she is still a kitten trying to cover up her mistakes.

"Did you hear that?" Seeing that He Yan was in a daze, Xia Wei raised her hand and hit him on the arm.

"I heard it, don't worry, I promise not to say anything." He Yan rubbed the place where he was beaten, and the man was still as ruthless as ever.

"That's about the same. Come on, let's go home after drinking these wines." Xia Wei picked up the last two bottles of wine from the ground and handed He Yan a bottle.

"Come on, cheers." Xia Wei opened the beer and touched the beer in her hand.

"You can drink enough."

"of course."

Xia Wei drank the beer in one gulp, stood up and stretched.

"Comfortable, fuck love, fuck games, fuck long-distance relationship, my mother is still beautiful single." Xia Wei almost shouted the last sentence.

"I'm coming too, go fuck the exam, go fuck the exam, go fuck the class, go fuck the relationship, I'm invincible." He Yan also stood up and shouted after Xia Wei.

No matter how hard He Yan shouted, he could hear the echo.

"Huh, cool." Xia Wei exhaled the turbid air that was suppressed in her heart, and her whole body felt comfortable.

"Okay, miss, I have cried and cried and shouted, should we go back? Sister Yun asked me a long time ago if I sent you home safely."

"Let's go, Xiaoyanzi."

Shen Yun and Su Mu rushed to City B for the morning bus. They were worried that Shen Yun would not be able to get up in the morning. The first thing Su Mu did when he got up early was to wake Shen Yun up.

"Are you up yet?" Su Mu stood outside Shen Yun's door and knocked on her door.

"Well, that's it." Shen Yun responded to Su Mu in a daze.

Because I was worried about Xia Wei last night, I didn't go to sleep until He Yan called me and sent Xia Wei back in person after I came back.

Maybe it was because he drank some wine, but he slept soundly this time, and he didn't know when the alarm clock he set was turned off by himself.

Can't stay in bed today, Shen Yun got up very quickly, dressed and washed.

"It smells so good." Shen Yun came down from upstairs.As soon as she reached the stairs, she could smell the aroma coming from the kitchen.

"Sweet, I made the sandwiches today." Hearing Shen Yun's voice, Su Mu poked his head out of the kitchen and looked at Shen Yun and said.

"Fragrant." Shen Yun pulled the chair, sat on the table and waited for the meal.

"Let's eat. After eating, we will take the car to the station. When we arrive, we will go to the hotel to put down our luggage, and then we will go find a house." Su Mu put the sandwich on the table, and sat down on the stool.

"Well, that being said, our schedule is pretty full." Shen Yun nodded, took a bite of the sandwich, and nodded to Su Mu with satisfaction.

"Eat slowly, drink this glass of milk, don't choke." Su Mu pushed the milk towards Shen Yun's hand.

Shen Yun took a sip of the milk, she didn't want to talk because it was delicious.

After they finished their meal, Su Mu went to wash the dishes, while Shen Yun went upstairs to unload her suitcase.

There is nothing else to pack up. It was packed last night, and the two of them can go straight away with the boxes.

After a few hours of high-speed rail and another half an hour of driving, I finally arrived at the place.

"It's over, I'm tired from sitting." Shen Yun opened the door and threw the suitcase at the door, then turned around and threw himself on the bed.

"Otherwise, let's go to sleep first, wake up and then look for a house?" Su Mu looked at the tired Shen Yun and suggested.

"It's okay, let's look for a house first, we can go to a few more houses if we go early." Shen Yun turned over and got up from the bed.

"It's okay. I'm not in a hurry. I've already asked my friend to look at a few houses. It feels pretty good. We'll just go and have a look."

"So fast, let me see what it looks like." Shen Yun leaned against Su Mu, a little listless.

"Look." Su Mu picked up the phone and opened the chat history, found the photo, and showed it to Shen Yun.

There are a total of five houses, all of which look good, with floors, balconies, guards, etc., but I don’t know what the reality is like.

"These rents are not low, right?" Although Shen Yun has never rented a house, she has heard of it.

Cui Ying rented a house with her boyfriend before. After searching for a few days, she complained about how expensive the rented house near the school was. Many houses were unfinished, and the rent was almost 500.

"It's not expensive, I'm an acquaintance, give me a discount." Su Mu put away the phone and didn't look at it again.

"Did you go to trouble Brother Lei again? Otherwise, let's thank him one day, after all, he has helped us a lot."

"Us?" Su Mu quickly grasped the key point of Shen Yun's words and repeated them.

"Ah, I said the wrong thing. You go, I won't go." Shen Yun smiled and made amends for himself.

What she said just now was easy to say, she herself wanted to thank that Brother Lei, it doesn't matter if we don't or not.She didn't have to go to see that Lei Ge, since Su Mu didn't want her to go, she wouldn't go.

However, I still felt a little uncomfortable, as if Su Mu had a big secret behind his back.

(End of this chapter)

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