Chapter 219
"Hey, it's okay." Shen Yun sighed, and changed the subject to ask Qi Xiwen.

Judging from Qi Xiwen's current situation of not wanting to say anything, it is difficult for her to go any further.

Shen Yun's rare feeling of despair came up again, she didn't want Cui Ying and Xia Wei to be able to call them brothers and sisters with just a few words, chatting with each other was beyond words.She is not good at communication, she doesn't know what to say to introduce the topic, so that Qi Xiwen can relax and trust her.

Yes, it is trust.Qi Xiwen obviously didn't trust her, so he asked him to treat her, but he didn't say anything.

For a while, the dialogue between the two people encountered a bottleneck.

"Drink some water first." Su Mu held two glasses of water and placed them in front of Shen Yun and Qi Xiwen respectively.

"Thank you." Qi Xiwen held the water glass with both hands and did not drink.

"I think it's almost night now, and I'm hungry all afternoon, how about going to have a meal together?" Su Mu sat beside Shen Yun. Qi Xiwen said the words, but what he saw was Shen Yun's face.

Shen Yun shrugged, indicating that she had no objection.

Just because of her current relationship with Qi Xiwen, some relaxation is needed.

"Is it okay?" Qi Xiwen looked at Shen Yun, looking at her questioningly, as if Shen Yun was some kind of vicious person.

All of a sudden, Shen Yun didn't want to agree, but that's what everyone said, and it was wrong for him to disagree.

"Okay." Shen Yun agreed, and said to the two of them, "Wait for me, I'll go change clothes first."

It was too late yesterday to search for information, and Shen Yun stayed at Su Mu's place and didn't go back. Anyway, Su Mu has another room here, and she has always prepared her toiletries and a change of clothes.

There is no class this weekend, and she doesn't plan to go out, so Shen Yun has been wearing home clothes without changing.

"Did I cause you trouble?" Qi Xiwen asked Su Mu with her head bowed in self-blame.

"No, it happens that Shen Yun is going to do a project." Su Mu sat on the stool and looked in the direction of Shen Yun's room.

"I'm curious about something. The two of you seem to be calling each other's names directly, don't you feel that you are born?"

"Shengfen? No, we've always called it that way." Su Mu really didn't care about this issue. He has been called Shen Yun since he was a child, and at most he would add a younger sister after him when he was a child.

"That's why I feel that you are born. When I first heard you call her Shen Yun, I thought you two had a bad relationship."

"Whether the relationship is good or not has nothing to do with the name."

"Well, I know now. To be honest, I'm quite jealous of Shen Yun. I've been jealous since the first time I knew her. Jealous of her having a boyfriend like you, jealous of you saying her name all over the place, jealous of her clearly I can always touch your heart when I'm not by your side. After seeing her in person, I became even more jealous. Jealous of why she is so good-looking and outstanding, and the most angry thing is that I still think you are a good match." Qi Xiwen laughed at himself Smiling, he asked Su Mu, "Am I in a mess now?"

"No, it looks okay." Su Mu glanced in Qi Xiwen's direction and then quickly looked away, but his head was still fixed on Shen Yun's door.

"Heh." Qi Xiwen was amused by Su Mu, and looked at Su Mu, "Do you know what you look like the most handsome? It's your serious and perfunctory look now, and you never even glanced at me from the beginning to the end."

Su Mu looked back in embarrassment, and finally looked at Qi Xiwen.

"If it weren't for your face, I wouldn't like a boy like you at all, cold and straight."

"Oh, is that so?" Su Mu smiled awkwardly, not knowing how to answer Qi Xiwen's words, praying silently in his heart, Shen Yun quickly changed his clothes and came out.

Finally, when Su Mu was about to be unable to bear it anymore, Shen Yun finally came out of it.

"I'm sorry, Ang, I just went to the toilet by the way." Shen Yun smiled apologetically at Qi Xiwen, then turned his head and exchanged a look with Su Mu.

Su Mu silently shook his head at Shen Yun, who frowned indistinctly, and withdrew his eyes.

Just when Shen Yun said that he was going to change clothes, under the table, Shen Yun clasped Su Mu's thigh with his fingers calmly.

Surprised, Su Mu looked at Shen Yun.

"I'll change clothes later, you talk to her." Shen Yun gave Su Mu a look, then got up and left, Su Mu didn't even have a chance to refuse.

"What's the situation? What did she tell you?" Shen Yun pulled Su Mu to slow down and walked behind Qi Xiwen.

"She said she was jealous of you, and she also said I'm handsome, that's why she likes me." Su Mu deliberately spoke to Shen Yun, who asked her to leave herself alone.

"Are you happy?" Shen Yun looked at Su Mu with a deathly smile.


"Huh?" Shen Yun said in a frivolous ending.

"No, not happy." Su Mu quickly shook his head as he wanted to go online for survival.

"Then hurry up and say it." Shen Yun gritted his teeth and said in a low voice.

"What I said is true, she just told me these things. However, she is in a better state than when she was with you." Su Mu stopped teasing Shen Yun and analyzed seriously.

"Oh, that's for sure. After all, you are the person they like. How can a little rival like me compare to you?"

"I'm sorry, I was wrong." Su Mu took Shen Yun's hand and apologized to her.

"Don't dare, how dare you accept your apology. After all, it's not your fault that you are handsome." Shen Yun broke away from Su Mu's hand with a blank expression.

Oops, playing too big.Su Mu looked at the empty hand, and a sentence flashed in his mind.

While worrying about how to save her previous act of committing suicide, she suddenly thought of what she said with Qi Xiwen just now.Maybe you can try this method.

"Shen Yun, Xiao Yun, baby Yunyun." Su Mu leaned in front of Shen Yun, took her hand again, and acted like a baby to her.

"Hey, that's disgusting, you, go away." Shen Yun pushed Su Mu away in disgust, pulled out his hand, and rubbed his clothes twice.

Su Mu rubbed the goosebumps on his arms, he was also disgusted by himself.

Sure enough, these are not suitable between them.

"Aren't you two going too far? It's okay to let me be the first patient, and I'm still so far behind." Qi Xiwen stopped and shouted at the two people behind.

Shen Yun looked at Qi Xiwen who was a foot away from them, if she didn't speak, she would have forgotten about this person.

After a few steps forward, Shen Yun came behind Qi Xiwen, the distance between them was less than one meter.Su Mu followed closely and came to Shen Yun's side.

"Why don't you walk with me?" Qi Xiwen turned around and asked Shen Yun in doubt.

"Ah?" Shen Yun didn't expect Qi Xiwen to say such a sentence suddenly, and he didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Or do you despise me?"

"No, you are fine." Shen Yun held back for a long time before saying this.

"You two are a good match." Qi Xiwen was speechless for a while. Of the two couples, one was pretty good at boasting, and the other was okay.

(End of this chapter)

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