Chapter 224 Growing Up

Shen Yun came back to his senses, looked at Cui Ying, and shook his head at her.


"Shen Yun, let me tell you, you are going to be popular. In the MV between you and Mu Sibai, people are asking who you are in just a few seconds of the video." Cui Ying talked excitedly with Zhu Yiyi, wanting to mediate atmosphere.

"I know." Shen Yun nodded, trying to smile, but she found that she couldn't do it.

Now she feels uncomfortable and angry whenever she hears about Mu Sibai, and she can't help but want to rush up and beat him.

She has known Zhu Yiyi for so many years, and every time Zhu Yiyi is sad is related to Mu Sibai.

Originally, it was fine if she didn't know who that person was, but now that she knew, she superimposed all her resentment towards that person, from the past to the present, on Mu Sibai.

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, Shen Yun calmed down, but Mu Sibai sent her another WeChat message.

"The MV came out today, have you watched it?"

Shen Yun glanced at the phone, didn't turn it on, put it down again, picked up the phone again after a few minutes, and turned on the message.


"Then pay attention to when you appear later, the barrage is asking who you are. Many of my fans say they are fascinated by you."

"Well, what exactly do you want to say?" A busy person like Mu Sibai definitely didn't come to her to discuss the MV barrage.

"I really can't hide anything from you. I just want to help my manager and ask you if you have any plans to enter the entertainment industry."

"I'm sorry, no." Shen Yun resolutely refused, she didn't want to have anything to do with Mu Sibai now, she was afraid that she couldn't help hitting him.

She has never been a person who likes to do things, the last time she did it was because Sangman was looking for trouble.

"That's fine, then you concentrate on studying." Maybe Mu Sibai also felt Shen Yun's tit-for-tat, so he didn't continue the chat.

Shen Yun didn't want to talk to him anymore, and didn't reply to his messages.

Maybe it was because he was too tired last night, Shen Yun was sleepy again, he fell asleep not long after climbing into bed.

After today, Shen Yun never discussed Mu Sibai's topic with Zhu Yiyi again, and Zhu Yiyi never mentioned this matter to her again, the two of them tacitly assumed that this matter never happened.

But Su Mu couldn't do it anymore. Ever since he opened the meat, he tried his best to keep Shen Yun and prevent her from going back to the dormitory.

Especially after arriving at home, Su Mu acted even more recklessly, staying at her house directly and not leaving, and staying in her room, unwilling to leave.

"Su Mu, aren't you tired every day?" Shen Yun supported his waist and kicked Su Mu beside him.

Su Mu was kicked out of bed, and got out of bed with the quilt on his body.

Shen Yun felt a chill all over his body, lowered his head to look down, and took a deep breath of cold air.

Is this still her body? The whole body is bruised and purple, and there is nothing good about it, especially on the waist, where Su Mu's five-finger marks are particularly obvious.

Su Mu naturally also saw Shen Yun's body, his eyes were straightened, what should he do this early in the morning.

"Gudu." Su Mu licked his lips and swallowed. He could hear the loud voice, which felt like a 3D surround sound.

Shen Yun also realized the problem at this moment, and quickly picked up a pillow to cover his chest, but it seemed that the pillow was not long enough and could only cover half of it.

Blocking the top cannot block the bottom, blocking the bottom cannot block the top.

"I'll help you block it." Su Mu's mouth curled up into a wicked smile, and he propped up the quilt and came in front of Shen Yun, covering both of them under the quilt.

When Shen Yun woke up again, it was already dark outside.

Shen Yun supported his waist, licked his back molars, and stared at the culprit who looked refreshed and dressed.

"What do you want to eat?" Su Mu put his hands on the bed and surrounded Shen Yun between him and the bed board.

"I'm warning you Ang, don't think about other things." Shen Yun covered his mouth and looked at Su Mu warily.

"I'm not kidding you, I'll cook for you." Su Mu kissed Shen Yun's forehead and got up to cook for Shen Yun.

Su Mu closed the door in a good mood, walked to the stairs, and was about to go downstairs when he looked down and was startled.

"Dad, Mom, godfather, godmother, when did you come back?" Su Mu was a little embarrassed, looking at the four people below who were staring at him.

The four of them kept staring at Su Mu without speaking.

Su Mu was suddenly a little nervous, wondering when the fourteen of them would come back, and whether they had heard what he had just done.

"Hey, give me the money, give me the money quickly." Jiang Lian let out a burst of laughter, and directed at Su Liedong and Shen Zengyi.

"What are you guys going to do again?" Su Mu, who was worried at first, breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, none of them heard it.

Su Liedong and Shen Zengyi reluctantly took out a hundred-yuan bill from their pockets and handed it to Jiang Lianlian and Han Ci.

"We were betting which room you would come out of today, and your mother and I won." Jiang Lian was talking while receiving the money. Fake.

"Cough, cough, cough, cough." Su Mu, who was drinking water, suddenly choked, clutching his chest and coughing desperately.

My God, this is tantamount to a public execution, it's a deadly operation.

"What are you coughing, we are not feudal, so why are you embarrassed?" Su Liedong walked over and patted Su Mu on the back, helping him to go down.

"Dad, what are you talking about?" Su Mu wiped away the water stains on the corners of his mouth, looking away in embarrassment.

Shen Yun heard the movement outside the room, got up and dressed, opened the door quietly, and checked the movement outside.

Seeing Han Ci and Jiang Lian getting closer and closer to her, Shen Yun quickly closed the door, drew the curtains, and lay down under the quilt to create the state of just waking up.

"Don't pretend, I don't know you yet? I don't know if I slept or not?" Jiang Lian sat on the edge of the bed, reaching out to remove the quilt covering Shen Yun's head.

"Mom, godmother." Shen Yun lifted the quilt by himself, and smiled embarrassedly at Jiang Lian and Han Ci.

"It's promising, isn't it, ah, you dare to share a room with Su Mu?" Jiang Lian poked Shen Yun's forehead with his index finger, talking about her.

"It hurts." Shen Yun covered his forehead pretending to be in pain, and acted like a baby to Jiang Lian.

"Xiao Yun, tell me the truth, is there something between you and Su Mu?" Han Ci also sat by the bed and asked Shen Yun.

"Ah?" Shen Yun was a little embarrassed, how could she speak.

"Ah, what, we don't care what you do. But you have to remember, you are a girl, you must first know how to love yourself, so that others can love you, do you understand?" Jiang Lian said earnestly, staring Concerned about Shen Yun, after all, it is a female university who will not be allowed to stay.

These years, she and Shen Zengyi have been busy with business outside, so it is inevitable that they have neglected Shen Yun.I really want to thank Su Mu for being by Shen Yun's side and taking care of Shen Yun for so many years like an older brother.

In the blink of an eye, both of them have grown up, and they have already made their own decisions, and they are no longer the children they used to be.

(End of this chapter)

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