Chapter 235 You Continue
Xia Wei took the beer, opened it quickly, and touched Shen Yun.

"No drunk, no return."

The beer in the bag gradually decreased, and there were more and more cans on the ground.

"I'm so happy."

Xia Wei stepped on the sofa, jumping happily.

"Slow down, don't fall." Shen Yun opened his hands and stood below, in case Xia Wei fell her to continue.

"No, I'm not drunk, hiccup~" Xia Wei waved her hand indifferently, but her feet slipped and she fell down on the sofa.

"Ahhh." Xia Wei pursed her lips, looked up at the ceiling and began to cry.

"Oh, why are you still crying?" Shen Yun still remained awake, took out a piece of paper and sat next to Xia Wei to wipe her tears.

"Why did Bald Qiang cut down trees?" Xia Wei pointed at the TV.

"I don't know either." Shen Yun glanced at the TV, not knowing how to answer Xia Wei.

"He still beat Xiong Da Xiong Er, don't you know that Xiong is a national protected animal?" Xia Wei sniffed and cried louder.

"Don't cry, I want to cry when you cry too." Shen Yun pursed his lips aggrievedly, and finally cried along with Xia Wei.

The two cried while calling Bald Qiang a scumbag.

When Su Mu returned home, he opened the door and almost escaped the smell of alcohol.

Frowning, he walked into the living room and put the supper he bought on the table first.Shen Yun told him in advance that she would sleep at home with Xia Wei tonight, worried that they would be hungry at night, and ordered some barbecue belts for them when passing by the barbecue.

In the end, these two little girls rebelled at home and drank together.

Su Mu kicked away the cans under his feet, and picked up Shen Yun, who was lying on the ground casually, by the waist.

Forget about drinking, and fell asleep casually lying on the ground, not afraid of catching a cold.

"Su Mu." Shen Yun put his arms around Su Mu's neck and rubbed against his chest.

"En." Su Mu heard Shen Yun's hoarse voice, and frowned indistinctly.

"Su Mu."

"I'm here."

Su Mu put Shen Yun on the bed, brushed away the broken hair sticking to her face, got up and got a hot towel to gently wipe Shen Yun's face, and then helped her change into her pajamas.

Shen Yun's face was blushing, and there were still traces of dry tears on his face. Coupled with the hoarse voice just now, he must have been crying for a long time.

"Su Mu." Without opening his eyes, Shen Yun called Su Mu over and over again.

Shen Yun shouted, and Su Mu responded.

"I'm here, I've always been here. Go to sleep, Ang." Su Mu put his hand on Shen Yun's head and said softly.

I don't know if Su Mu's words played a role, Shen Yun stopped calling Su Mu.

Su Mu stood up and sighed, one is finished here, and there is another one in the living room.

"Xia Wei." Su Mu squatted in front of Xia Wei and pushed her shoulder.

"Don't touch me." Xia Wei raised her hand and waved it randomly twice, turned over and continued to sleep.

Su Mu dodged backwards, and this hand almost hit him in the face.

"Xia Wei, wake up." Seeing that Xia Wei was still awake, Su Mu pushed her twice again.

However, Xia Wei showed no sign of waking up.

"I'm sorry, then don't blame me."

Su Mu got up and went to Shen Yun's room, took out a thin quilt from the closet and put it next to Xia Wei.

Then he pushed her shoulders, let her lie on the quilt, dragged the two corners of the quilt, and dragged her into Shen Yun's room.

Then he took Shen Yun's quilt off the bed and covered Xia Wei.

After finishing all this, Su Mu went to the kitchen to make hangover soup and also made some ginger soup for Xia Wei to prevent her from catching a cold tomorrow.

While the soup was cooking, Su Mu cleaned the living room by the way.

These two little girls didn't eat less at night, Shen Yun saved so many snacks, almost finished them all.

By the time everything was packed, the sky outside was already bright.

Su Mu yawned, walked into the room, and took a shower with his last consciousness. The next thing, Su Mu knew that he was lying on the bed, and he couldn't feel anything after that.

When he woke up, Shen Yun hadn't woken up yet. Su Mu turned on his phone and checked the time. It was only after eight o'clock.

Fortunately, the professor gave them half a day off today.However, Su Mu still got up.

Get up from the bed, go to the kitchen to heat up the Hangover Soup and Ginger Soup made last night, pour them into three bowls respectively, and serve them to Shen Yun and Xia Wei when they are almost warm.

"Shen Yun." Su Mu put the soup on the table and called Shen Yun softly.

"Huh?" Shen Yun responded, but did not open his eyes.

"Drink this bowl of hangover soup first, and then go to bed after drinking."

Shen Yun woke up in a daze and half leaned against the head of the bed.Su Mu put a pillow behind her and passed the soup to Shen Yun.

Shen Yun took the soup, first took a small sip, and finished the soup after feeling that it was not bitter.

After drinking, he handed the bowl to Su Mu, then retreated into the bed and closed his eyes to sleep.

Su Mu took the empty bowl and walked out.Hearing the sound of the door closing behind him, Shen Yun's originally closed eyes suddenly opened.

In fact, she won when Su Mu got up, but she was afraid that Su Mu would say about her drinking last night, so she simply pretended to sleep when Su Mu came.

"woke up?"

Su Mu pushed Shen Yun's room away and saw Xia Wei sitting on the bed, probably because it was cold at night, so she climbed onto the bed by herself.

"Yeah." Xia Wei hummed slightly, she didn't want to talk because of her sore throat.

"It's just right, I drank all these two bowls of hangover soup and ginger soup."

Su Mu put the two bowls he was carrying on the bedside table, turned around and left the room, and opened the door opposite.

When Shen Yun heard the door opening, he immediately closed his eyes.

"Stop pretending." Su Mu came to the bed and stared at Shen Yun.

Shen Yun slowly opened his eyes, saw Su Mu's face, and smiled at him.

"Tell me, what's going on." Su Mu sat by the bed and asked Shen Yun.

When he was feeding the medicine, he found that Shen Yun had woken up, but he didn't expose her.

"It's nothing, I'm just in a bad mood and want to drink." Shen Yun lowered his head guiltily, not looking into Su Mu's eyes.

"I'm in a bad mood? Why are you bad? With whom?" Su Mu approached Shen Yun a little bit, and asked her forcefully.

I'm in a bad mood, do you believe me?

"No, there's no reason, can't it just be in a bad mood?" Shen Yun put his hand on Su Mu's chest, trying to push Su Mu away.

"You were fine when I sent you back yesterday, but you were in a bad mood when you went back? Is it my fault, huh?" Su Mu stretched out a hand to hold Shen Yun's two wrists together, fixing them on the wall behind.

Shen Yun had no choice but to lean against the wall and shook his head.

"No, I don't blame you. Blame, blame Bald Qiang, blame him for cutting down trees, blame him for bullying national protected animals."

After asking for a long time, Su Mu didn't expect such an answer. He froze for a moment and was amused by Shen Yun's answer.

"Xiaoyun." Xia Wei pushed open the door, and when she saw the scene in front of her, she quickly covered her eyes, "Sorry, I didn't see anything, you guys continue."

After finishing speaking, Xia Wei stumbled and closed the door, and almost hit the wall when she turned around.

(End of this chapter)

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