Chapter 243

"Don't move." Shen Yun put one arm around Su Mu's waist to prevent him from falling, and took out the key with the other hand to open the door.

"Okay." Su Mu was obedient, and told him not to move, so he put his arms around Shen Yun and did not move.

But it would be better if his mouth didn't move either.

Shen Yun opened the door with difficulty, threw Su Mu on the sofa, took out a tissue and began to wipe his neck, which was covered with the saliva that Su Mu had just gnawed.

Su Mu reached out and pulled, and Shen Yun fell onto the sofa.With a stretch of the long arms, Shen Yun's arms were tightly hugged together, and his legs were also wrapped around Shen Yun's body. He hugged Shen Yun like a koala, and took another bite on her neck that had just been wiped clean.

"You dislike me?" Su Mu pouted and looked at Shen Yun, as if he had been greatly wronged.

Shen Yun looked at the coquettish Su Mu and couldn't help laughing. He raised his hand and pinched his face, and asked softly, "Are you drunk?"

During the meal, the professor and the others obviously wanted to get Su Mu drunk, everyone came to him for a drink, this silly boy didn't know how to hide, he really just drank with others one by one.

Su Mu nodded heavily, his eyes narrowed together with a smile, looked at Shen Yun, and said word by word.

"I'm happy."

"You are so happy to leave me and go abroad?" Shen Yun knew that Su Mu was not happy about this, so he deliberately teased him.

"No, not happy." Su Mu frowned, his eyes drooped, his mouth pouted, and he shook his head at Shen Yun.

"Why are you unhappy again?" Shen Yun was about to be turned on by the drunk Su Mu, pinching his face and rubbing his nose for a while, as if making him cry?
"You are not allowed to leave me." Su Mu tightened his arms and hugged Shen Yun tightly.

"I won't leave you, but if you don't let go, I might be sent away by you." Shen Yun was afraid to slap Su Mu's arm, telling him to let go quickly.

"you said."

"I said so." Shen Yun straightened up and looked at Su Mu condescendingly.

"Empty words are nothing, I want to seal it." Su Mu made a strong hand, and Shen Yun fell on top of him, lowering his head and biting Shen Yun's lips lightly.

Shen Yun was dissatisfied and hit him. He is a dog, and he bites people when he is drunk.

Su Mu's teeth let go of Shen Yun's lips, but he did not move away from Shen Yun's lips. The tip of his tongue lightly licked around Shen Yun's lips.

The hands began to pick apart Shen Yun's clothes restlessly, and poked down from underneath.

Shen Yun's eyes gradually blurred, she obviously didn't drink, but she seemed to be drunk too.Putting her arms around Su Mu's neck, she began to respond fully to him.

Su Mu opened his eyes, his eyes were clear, and he didn't look like he was just drunk and blurred.He turned over and pressed Shen Yun on the sofa.

"Where are you taking me? I'm warning you, He Yan, don't play tricks on me, be careful I'll beat you." Xia Wei looked at the gradually desolate surroundings, and pointed at He Yan like a warning.

I don't know how He Yan found such a desolate place next to the school, with no flowers around.If He Yan didn't dare, she would have wondered if He Yan wanted to buy her.

"How dare, you are the ancestor, how dare I play tricks on you. Isn't this a surprise for you because your birthday is coming soon."

"That's right, if you don't tell me I'll forget it, my birthday is coming soon." Xia Wei suddenly realized that she is a person who doesn't pay attention to these rituals, and she doesn't usually celebrate birthdays too much.

Last year's birthday, Shen Yun and the others were not around, and they all called themselves.

"Hey, I haven't had dinner with Xiaoyun for a long time." Thinking of Shen Yun, Xia Wei couldn't help but sigh with emotion. She and Su Mu are very busy recently, and they left after meeting each other in a hurry.

"Indeed, Sister Yun and Su Mu are quite busy. But it should be better in the future. Su Mu's experiment is completed."

"Forget it, the young couple must not have kissed enough, I'm not going to be a light bulb." Xia Wei still has this self-knowledge.


Xia Wei stopped and looked ahead, but was covered by He Yan's mysterious cloth.

He Yan walked to the front, and yanked the cloth aside, "Deng dong dong."

Xia Wei stared at the pile of neon lights emitting faint light on the ground, froze for a moment, walked forward pretending to be surprised, and picked up the neon lights.

"Wow, is this the gift you prepared for me? What a surprise."

The neon light seemed to let Xia Wei see it, and at the same time Xia Wei picked it up, the light also started to go out.

"However, it seems to be out of power." Xia Wei looked at He Yan awkwardly while holding the light that had been turned off.

As soon as He Yan opened the cloth and saw the neon lights, he was also stunned. He obviously prepared other things, but they disappeared.

"I didn't prepare this, this is what I decorated on it." He Yan was speechless, and began to look down for what he had prepared.

"Then what are you preparing?" Xia Wei put away the lamp and began to help He Yan search together.

"Uh, I bought a box of snacks."

"Why do you put your snacks in this remote place? You can just give them to me."

After searching around, they couldn't even find a snack bag. Xia Wei and He Yan sat on the ground tired and decided to give up.

"Is there something wrong with you, why don't you just give it to me?" Xia Wei couldn't figure out what to say, it was just a box of snacks, and it was so mysterious.

"Well, it's my fault." He Yan lowered his head and hummed dully.

"It doesn't matter, if you lose it, you lose it, you just think that I have finished eating." Xia Wei noticed He Yan's depression, and patted him on the shoulder to comfort him.

"I'm sorry, I'll give you back your birthday present next time." He Yan stood up with his back to Xia Wei, just in time for his bangs to block his red eyes.

What was lost was not only a box of snacks, but also a box of roses, which he inserted into a heart shape in the box after spending the whole afternoon.

He wanted to take this opportunity to confess today, but it was all gone.

Perhaps, this is a warning from God, let him not confess.

"Oh, why did I forget, I still have a gift." He Yan took out his mobile phone and sent a message to the people who were already waiting there.

"What?" Xia Wei looked around, and there was nothing but what was in front of her.

"Look." He Yan pointed to the left.

Xia Wei looked in the direction He Yan pointed, and a bunch of fireworks flew out, blooming in the air, and blooming in Xia Wei's eyes.

The fireworks were originally planned to be set off when he confessed his love, and he colluded with his roommate in advance, as long as he sent him a message, he would light the fireworks.

The best viewing location was specially selected, which is this desolate place.

No need, just treat it as an ordinary birthday present.

He Yan raised his hand and wiped away the tears on his face.It is said that men do not flick their tears lightly, that is bullshit, the tears stay uncontrollably.

After the last bunch of fireworks were set off, He Yan still turned his back to Xia Wei and said.

"Okay, let's go back."

After speaking, He Yan took a step forward.

"He Yan, thank you, I like it very much." Xia Wei stopped He Yan and said to his back.

(End of this chapter)

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