Chapter 247

"You really think about it?"

"Well, I've discussed it with my dad."

Shen Yun heard the voice a bit familiar, and when he looked up, he saw Qi Xiwen was going up the stairs with Xu Ruohan's arm around him.

At this moment, Qi Xiwen also saw Shen Yun, and pulled his arm away inexplicably guilty.

Xu Ruohan looked up suspiciously, seeing that it was Shen Yun, he couldn't help but sneer.

"Heh, who am I? Isn't this Shen Yun who has already moved out? Why did he suddenly go back to the dormitory? Could it be that he was dumped by Su Mu?"

Shen Yun lowered his head and smiled, lifted the hair that was falling down, and looked at Xu Ruohan, "That's not as thorough as you."

After finishing speaking, Shen Yun didn't wait for Xu Ruohan's response, and directly walked down the stairs from the two of them.

When passing by Xu Ruohan, Shen Yun suddenly stopped.

"By the way, in the future, I should focus more on my boyfriend. After all, senior Xie is sincere, don't let him feed the dog." Shen Yun turned to look at Xu Ruohan, and raised his eyebrows in a particularly A way: "You said yes no?"

Xu Ruohan stared at the front, slowly tightened his palms, the sharp nails sank into the flesh little by little, and then let go of his fists, leaving four distinct crescent moon marks on his palms.

Xu Ruohan turned to look at Shen Yun, smiled slightly, "Of course."

Shen Yun shrugged his shoulders and said nothing.

Xu Ruohan turned around and dragged Qi Xiwen upstairs quickly.

Shen Yun glanced at the hands they were holding, but didn't care, turned around and went downstairs to find Xia Wei.

"Do you think that Xu Ruohan still likes Su Mu? If you say she likes it, she is already with someone else; if you say she doesn't like it, she always dislikes you." After listening to Shen Yun, Xia Wei said He calmly analyzed what happened on the stairs just now.

"I don't know, maybe she just doesn't like me." Shen Yun shook his head helplessly, who knows what this woman thinks.

Even though she can't get her down every time, she still can't help being provocative the next time they meet.For such behavior, Shen Yun defined it as a lowly crime.

Shen Yun walked to the front to take a look at the dishes, and then pulled Xia Wei to the back of the long queue.

"Row this window, this one has ribs."

"But, this team is too long." Xia Wei looked at the team in front of her who was about to turn a corner, and then looked to the side, it seemed that there was not much difference.

"Okay, just eat this." Xia Wei reluctantly agreed, this order was not good, and it happened to be just after school.

Shen Yun and Xia Wei were at the back of the line, moving their bodies forward bit by bit.

"Did you read the confession last night? Tsk, where do you think they came up with these confession ideas?"

"I searched it on the Internet, and there are a lot of this stuff."

"That's right, when I went out for a run two days ago, in the middle of the road, there was a box of snacks and a box of roses, covered with a mysterious cloth."

Listening to this, Shen Yun and Xia Wei looked at each other, and at the same time looked up at the three people talking in front.

Three people have three hair colors, one has blue hair, the other has yellow hair, and there is no dyed hair.Because their backs were facing Shen Yun, they couldn't see their faces, so they could only identify who was speaking by their voices.

"I'll go, where did you see it?" the black hair asked.

"It's just behind our school. Isn't there a hill there? No one usually goes there. I was idle that day and wanted to go out for a stroll, and then I saw it." The yellow hair said, pointing behind with his thumb .

Now, Shen Yun was more sure that what the man saw was what He Yan had prepared.

"Then what happened later, was the confession successful?" Blue hair asked Huang Fa gossipingly, impatient to know the follow-up.

"Later? No later." Huang Fa smiled, "How do you think the snacks you ate two days ago came from?"

"You kid is too bad. I said why did you suddenly have money to treat us to snacks that day? So that's the case. Then you also took the roses in your dormitory?"


"Hahaha, I guess the person who confessed must hate you to death."

"Anyway, he doesn't know who I am, and don't your snacks taste good? Don't the flowers smell good?"

The three of them laughed and walked back with their dinner plates in their hands. Xia Wei stared at the three of them, trying to resist the urge to rush forward and beat them up.

"Girl, what do you want to eat? Girl?" The canteen aunt knocked on the edge of the plate with a spoon and called Xia Wei loudly.

Shen Yun couldn't stand it and pushed Xia Wei from behind, Xia Wei came back to her senses, pointed to the sweet and sour pork ribs and shredded potatoes and said to the aunt in the cafeteria.

"Oh, Auntie, I want this and this."

After finishing the dishes, Xia Wei walked ahead with the tray, searching for where the three boys were sitting.

Those brightly colored hair were easy to find, Xia Wei saw their ostentatious hair before long, and walked over with a plate.

Xia Wei sat next to the yellow hair, and Shen Yun sat opposite Xia Wei.Putting down the dinner plate, Xia Wei looked Huang Mao up and down.

I saw him wearing a loose beige work jacket with a particularly large pocket on his upper body, and black jeans on his lower body.

Xia Wei looked at the big bag and thought about it.

She first told Shen Yun on her mobile phone that she had a plan and asked Shen Yun to cooperate with her.

Shen Yun read the news and gestured an OK gesture to Xia Wei.

"Ahem, Xiaoyun, how is the treatment of your multiple personality patient going?"

"That, it's more difficult. You don't know how scary multiple personality patients are when they change." Shen Yun glanced at Huangmao as he spoke, and when he saw him glance at them, he raised his voice again, making it even more attractive. He pays attention.

"She has a violent personality. Every time she changes, she will beat people and sometimes even throw things."

The voice of Huangmao's voice is getting weaker and weaker, and her attention has been completely attracted by her.

"Really? It's so scary." Xia Wei asked loudly, but the hand under the table quietly reached into Huangmao's pocket.

Xia Wei raised her eyes and glanced at the yellow hair, but there was no reaction, probably she didn't notice it.

"That's right, that's the scary one. Do you remember the wound on my forehead last time? She gave it to me." Shen Yun nodded, speaking in a very aggrieved manner.

"My God, that's really terrible." Xia Wei turned slightly sideways, blocking their sight, and gestured an OK gesture to Shen Yun.

Shen Yun heaved a sigh of relief, but it was all over.No matter how bad it was, she didn't know how to make it up.

"Hey, have you looked at my phone?" Xia Wei asked Shen Yun while touching her pocket.

"I haven't seen it, so you should look for it." Shen Yun shook his head, seeing Xia Wei blinking at him, he immediately understood Xia Wei's plan.

"No, I've searched all around me."

"Then I'll call you."

Shen Yun took out his mobile phone and dialed Xia Wei's number, and the ringtone rang from Huang Mao's pocket.

(End of this chapter)

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