Chapter 256 He finally came back
Su Mu went directly to the bar and opened a new room.

Leaning on the head of the bed, recalling what Qi Xiwen said.

He wasn't worried about the child's problems, but when he heard Qi Xiwen say that there were other boys beside Shen Yun, his heart skipped a beat.

Shouldn't he be happy?Shen Yun could let him go and be with other people, he should be happy for her.

But why can't he be happy?

He disappeared for three years. During these three years, he had thought countless times about Shen Yun's future life, thinking about her marrying another man and having children.

But when he actually heard the news, he couldn't be as open-minded as he imagined.He couldn't accept that there were other men standing beside Shen Yun, but he couldn't stand beside Shen Yun either.

Shen Yun, what exactly do you want me to do.

"Xiaobao, shall we go to the mall today? Then we will go to grandma tomorrow."

"Shopping mall?" Xiaobao raised his head and looked at Shen Yun ignorantly.

"That's right, it's the shopping mall that Uncle Xie took you to last time, the one with a lot of small toys in it, do you remember?" Shen Yun looked at Xiaobao expectantly.

It was the first time Xiaobao went to the mall, and the response was not bad, so today she wanted to take Xiaobao to try again.

Xiaobao thought for a long time, then nodded.

"Then do you still want to go today?" Shen Yun was pleasantly surprised, if Xiao Bao could remember it, it proved that she was accepting this place.

"There are a lot of people there." Xiao Bao looked at Shen Yun and replied timidly.

"It's okay, just follow me closely when the time comes. Come with me, okay?"

"Well, good." Xiao Bao nodded, agreeing to Shen Yun.

"Our little treasure is awesome." Shen Yun was overjoyed, and got up to kiss Xiaobao's forehead.

"Knock, knock, knock." There was a knock on the door.

"Xiaobao, eat well, I'll open the door."


After comforting Xiaobao, Shen Yun got up to open the door.

Han Chenxi stood at the door with something in his hand.

"Why are you here?" Shen Yun turned sideways, let Han Chenxi in, and closed the door.

"Isn't it the Chinese New Year? Let me ask if you will go back to celebrate the New Year, and buy something for Xiaobao by the way." Han Chenxi put the things he brought on the coffee table, took out a set of Barbie dolls and walked to Xiaobao around.

"Xiaobao, look, I bought you something nice." Han Chenxi squatted in front of Xiaobao holding a Barbie doll.

When Xiaobao saw the Barbie doll, he let out a happy cry.But when Han Chenxi handed her the Barbie doll, she looked up at Shen Yun, and when she saw Shen Yun nodding, she stretched out her hand to take it.

"Little Treasure." Shen Yun called out.

Xiaobao immediately understood, put the Barbie doll on the chair beside her, stood up and bowed to Han Chenxi.

"You're welcome, as long as Xiaobao likes it." Han Chenxi also stood up and bowed to Xiaobao.

"Don't eat." Xiaobao turned to look at Shen Yun, and shook his head at her.

"Okay, then wait a minute, we'll go to the mall later." Shen Yun walked over and stroked Xiaobao's hair, and asked her to go play by herself first.

Xiao Bao nodded, happily picked up the Barbie doll and ran to the sofa, and began to unpack it.

"I'll dismantle it for you, can you?" Han Chenxi walked over and asked Xiaobao.

Xiaobao stared at Han Chenxi for a while, then handed the Barbie doll to Han Chenxi.

Han Chenxi took it, unpacked it, took out all the contents and handed it to Xiaobao.

"Give you."

Seeing Xiaobao having fun, Han Chenxi turned around and walked to the kitchen, leaning against the door frame.

"Are you going to the mall later?"

"Well, we'll go back tomorrow, so I'll take Xiaobao to the mall to buy some new year's goods."

"Then I'll go with you. It just so happens that I also want to buy some new year's goods."

"You said everything, and I can't refuse." Shen Yun put away the dishes, wiped his hands, took off his apron and hung it on the wall, and shouted to the living room.

"Xiaobao, are you ready? We're leaving."

Hearing Shen Yun's call, Xiaobao put down the Barbie doll, ran to the door, changed his shoes and waited for Shen Yun.

Shen Yun also changed his shoes, took Xiao Bao's hand, and shouted.

"Let's go."

As soon as he entered the shopping mall, Xiaobao couldn't stand it any longer, he turned around and hugged Shen Yun's thigh, unwilling to go any further.

Shen Yun lowered his body and hugged Xiaobao, coaxing her softly.

"Xiaobao, don't be afraid, can mother carry you in?"

"Hmm." Xiao Bao put his arms around Shen Yun's neck, obediently lay on her shoulder, and hummed softly.

"Let me push the cart, just tell me what you want to buy, and I'll get it." Han Chenxi pushed the shopping cart and said to Shen Yun.

"Well, thank you." Shen Yun nodded to Han Chenxi, she was holding Xiaobao, and her hands were inconvenient to push the shopping cart.

At the airport, Su Mu got off the plane, looked at the familiar places around him, and smiled comfortably.

He finally came back.

After leaving the airport, Su Mu raised his hand to stop a taxi.


"Go to the Galaxy City community."


Su Mu leaned on the car and looked out the window, and gradually drove towards a place he was familiar with.

Shen Yun, I don't know if you are still here.

"Sir, here we are."

"Oh, good."

Su Mu got off the car and walked into the community. The salesman was already waiting at the door.

"Mr. Su, right?"


"Mr. Su, it's like this. I asked the residents of 311 according to your request. They are still not willing to sell the house, but the residents opposite are willing. Do you think it's okay?"

"Well, didn't you say this on the phone?"

"Yes, I just want to ask your wishes again."

"I don't have any objections. Besides, I've already bought the house. Do you think it's okay?" Su Mu smiled, looking at the sales in front of her. The girl is still childish, she should be a fresh graduate.

"I remember that it wasn't you who contacted me before?"

"That Miss Wang has something to do today, let me entertain you." After finishing speaking, the little girl took a sneak look at Su Mu, as if she was afraid that he would be angry.

"It's okay, just give me the key. Oh, by the way, is the room arranged as I said?"

"It's set up."

The little girl handed the key to Su Mu, then handed the house purchase contract to Su Mu, and left.

Su Mu took the key to the third floor, walked to the door of 311, raised his hand after thinking about it and decided to put it down.

Turn around and walk to 312, open the door and move your luggage in.

Everything in the room was arranged according to his requirements, exactly the same as the 311 in his memory.

I don't know who lives in 311 now, how happy he was when he heard the salesman said it was a girl, but later told him that it was a mother and daughter.

So, did Shen Yun move away?
In fact, it was normal to move out. After all, she graduated, so there was no need to continue renting the house here.

Su Mu was lying on the sofa, he felt like he was possessed by a demon, looking for clues in life that Shen Yun still liked him, and then using theory to overthrow his conclusion.

(End of this chapter)

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