It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 262 I Just Hope He Comes Safely

Chapter 262 I Just Hope He Comes Back Safely

The lights of the Ferris wheel suddenly turned on, hitting a pair of slender figures in front of them.

Mu Sibai looked at the spinning Ferris wheel, turned his head and asked affectionately to Zhu Yiyi beside him, "Do you know the legend about the Ferris wheel?"

Zhu Yiyi looked at the affectionate Mu Sibai, was stunned for a second, then smiled and turned to look at the Ferris wheel ahead.

"I've heard that when people in love kiss at the top of the Ferris wheel, they will always be together."

"Did you say that those people who kissed were really together all the time? Should two people rely on their own efforts to be together all the time? Why do you believe those legends." After finishing speaking, Mu Sibai took a step towards Zhu Yiyi and hugged Zhu Yiyi. Yiyi's waist.

Zhu Yiyi looked at the face close at hand, blushed and stammered, "I, how do I know, I haven't experienced it before."

"Kakaka, what's the matter with you? Yiyi, why didn't you follow the words?" The director stood up angrily, and shouted at Zhu Yiyi.

"I'm sorry, director." Zhu Yiyi hurriedly bowed and apologized. This was indeed her problem, and she NGed 5 times for this one segment.

"Director, I'm really sorry. Come, have a cup of coffee to calm down." Albert handed the coffee to the director and said with a smile.

The director took the coffee, took a sip to calm down, and said to Zhu Yiyi, "Yiyi, I think you're not in a good condition today, you can take a rest first, can you check your condition?"

"Okay, thank you director." Zhu Yiyi bowed to the director again, and ran to the set to rest.

"What's the matter with you today? This is not your usual strength." Seeing Shen Yun approaching, Albert immediately handed her the thermos cup.

"Goudan, did you already know that the leading actor in this movie is Mu Sibai?" Zhu Yiyi remembered that when she first saw Mu Sibai on the set today, she was completely dumbfounded, but Li Goudan was not at all. Not surprised.

"Uh, I knew about it a few days before you." Albert smiled guiltyly, and raised his hand to touch his nose.

Zhu Yiyi noticed this, and angrily stepped on Alber's foot.

"Ah, what are you doing?" Albert hugged his foot with one leg, spinning on the ground in pain.

"I think you did it on purpose, knowing that I was with him." Zhu Yiyi paused, and continued, "You still haven't told me."

"I'm not afraid of affecting your mood."

"You are not only affecting my mood, but also affecting my performance. I warn you, next time something like this happens, your year-end bonus will be deducted." Zhu Yiyi pointed at Albert's nose.

Seeing this, Albert smiled and held Zhu Yiyi's finger, "I was wrong, I swear to you, there will never be a next time."

Zhu Yiyi withdrew her finger and glared at Albert, "I'll let you go for now."

"Sit down quickly, adjust your mentality, and try to let us go through the next scene." Albert pulled Shen Yun to sit down, and winked at the little assistant on the side. The little assistant immediately understood, walked behind Zhu Yiyi and squeezed for her shoulder.

What Zhu Yiyi didn't expect was that someone was watching her every move with Albert just now,

"What are you looking at?" Lin Yifan followed Mu Sibai's gaze, and saw Zhu Yiyi who was sitting in a chair, enjoying a massage while reciting lines with a script book.

"I heard before that she is very powerful and she got into the drama very quickly. I don't know what's wrong today. It takes so many times to NG for such a short line."

"Why do you care so much, bring me my script book, I want to recite my lines too." Mu Sibai put down his water glass and said to Lin Yifan.

Lin Yifan let out an "oh", and handed him Mu Sibai's script book.

Mu Sibai opened the script book, but didn't want to watch it. In fact, if Zhu Yiyi didn't NG in that scene, he was the one who NGed.

At that time, his mind was blank and he only had one thought, which was to kiss her.

If the director had called out a few seconds late, he might have actually kissed her.

Zhu Yiyi also couldn't read the lines, and when she thought of Mu Sibai's handsome face, she couldn't help thinking about it.

Simply play with your phone, divert your attention, and just in time make a call to Shen Yun.

"Hello." Shen Yun saw that he had just come out of the shower, his hair was still wet, and his body was still flushed.

"Is Xiaobao asleep?" Zhu Yiyi asked Shen Yun in a low voice, worried about disturbing Xiaobao.

Shen Yun glanced at Xiaobao who was having fun, and handed her the phone.

Xiaobao took the phone with a puzzled face, and the moment he saw Zhu Yiyi, he immediately smiled.

"Godmother." Zhu Yiyi called out crisply.

Shen Yun looked at the excited Xiaobao, now she has every reason to suspect that her Xiaobao is a face-controller, she is not so enthusiastic when she sees Xie Linfeng.

I don't know what Zhu Yiyi said, which made Xiaobao giggle all the time.

"Okay, it's eight o'clock, you should go to bed, say goodnight to godmother." Shen Yun took out the phone from Xiaobao and asked her to say goodnight to Zhu Yiyi.

Xiaobao pouted, reluctantly said good night to Zhu Yiyi, then got into bed obediently, ready to sleep.

She has always been a fast sleeper, basically falling asleep after touching the pillow.

After Shen Yun waited for Xiao Bao to fall asleep, he raised his hand to turn off the bedside lamp, and the room became dark instantly, except for a small night lamp beside the bed that was emitting off light.

He closed the door softly, went to the living room downstairs, and got himself a glass of water.

"How's the new movie going?"

As soon as the new movie was mentioned, Zhu Yiyi was instantly discouraged, "Don't mention it, do you know who my leading actor is? Mu Sibai."

"Why is it him?" Shen Yun put the cup on the coffee table, and sat on the sofa by himself.

"That's right, I also want to know, why is it him. If I knew before that it was him that I was partnering with, I would definitely not accept this movie." The more she thought about it, the more angry she was, Zhu Yiyi gave Albert another look. He had accepted the movie I must have known that the leading actor was Mu Sibai.

"Baby, let me ask you something. If, I said, if, Su Mu came back, and then told you that he regretted it and wanted to get back with you, would you agree to him?"

Shen Yun paused, put down the phone slowly, and replied without thinking, "Yes."

Zhu Yiyi had imagined this question too many times, too many times, almost all the time thinking about what to do if Su Mu came back to find her to get back together?
Shen Yun thought about countless reasons for Su Mu to break up, such as cheating, empathy, she had thought about it all.But in the end, the answer in her heart is always yes, and I am willing to continue to be with him.

"Then what if he didn't come back on purpose, or decided to go abroad just because he gave up on you?"

"Yes, no matter what, my answer will always be yes."

"It's over, it's over, baby, you're completely hopeless."

"Actually, Yiyi, do you know? For me now, the reason why he broke up with me is no longer important. I just hope that he can come back safely."

The moonlight swayed and shone on Shen Yun's face from the window, clearly printing two clear tears.

(End of this chapter)

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