It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 264 I Lost Her In The End

Chapter 264 I Lost Her In The End
Su Mu looked at the familiar and unfamiliar environment around him. He hasn't been here for a long time. Many places have either been renovated or replaced with new ones.

Su Mu walked aimlessly in the square, surrounded by couples, almost no one alone like him.

The corner of the clothes was grabbed by someone, Su Mu looked down, and a small face full of tears was looking at him with tears in his eyes.

"Brother, have you seen my sister?"

"No, is your sister gone?" Su Mu knelt down, took out a wet wipe from his pocket, and wiped his face clean.

"Well, I can't find my sister." The little boy nodded aggrievedly, and was about to cry with his mouth curled up.

"Then do you still remember your sister's mobile phone number? You can call your mother." Su Mu took out his mobile phone and asked the little boy.

"I don't remember." The little boy shook his head.

"Then do you know where your family lives? I'll take you home."

"I don't remember either." The little boy shook his head again.

"Then do you remember where you were separated from your sister? Let's go there together and wait for your mother to come to you."

"I remember this."

The little boy pulled Su Mu's clothes and walked towards the center of the square.

"It's right here?" Su Mu searched around, but he didn't see the figure who was anxious to find the child.

The children are gone, don't you worry?Su Mu frowned in dissatisfaction, and the corner of his clothes was grabbed again.

"Brother, I'm so hungry." The little boy rubbed his stomach and looked at Su Mu pitifully.

"Then what do you want to eat, brother will buy it for you?"

The little boy pointed to the KFC store opposite, and asked Su Mu's opinion with his eyes.

"Let's go, my brother treats you to dinner." Su Mu led the little boy towards the KFC store and ordered a children's meal.

"Don't patronize eating, pay more attention to whether there is your sister outside."

"Well, I'm watching."

"Brother, why are you alone? Are you separated from your family?" The little boy asked Su Mu with his head tilted.

Su Mu smiled, and looked out the window, "Yes, I got separated from my family too."

"Then why don't you remember your family's mobile phone number? Don't you know where you live?"

"of course not."

"Then why don't you go home? Oh, I see, you ran away from home?"

Su Mu was amused by him and nodded, "You can understand that too."

"Mom said that no matter what happens, you can't run away from home, they will be sad. Brother, you are so old, why you still run away from home, you are too ignorant."

Su Mu smiled in disbelief. He was taught a lesson by a brat.

"Then they still lost you."

"That's different, brother, come here, I'll tell you a little secret." The little boy waved at Su Mu.

Su Mu lowered his head and approached the little boy.

The little boy leaned close to Su Mu's ear and whispered, "Actually, I did it on purpose."

Su Mu looked at him suspiciously.

"I'm sorry, brother, I lied to you. I remember my sister's phone number, and I also know where I live." The little boy bowed his head and apologized to Su Mu.

"Then you are leaving home, aren't you?"

"I'm not, I'll go back later." The little boy suddenly raised his head, defending himself.

"Then why did you leave on purpose?" Su Mu narrowed his eyes and looked down at him, "Could it be because you want to eat KFC?"

"No." The little boy puffed up his face, looked at Su Mu's questioning eyes, and blinked guiltyly, "There is a little reason, but the main reason is that my sister wants to be with her boyfriend, and I can't be a light bulb. .”

"You're young, you know a lot." Su Mu smiled and turned his head to look out the window, but couldn't laugh anymore.

"Unexpectedly, there are quite a lot of people in the square." Shen Yun looked at the constant stream of people around him and said with emotion.

"There are only a few days in a year when the whole family is here, and they will definitely go out for a stroll." Han Chenxi put his hands in his trouser pockets and walked to Shen Yun's side.

"It would be great if Xiaobao could come out. She must be very happy to see this place."

"Take your time, it will."

"En." Shen Yun pursed his lips and nodded.

"Let's sit over there for a while." Han Chenxi pointed to the bench in front of him.

"it is good."

Shen Yun agreed to come down, and walked over with Han Chenxi.

"Sit down and wait for me." After speaking, Han Chenxi ran towards the crowd.

Shen Yun looked at Han Chenxi's back, and after a while, he saw him running back, holding a glowing balloon in his hand.

"Here you are." Han Chenxi handed the balloon to Shen Yun, looked at Shen Yun's outstretched hand, and directly tied the balloon to her wrist, "I'd better tie it for you."

"I'm not a child anymore, so buy me this."

Shen Yun stared at the balloon tied to her wrist, and suddenly remembered that Su Mu often bought balloons for her in the past, and also liked to tie them on her wrist. In this way, even if she lost it, she could be found at a glance.

Su Mu looked at Shen Yun and Han Chenxi who were sitting diagonally across the window, and at the balloon on Shen Yun's wrist, his eyes turned red instantly.

In the end, he still lost her.

"Brother, what's wrong with you? Are you homesick?" The little boy tilted his head and asked Su Mu.

"It's okay, the eyelashes fell out." Su Mu lowered his head and rubbed his eyes.

"In my eyes, you will always be a child." Han Chenxi looked at Shen Yun tenderly, it was such a good feeling to find something lost.

Recalling the day when I returned to China, I saw Shen Yun pushing a suitcase on the other side as soon as I walked out of the airport.

At that moment, there was a feeling that he could not escape Shen Yun's spell in his life.

"Hello, beauty, are you waiting for the bus?" Han Chenxi came to Shen Yun's side and greeted her.

Shen Yun raised his head when he heard the voice, saw Han Chenxi standing in front of him, and said in surprise, "Han Chenxi, you have returned to your country."

"That's right, why are you waiting here by yourself? Didn't Su Mu come to pick you up?" Han Chenxi looked around and saw no familiar figure.

Shen Yun's smile froze on his face, and he lowered his head to cover up his true emotions, "Su Mutao, he went abroad and hasn't come back yet."

"Oh, where do you live then? I'll take you back, my car will be here soon."

"No need, I'll just go back by myself." Shen Yun smiled, rejected Han Chenxi's request, and stopped a taxi.

"Bye bye, let's go." Shen Yun waved to Han Chenxi, got in a taxi and left.

Han Chenxi looked at the direction Shen Yun was leaving until he couldn't see the rear of the car.

When he returned to the company, the first thing he did was to check Shen Yun's situation in recent years. He always felt that the Shen Yun he saw at the airport that day had unspeakable sadness.

Sure enough, he found out that Su Mu had studied abroad four years ago and has not returned, and had cut off contact with everyone two years ago.

When Shen Yun graduated, he opened a psychological consultation room with a man named Xie Linfeng.And last year, she adopted a child with autism named Shen Junyi.

After reading the information, Han Chenxi smiled arrogantly.

This must be the chance God gave him. This time, he will not let go no matter what, even if Su Mu comes back.

Shen Yun noticed the fiery gaze beside him, and touched his nose in embarrassment.

"Uh, that, why did you suddenly go abroad?"

Han Chenxi withdrew his gaze, put his hands on the back of the chair and looked forward, "My father is seriously ill, and he wants me to inherit the family business, but you also know my grades. I can't get into a good university in China, so I can only go abroad gone."

"Then your father?"

"It's pretty good. You should eat and drink. You're very energetic."

"That's not good."

"Actually, sometimes I can't wait to let him die." Han Chenxi looked at Shen Yun's puzzled gaze, and smiled self-deprecatingly, "Am I very bad?"

Fearing that Han Chenxi would think too much, Shen Yun quickly explained.

"Ah, no, I'm just wondering why you have such an idea."

Han Chenxi smiled, and then continued, "I am my father's illegitimate child, and I have never seen him before I was four years old. When I was four years old, he picked me up, but he kept me outside in the house under his name." Here, I have never acknowledged my existence to the outside world. If it wasn’t because he only had me as his son, I’m afraid I wouldn’t even know of his existence.”

(End of this chapter)

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