It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 267 It's Him, It's Su Mu

Chapter 267 It's Him, It's Su Mu
"Tell me, what do you want to ask?"

"How far have you and that kid from the Han family developed? Is there any possibility of being together in the future?" Jiang Lian looked at Shen Yun with gossip.

"Mom." Shen Yun looked helpless. She had told Jiang Lianlian many times that she wanted to wait for Su Mu to come back.

Although she may not be able to be with Su Mu in the future, she will wait until she sees him before talking about other things.

"Yes, I know, you have to wait for Su Mu. Su Mu is my godson, and I really hope that he can come back. But, think about it, it's been three years. If he could come back, he would have been back long ago. "Jiang Lian looked at Shen Yun distressedly. In the past three years, Shen Yun smiled more, but the more she was like this, the more distressed she was.

"Mom, stop talking. Whether it's three years, five years, or ten years, I will definitely wait for Su Mu to come back." Shen Yun didn't want to listen to Jiang Lianlian's nagging, so he got up to look for Xiaobao.

"You child, why don't you listen to persuasion." Jiang Lian frowned and shouted at Shen Yun's back.

Shen Yun ignored Jiang Lianlian's words, and no one could change her mind. She said that when Su Mu came back, she would definitely wait for him to come back.

Shen Yun calmed down, smiled and walked towards Xiaobao.

"Xiaobao, stop playing, mom will take you up to take a bath and sleep."

Xiaobao immediately put down the paintbrush in his hand, took Shen Yun's hand, and went upstairs with her.

Xiaobao still doesn't have the ability to bathe by herself, so Shen Yun bathes her every day.

"Oh, it's good to eat here, my belly is out."

Shen Yun patted Xiao Bao's round belly, and Xiao Bao shyly covered his mouth and smiled.

Shen Yun put his hands in the bathtub to feel the temperature, and when it was just right, he turned off the shower head and let Xiaobao sit in the bathtub.

"Hold it." Shen Yun handed the towel to Xiaobao and began to wash her hair.

Xu Xiaobao noticed that Shen Yun was not in high spirits, and he was also depressed.

After bathing Xiaobao and putting on her clothes, Shen Yun opened the door and told her to go back to the bed and wait for him.

Xiaobao was sitting on the bedside, reading the storybook while waiting for Shen Yun to come out and explain to her,

The mobile phone on the table rang suddenly, making Xiaobao tremble in fright.

Putting down the story book, getting up from the bed, staring at it for a while with the mobile phone, I didn't understand the words on it at all.

No one answered for a long time, the phone automatically hung up, and it rang again within a few seconds.

"Mom, mobile phone." Xiaobao came to his senses, ran to the bathroom door and called Shen Yun.

"Xiaobao, I'll be out soon, you can pick it up for mom first." Shen Yun wiped his body and shouted at Xiaobao.

"Hello?" Xiaobao answered the phone and put it to his ear.

"Mei Yun, I found out recently. Hey, Xiaobao?" The other end of the phone didn't expect Xiaobao to answer the call. Hearing her voice, he froze for a moment.

Xiaobao hugged the phone and didn't speak, the voice on the phone was unfamiliar to her.

Shen Yun quickly got dressed, opened the bathroom door, and Xiaobao immediately handed the phone to Shen Yun.

Shen Yun took the phone, and when he saw the caller, his heart skipped a beat, and he respectfully called out to the caller.


"You can answer the phone, let me tell you, I have made a major discovery."

"What discovery?" Shen Yun hurriedly asked Lei Ge, his nervous heart was about to jump out of his chest.

"I found out that a few days ago, among the passengers who flew from country M to city B, there was a passenger named Su Mu."

"Are you serious?" Shen Yun held his breath, and asked Lei Ge cautiously, fearing that this time his happiness would be in vain again.

A few times before, Lei Ge found a person named Su Mu who flew from country M to various places. When Shen Yun rushed to look for it, he found that it was just a person with the same name and surname.

"In order to ensure the authenticity of this time, I also watched a surveillance at the airport that day. Due to the tricky angle, I only saw a figure from the back, which looked like Su Mu. I will send it to you."

"Okay." Shen Yun agreed, and after a while, he heard the notification tone of his mobile phone's WeChat message.

Shen Yun opened WeChat with trembling fingers, looked at the red circled 1 on Lei Ge's profile picture, swallowed nervously, and clicked on the profile picture.

The moment he saw the picture, Shen Yun burst into tears, it was Su Mu.

Everything about Su Mu has already been deeply engraved in her heart. As long as it belongs to him, she will know it is him at a glance.

"Mom, don't cry." Xiaobao wanted to cry when he saw Shen Yun crying, and stood on tiptoe to help Shen Yun wipe away his tears.

"I'm sorry, Xiaobao, mom doesn't cry." Shen Yun sniffed and wiped away his tears.

"Have you seen it? Is that him in the picture?" Brother Lei was also waiting for Shen Yun's answer, and asked Shen Yun anxiously.

"It's him, it's Su Mu." Shen Yun turned around to prevent himself from crying again and worrying Xiaobao.

"Brother Lei, are you free tomorrow afternoon? I want to check the specific news."

"Okay, then see you at the old place tomorrow afternoon."

"Well, thank you Rego."

Shen Yun hung up the phone, wiped away the tears on his face, took a few deep breaths, and then turned to face Xiaobao.

"Mom." Xiaobao was infected by Shen Yun's crying, hugged Shen Yun's thigh, and cried non-stop.

"What's going on, why is Xiaobao crying so hard." Jiang Lian heard the movement, ran over and knocked on Shen Yun's door.

"It's okay, Mom. Go back to sleep, I'll coax her." Shen Yun picked up Xiaobao and patted her on the back lightly.

"Is it really okay? I heard Xiaobao crying quite loudly." Jiang Lian was still a little worried, and wanted to open the door, but found that the door was locked.

Xiao Bao hugged Shen Yun's neck, and was gradually comforted by Shen Yun.

"It's really all right, Mom. I've coaxed it all."

"Okay then, I'm going back to the house, remember to call me if you need anything."

"it is good."

Jiang Lian waited at the door for a while, and after hearing the crying in the room gradually subsided, she left in peace.

Little Treasure was coaxed by Shen Yun, and lay obediently on Shen Yun's shoulder. His body hadn't recovered yet, and he twitched.

"Xiao Bao, be good, mom will tell you a story, okay?" Shen Yun patted Xiao Bao's back, and hugged her on the bed.

"En." Xiaobao hummed in a slight voice, and nodded.

Shen Yun let go of Xiaobao and wanted to put her on the bed, but Xiaobao hugged Shen Yun's neck tightly and refused to go down.

"Then you have to let me go first, so I can tell you a story, right?" Shen Yun was helpless, and picked up Xiaobao again.

Xiao Bao looked at Shen Yun and shook his head slightly.

"Okay then, I'll hold you and tell you a story." Shen Yun looked ahead and fell into deep memories.

"A long time ago, a princess of a country was born, and the king and queen of the neighboring country were very happy. They brought their children, the prince, to visit the king. The queens of the two countries had a good talk, and they decided to live together, so that the prince And the princess grew up together..."

While talking, Shen Yun felt his head tilted on his shoulders, and Xiao Bao had already fallen asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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