Chapter 277 Maybe I Can Try

"I heard that you are looking for a tutor for Xiaobao? Have you found it?" Han Chenxi asked Shen Yun.

"Not yet. You understand Xiaobao's situation. I have to think it over carefully." Shen Yun shook his head in frustration, and suddenly thought of looking at Su Mu, "Do you know who I saw today?"

"Who is it?" Su Mu raised his head and asked Shen Yun.

"Qi Xiwen." Shen Yun kept looking at Su Mu, wanting to see his reaction.

Su Mu paused, and lowered his head to cover up, "How did you meet? Is she also here to apply for a tutor?"

Shen Yun withdrew his gaze and stared at the dish in front of him, "Yes, she was also in country M before, and she just returned to the country some time ago."

"Actually, if it's a tutor, maybe I can try it."

"Huh?" Shen Yun looked at Su Mu incredulously, "When will you be able to draw?"

"When I was in country m, I was in the doctor at the time, and I was quite boring in school, so I learned to draw to pass the time."

"Really? That's great. If the teacher is you, I don't worry." Shen Yun looked at Su Mu affectionately and smiled comfortably.Inexplicably, there is a feeling of going back to the green years, the ambiguous period, and I am a bit shy.

Su Mu also looked at Shen Yun affectionately, and raised his hand to wipe away the residue from the corner of her mouth.

"Cough," Han Chenxi couldn't bear to look at the two people who were flirting in front of him, and disturbed them loudly.

"You have been back from abroad for so long, don't you have a job of your own?" Han Chenxi looked at Su Mu and asked.

Shen Yun looked at Han Chenxi with probing eyes, endured it, and did not speak.

"I'm going to be a professor at University B next week. I still have plenty of time. But you, I see you around Shen Yun every day, and I don't see you working." Su Mu looked at Han Chenxi, and choked back not to be outdone .

"I'm sorry, I'm the boss, of course I can decide whether to go to get off work or not." Han Chenxi twitched the corner of his mouth with a half-smile and stared at Su Mu.

"Love your employees for 3 minutes."

"My employees, you don't need to feel sorry for them."

Su Mu and Han Chenxi opened their eyes not to be outdone, and sparks shot out from their eyes.

"Both of you, can you eat well? If you don't eat, go back to me." Shen Yun raised his forehead and looked helplessly at the two childish men in front of him.

Su Mu and Han Chenxi looked at each other, snorted coldly at the same time, and turned their faces away.

"I'm full, whoever finishes eating last will do the dishes," Shen Yun put down the dishes, got up, walked to the sofa and sat down.

Hearing what Shen Yun said, Su Mu and Han Chenxi immediately lowered their heads and crazily grilled the rice, while stretching out their chopsticks to hold a rib.

The two raised their heads, stared at each other, and began to compete for ribs without giving in.

Shen Yun turned his head, glanced at the two of them, then turned around speechlessly, and started playing with his mobile phone.

Xia Wei heard that Shen Yun was sick, so she sent her a message, asking if she was better.

"It's nothing, it's just a common fever, and you all know the result."

"I heard from Xie Linfeng that Su Mu came back, and he was the one who sent you to the hospital."

"Well, he told you that too."

"Of course, I expect you to tell me, I guess I will know in the next life."

"The main reason is that it's not a big deal, and there's no need to work so hard."

"It's not a big deal. What is a big deal? Is it a big deal when you two get married?"

"Xiaowei, I'm not sure about him, he doesn't seem to want to get back with me."

"What, he's crazy." Xia Wei, who was already lying on the bed, sat up abruptly and shouted excitedly.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" He Yan was awakened by Xia Wei, sat up quickly, and asked Xia Wei.

"Scumbag." Xia Wei glared at He Yan, raised her hand and slapped him on the arm, then lay down angrily and continued to disappear for Shen Yun.

"Ah, what did I do, I'm a scumbag?" He Yan covered his arms with a dazed expression.

"Since he doesn't want to, you don't need to wait for him. I think Han Chenxi is pretty good, you can just be with Han Chenxi."

Shen Yun looked at the message from Xia Wei, turned off his phone, and glanced behind him.

Su Mu quickly finished eating Han Chenxi in one step, holding an empty bowl and yelling at Han Chenxi.

"If you finish eating, wash the dishes and clean the kitchen, then you can all go back." After finishing speaking, Shen Yun stood up tiredly, regardless of the two people who were still in the living room, and went directly into the room.

"You're no better than me." Han Chenxi looked at Su Mu and laughed.

"There's so much nonsense." Su Mu glanced at Han Chenxi, stood up, walked to the sofa and sat down without looking back.

"When you wash the dishes, don't forget to clean the kitchen too."

"Why, I have to clean the kitchen when I wash the dishes?" Han Chenxi refused to accept, and questioned Su Mu.

"It's because you were the last to eat." Su Mu turned his head, deliberately annoyed at Han Chenxi.

Han Chenxi was speechless for a while, and paused, "Even if I was the last to finish eating, I was still washing the dishes, and I was not asked to clean up the kitchen."

"You've already washed the dishes, what's wrong with tidying up the kitchen at the end, are you tired? Why don't you cry when you're eating?"

Han Chenxi was so angry that he couldn't tell Su Mu, so he stood up depressed and started to clean up the dishes.

"You put the leftovers in the refrigerator, and the dish soap is in the second cabinet. After you wash the dishes, just put them in the cabinet on the right." Su Mu leaned comfortably on the sofa, directing Han Chenxi.

"Why are you still here? You don't wash the dishes, you don't clean the kitchen, shouldn't you leave?" Han Chenxi put down the bowl angrily and made a "boom".

"Be careful, don't break the bowl." Su Mu looked at the bowl with distress, and looked up at Han Chenxi, "I won't leave. What if you do something bad after I leave?"

"You think that everyone is like you, shameless. Who said it was so pathetic and didn't appear in front of Shen Yun. Heh, it's really hypocritical."

Su Mu lowered his eyes, Han Chenxi was right, he is a hypocrite.

"Some people are always so self-righteous. They think that everything they do is for the good of others. They never ask other people's opinions and directly help them make decisions. Such people are the most hateful people. Take your own He likes to restrain others, but he always puts on an innocent and pitiful appearance, and he still says that I am doing it for your own good." Han Chenxi cleaned up the dishes again, put them in the sink, and started to wash the dishes.

Su Mu was taken aback when he heard that, he was taught a lesson by Han Chenxi just now, right?right?You must have been taught a lesson.

"If you want to wash, wash it quickly, why are there so many nonsense?" Su Mu frowned, and said reluctantly to Han Chenxi.

"It's as much as I want to talk to you." Han Chenxi snorted coldly, quickly washed the dishes and cleaned the kitchen.

"Since everything is done, let's go quickly." Su Mu stood up and said to Han Chenxi.

"I should tell you that."

Han Chenxi stared at Su Mu, got up suddenly, ran towards the door first, and stepped out of the room before Su Mu.


I'm sorry babies, I may have to stop for a few days, but don't worry, it won't be long.

In the past few days, I have also noticed that my recently updated article is not well written.I'm not very good at writing sad texts, and I have some texts recently, and I am eager to update, so some content is not handled properly.

I'm really sorry, I may revise the previous article in the past few days, and then I will definitely make up the broken update.

I'm really sorry, I hope everyone can forgive me.I still love you, I hope you still love me.

(End of this chapter)

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