It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 281 I Can't Marry You

Chapter 281 I Can't Marry You

The fire was billowing, and the eyes were all red.There is a crackling explosion sound when the burning object is in the ear, and the fiery heat can be felt in the early hours of the morning.

Su Mu gritted his teeth, and walked towards the door with difficulty while carrying Chen Chen on his back, and he had to always pay attention to avoiding objects that fell at any time.

Fortunately, the laboratory is not too big.

Seeing that they were about to reach the door, the fire surged, blocking Su Mu's way.Su Mu took a few steps back, raised his hand to wave away the thick smoke in front of him, lost his support in the early morning, and slid down.

Su Mu took Chen Chen's hand again and put it on his shoulder, his legs softened and he knelt on the ground.The fire had spread to the soles of his feet and was starting to burn his clothes.

He was almost out of strength, and Su Mu lay on the ground, breathing gradually less and less.

He couldn't let Shen Yun continue to wait endlessly, let alone delay Shen Yun.

Su Mu tried his best to keep his eyes open, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, ignored the burning sensation of his body, opened Shen Yun's dialog box with the memory of his body, and said the last sentence.

Shen Yun's figure was vaguely seen in the firelight.Su Mu slowly raised his hand, but slowly closed his eyes.

Sorry, I can't marry you.

As the sky gradually darkened, Shen Yun kept looking at the tourists passing by, but there was no sign of Su Mu.

Just as I was about to turn on my cell phone to make a call, I realized that it had been turned off due to a power outage.

Shen Yun didn't dare to leave again, for fear that he would miss Su Mu's figure just because he turned around.

Shen Yun clutched her chest, her heart was beating extremely fast, she was inexplicably flustered today, and her right eyelid was also beating all the time.

Her cheeks suddenly felt warm, Shen Yun raised her hand to wipe it, and crystal tears fell on her hand.

Shen Yun stared blankly at her fingers, why was she so sad, she raised her hand to cover her chest, her heart ached.

Maybe something happened to Su Mu.

Shen Yun looked up, just in time to see a person walking towards this side, holding a power bank in his hand.

Stepping forward quickly, Shen Yun ran in front of that person.

"Sorry, my phone is out of battery, and I can't contact anyone, so can you lend me your power bank?"

That one was startled by Shen Yun, and stood there in a daze. After hearing what Shen Yun had said, he handed her the charging treasure.

"of course can."

"Thank you." Shen Yun took the power bank and quickly charged the phone.

He kept pressing the phone switch, finally turned on the phone, and hurriedly called Su Mu.

The moment I clicked on the call record, a message popped up on the top of the phone, which was sent by Su Mu.

Sorry, let's break up.

Looking at the news, Shen Yun felt as if something in his brain collapsed.

Standing there, she was dazed for a long time, until the person next to her touched her shoulder and woke her up.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Shen Yun came back to his senses, returned the power bank to the man, and set off to borrow a power bank by himself.

Obviously they were still discussing going home one second, why they broke up in the next second.

Shen Yun thought about it calmly, and felt that the matter was very strange, and she wanted to ask the matter clearly.Whether it's a real breakup or not, there's always a reason.

He called Su Mu, but no one answered.When you dial again, it shows that the dialed user has turned off the phone.

Shen Yun didn't give up, and continued to call Su Mu, but the phone was still turned off.

Perhaps, he wanted to give himself a surprise.

Maybe he had already boarded the plane at this time, so he turned off his mobile phone.

With a reasonable reason, Shen Yun felt a little comfort in his heart.

When Su Mu comes back, she must say to Su Mu, how can she talk about breaking up, what if she takes it seriously.

But if Su Mu is on the plane now, he should be there soon.

The Civil Affairs Bureau must be closed now, but it doesn't matter, they can go tomorrow.

As long as Su Mu is back, they have time anytime.

Standing at the airport, Shen Yun waited from a cloudless sky to a sky full of stars, and then from a sky full of stars to a cloudless sky.

Her legs were sore from standing, but she still couldn't wait for the person she wanted to see.

At that moment, Shen Yun realized that Su Mu might really want to break up with her.

But, why did Su Mu do this suddenly?She didn't believe that Su Mu was really going to break up with her. He must have encountered some problems.

After waiting all night, the battery of the mobile phone was low again.

The phone vibrated, and Shen Yun lowered his eyes in disappointment, and left without looking at the phone.

After leaving the airport, the sun fell on her with her slow steps and the posture of turning her head three times, which was a little lonely.

After three months,

A group of people gathered in front of Xie Linfeng's office. The new psychological club opened today, and they came to join in the fun.

Shen Yun stood in front of the door, looking up at the sign posted above in a daze.

From today onwards, this firm has her part.

When she was about to graduate, Xie Linfeng asked her if she had any idea to open a psychological office with him.

But she didn't think it through at the time, so she didn't give an answer.

Xie Linfeng also bought the store next to his office, and wanted to find someone to cooperate with to expand the business of the office.

The first person he thought of was Shen Yun, so he asked Shen Yun every day during that time if he was interested in being with him.

Later, after his unremitting efforts, Shen Yun finally agreed to start this firm together with him.

Since she founded it together with him, she must pay for the new firm.

But Xie Linfeng refused on the grounds that she had no money, and asked her to owe it first, and it would not be too late to pay him when she had money.

Shen Yun had no reason to refuse, so he could only agree.

In fact, it would be nice to have a consultation room of his own. Although Su Mu didn't say anything, Shen Yun knew that he didn't want her to work in the hospital.

The reason is that Su Mu once read a news article about a mental patient with multiple personalities who brutally killed a psychiatrist during treatment.And that psychological patient used to be a doctor.

Since then, Su Mu has intentionally or unintentionally asked her to open a personal studio instead of going to the hospital where the money is paid.

At that time, Shen Yun still laughed at Su Mu's worry, being so cautious about an almost impossible news.

Shen Yun thought of the past and smiled unconsciously.

Su Mu, did you see it?I now have my own counseling room, so you don't have to worry about it.

But you, when are you going to show up?
For the whole three months, Shen Yun never gave up looking for Su Mu, but there was no news of him.

Even J University denied his existence.

Su Mu, where are you, please show up quickly, okay?
In the white and spotless ward, lay a patient wrapped in gauze all over his body, only his head was still leaking out.

The instruments on the table were working in an orderly manner, and the person on the bed was motionless with his eyes closed, as if he had no sense of the outside world.

(End of this chapter)

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