It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 316 Su Mu, I'm Sorry

Chapter 316 Su Mu, I'm Sorry
After talking for a long time, I ended up pitting myself in it.

Su Mu put his legs together, crossed his hands on his lap, and sat on the sofa obediently, looking at the angry Shen Yun opposite him.

"Tell me, why." Shen Yun leaned on the sofa and looked at Su Mu's room.

This is the first time she has come to Su Mu's house, and the decoration is exactly the same as hers, well, it can't be said that it is exactly the same, it is roughly the same.

Because after she had Xiaobao, there were a lot of Xiaobao's things in her home, so it was naturally different from Su Mu's home.

"That, this, I'm not ready to tell you." Su Mu looked at Shen Yun hesitantly, all this happened so suddenly, he thought that one day he would find a good time to explain clearly to Shen Yun for three years before.

Unexpectedly, he blew himself up.

"It's okay, you can prepare slowly, I'll wait for you." Shen Yun smiled slightly and looked at Su Mu.

Su Mu looked at Shen Yun and knew that he couldn't escape tonight.He lowered his head and thought for a long time, then raised his head to look at Shen Yun, raised his hand to peel off the hair on his forehead, revealing the hideous scar on it.

"You..." Shen Yun looked at the scar, opened his eyes wide, was shocked speechless, got up and came to Su Mu's side.

Su Mu stopped Shen Yun from approaching, unzipped his clothes without stopping, took off his coat and threw it aside, and then took off his T-shirt.

Shen Yun stared at Su Mu's upper body, tremblingly raised his hand to touch the bumpy scar.

"What's going on with you?" Shen Yun's voice was a little trembling, and he asked Su Mu hoarsely, tears gathered in the middle of the eye sockets, dripping instantly like pearls.

"Don't cry, I'm not a good person in front of you now." Su Mu turned around, raised his hand to caress Shen Yun's face, and wiped away the tears on Shen Yun's face with his thumb.

"I don't want to know anymore, you put on your clothes quickly." Shen Yun plunged his head into Su Mu's arms, sucking his nose, tears streaming down his face.

Feeling the warm current on his body, Su Mu put his arms around Shen Yun's body, smiled softly, and talked about Shen Yun.

"You are like this, how can I wear clothes?"

Shen Yun nestled in Su Mu's arms for a long time, got up from his arms, and wiped away the tears on his face with his hands.

Looking up and seeing the scars on Su Mu's body, tears welled up uncontrollably again.

"Why are you crying again?" Su Mu was helpless, and took out a tissue to help Shen Yun wipe away his tears.

"Su Mu, I'm sorry." Shen Yun held Su Mu's hand and looked at him with tears in his eyes.

"Little fool, why are you apologizing to me? If you want to say sorry, I will say it first. I suddenly abandoned you first." Su Mu smiled, pulled his hand from Shen Yun's hand, and held Shen Yun's hand instead. .

"Don't you want to know what happened three years ago? Don't cry, just listen to me."

"No, I don't want to hear it anymore." Shen Yun suddenly withdrew his hand, covered his ears, and shook his head.

Su Mu watched Shen Yun's movements, smiled, raised his hand to hold Shen Yun's wrist, and took her hand away.

"Aren't you really curious about what happened to me three years ago?" Su Mu asked Shen Yun.

Shen Yun took a deep breath and looked at Su Mu aggrieved.

"I suddenly stopped thinking about it, and I'm not curious at all."

Su Mu didn't listen to Shen Yun's words, and said to himself, "Three years ago, I was ready to come back..."

Su Mu told Shen Yun the story three years ago from the beginning to the end, from the explosion in his laboratory to when he woke up from the hospital bed.

When he woke up from the hospital bed, three months had passed.

There was only one nurse watching him, and when he woke up, he hurriedly called the doctor over.

Su Mu opened his eyes in a trance, his body was covered with gauze from head to toe, only one pair of eyes could move.

Not long after, a bunch of people stood around him, including nurses, doctors, and professors from J University.

The doctors and nurses diagnosed Su Mu from the beginning to the end, from the inside to the outside, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, they left the ward, surrounded by only the professor.

"Su Mu, are you okay? Do you feel something strange in your body?" Professor Smith asked Su Mu kindly.

"Yes, the body is all strange." Su Mu's voice was hoarse, as if he hadn't spoken for many years.

Professor Smith looked at the bandages on Su Mu's body and smiled awkwardly. Isn't everything strange on this body?

"Su Mu, we are sorry for you." Professor Smith lowered his head guiltily, never expecting such a big thing to happen on the last day of leaving.

Su Mu didn't answer Smith, but instead looked at Teacher Charles who was aside.

Noticing Su Mu's gaze, Professor Smith followed suit.

"What about in the early morning?" Su Mu stared at Charles. Although he couldn't move, he still couldn't block his strong aura.

Charles lowered his head and did not speak. Su Mu realized the problem, looked at Smith inquiringly, and asked again, "What about early morning?"

Professor Smith also bowed his head in shame, not knowing how to speak.

"What about in the early morning?" Seeing that one or two were silent, Su Mu glanced at everyone present and shouted at them.

Su Mu felt a sudden pain in his chest. He raised his hand to touch his chest, but found that he couldn't move his arm at all. He could only stare at them and take a deep breath.

The heart fluctuated too much, and the monitor was abnormal. Doctors and nurses rushed into the ward and coaxed the professor out.

After some rescue, Su Mu gradually calmed down.

"Doctor, do I have any sequelae?" Su Mu looked at the doctors aside and asked them.

"To be precise, it's a complication." The doctor looked at Su Mu and said, "Because you inhaled too much smoke and physical agents, your heart muscle was strained and your heart has problems."

"Then, can I still be saved?" Su Mu almost guessed, hearing what the doctor said, but there was no big fluctuation.

"With your current heart condition, there is nothing we can do. The only thing we can do is to prevent your heart from recurring." The doctor lowered his head regretfully.

"To be honest, how long can I live?" Su Mu asked the doctor sharply.

"It depends on the individual situation. The long period is four or fifty years, and the short period is two or three months."

"I understand, it means that I have the possibility to die anytime and anywhere."

"You can't say that." The doctor smiled.

"I see, doctor. I'm tired and want to sleep for a while. Close the door for me and tell people outside not to disturb me." Su Mu lay wearily on the bed and closed his eyes.

The doctor looked at Su Mu, what a young man, what a pity.

With a sigh, he walked out of the ward, closed the door, and passed Su Mu's words to everyone outside the door.

Hearing the sound of closing the door, Su Mu opened his eyes, how could he fall asleep when so many things happened after waking up.

Nine times out of ten in the morning he was gone, and he had a heart attack, a heart attack that could kill him at any moment.

(End of this chapter)

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