It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 320 Going to the Playground

Chapter 320 Going to the Playground
Shen Yun turned around and met Su Mu who was coming from the other side.

"Have you found Xiaobao?" Shen Yun grabbed Su Mu's arm and asked him anxiously.

"No." Su Mu looked at Shen Yun and shook his head.

"No, Xiaobao is so smart, she won't get lost, she must be not far away, right?" Shen Yun grabbed Su Mu's arm tightly and asked him, wanting to get a definite answer from him .

"Yes, maybe Xiaobao has gone back now, let's go back and take a look first." Su Mu supported Shen Yun's arm and comforted her.

"Okay." Shen Yun nodded and let go of Su Mu.

Su Mu and Shen Yun hurried back to the original place, seeing the deserted grassland, their hearts were almost cold.

"Don't worry, don't worry, maybe she just went somewhere to play." Su Mu's first reaction was to comfort Shen Yun, following her back.

"I can't be in a hurry. What if Xiaobao gets lost? She won't take the initiative to communicate with strangers." Shen Yun stomped her feet anxiously, not communicating with Su Mu too much, and shouted to Xiaobao while running again. Bao's name.

"Xiaobao, Xiaobao, Shen Junyi, Shen Junyi."

"Mom." A childish voice came from behind.

Shen Yun turned his head and watched Xiaobao walking over with the kite profusely sweating.

"Xiaobao." Seeing Xiaobao, Shen Yun immediately rushed over to hug her, and hugged her tightly.

Seeing Xiaobao come back, Su Mu held his chest and let out a breath.If something really happened to Little Treasure, he wouldn't be able to afford to kill him.

"Mom." Xiaobao didn't know that the two of them were looking for her like crazy just now, looking at the sad Shen Yun, she looked at her in a daze.

"What did you do? Didn't I tell you not to let you run around? Why didn't you tell me when you ran away?" Shen Yun tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart, and asked Xiaobao calmly.

Xiaobao looked at Shen Yun, looked up at Su Mu, and cast him a look for help.

Sensing Xiaobao's gaze, Su Mu raised his head, not looking at Xiaobao's eyes asking for help.

Not being rescued by Su Mu, Xiaobao looked at Shen Yun again, raised his hand and gently pushed Shen Yun away, took out the kite in his hand, and looked at Shen Yun with those innocent eyes, "The kite has flown."

"You..." Shen Yun looked at Xiaobao, his teeth itching with anger, sighed, and held Xiaobao in his arms again.

During the flying process, the string of the kite broke. Xiao Bao looked at the kite flying away, pointed at the kite and turned around to tell Shen Yun and Su Mu.

Turning around to see Shen Yun and Su Mu hugging each other, he chased after them in the direction the kite was flying without interrupting them.

Fortunately, the kite was not high, and finally the kite hit the tree trunk and fell down. Seeing this, Xiaobao ran over and picked up the kite.

Then he took the kite's wings and dragged them to the original place based on his memory. As soon as he came back, he heard Shen Yun calling her name, and he called her immediately.

Shen Yun held Xiaobao in his arms and sat on the cushion, and after listening to Xiaobao explain the whole process to himself with difficulty, he lowered his head and said to her.

"Don't run around next time, do you know that, no matter where you go, you must tell your mother, do you know?"

"Understood, I'm sorry, Mom." Xiaobao also realized that he had made a mistake, lowered his head, and obediently admitted his mistake.

"It's fine if you know you're wrong. If there is another time, I won't take you out again." Shen Yun looked at Xiaobao seriously. This time today, she will scare her to death, and she won't dare to take Xiaobao out next time. up.

"I know, mom is the best." Xiaobao looked up at Shen Yun, and slipped into her arms to please her.

Shen Yun put his face on Xiaobao's head, hugged Xiaobao, and shook his body enjoying himself.

Su Mu, who was repairing a kite not far away, looked at the scene in front of him, bowed his head and smiled.



"I'm hungry."

After being reminded by Xiaobao, Shen Yun also felt a little hungry.

Let go of Xiaobao, get up and take out the lunch prepared early in the morning, put it in the center of the mat, and call Xiaobao and Su Mu to come over for dinner.

"Uncle, is the kite ready?" Xiaobao asked Su Mu, not forgetting the kite after eating.

"It's fixed, but you've been running for a day today, so you can't run any more. In the afternoon, uncle will take you to the playground, okay?" Su Mu looked at Xiaobao and raised his hand to stroke her head.

"Are you crazy?" Shen Yun looked at Su Mu in surprise, and looked down at the playground below. From such a distance, she could see the bustling heads below.

"Don't worry, I have my own arrangements." Su Mu cast a reassuring look at Shen Yun, reassuring her.

Shen Yun looked at Su Mu's confidence, so she didn't say anything. Since Su Mu said it, she didn't have to worry.

"Is it okay?" Xiaobao didn't agree immediately, but instead glanced at Shen Yun and asked her opinion.

"As long as uncle says yes, don't be too scared to go." Shen Yun saw Xiaobao's concerns, and agreed with a smile.

"No." Hearing that Shen Yun agreed, Xiaobao was more excited, and agreed without thinking.

Seeing Xiaobao's excited look, Shen Yun still had some concerns, what if Xiaobao, who finally got better, got worse because of today's incident.

During this period, Shen Yun got up, called Xie Linfeng, and asked him if Xiaobao could go to the playground where there are so many people.

"Aren't you two together? Why did Su Mu call me this morning to ask this question, and you asked it again today."

Hearing Xie Linfeng's words, Shen Yun turned his head and glanced at Su Mu who was wiping Xiaobao's mouth, but said nothing.

"I think Xiaobao is in a very good condition now. She has started to speak actively and is gradually not afraid of strangers. I think you are too nervous. If you stimulate her occasionally, you can see that Xiaobao is now What is the maximum tolerance."

"I know it all, but I'm still worried." Shen Yun looked at Xiaobao who was smiling and accompanying Su Mu to pack the lunch box. It is undeniable that she is indeed much more cheerful now, but she is still a little worried.

Usually when dealing with patients, she would never be indecisive, but when she met Xiaobao, she was worried about this and that. Although she knew that nothing was wrong, she was still worried.

Therefore, regarding Xiaobao's condition, Shen Yun always asked Xie Linfeng to help him treat it, and she usually did it first.

After hanging up the phone, Shen Yun came to the two of them.Xiaobao looked at Shen Yun, and rushed over excitedly.

"Mom, shall we go to the playground together?" Xiaobao still couldn't believe it, and wanted to ask Shen Yun again to make sure.

"Yes, are you happy?" Shen Yun asked Xiao Bao with his arms around her.

"Happy." Xiao Bao raised his hand excitedly, his joy was beyond words.

Seeing Xiaobao's happy look, Shen Yun laughed too.

Since Xiaobao saw other parents taking their children to the playground on TV last year, she has been obsessed with it, and now her wish has finally come true.

(End of this chapter)

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