It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 322 When Did You Treat Me As A Friend

Chapter 322 When Did You Treat Me As A Friend

Shen Yun gave Su Mu a cold look at a place where Qi Xiwen couldn't see, and he will deal with you when the time comes.

Su Mu looked at Shen Yun, raised the corners of his mouth, smiled at Shen Yun, and then quickly got up to cook obediently.

After Su Mu left, Shen Yun and Qi Xiwen looked at each other, as if competing with each other, waiting for the other to speak.

Sitting next to Shen Yun, Xiaobao looked up at Shen Yun and then at Qi Xiwen, but didn't speak.

Shen Yun took a deep look at Qi Xiwen, then lowered his head and asked Xiaobao, "Xiaobao, didn't you go to draw with your uncle today? Show me what you drew."

"Okay." Xiaobao responded, got up and took her bag to the coffee table, and then took out the contents one by one.

"This painting must have been drawn by Su Mu." Qi Xiwen picked up the painting that Xiaobao had just taken out on the coffee table, and asked a question. Although it was a question, his tone was full of affirmation.

Shen Yun glanced at Qi Xiwen, but didn't say anything to her.

Qi Xiwen didn't feel embarrassed, and continued, "His painting style is still the same, Shen Yun, you don't even know how long it took to teach him to paint."

Shen Yun was taken aback for a moment, then narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at Qi Xiwen.

"You taught him his paintings?"

"That's right, when he was sick, he lay in a daze all day long. I thought he was bored, so I taught him how to draw to pass the time." Qi Xiwen's voice was neither high nor low, which happened to be heard by everyone present.

Shen Yun glanced back at Su Mu, and seeing that he was also looking at him, he knew that Qi Xiwen was right.

"Shen Yun, don't you know how Su Mu was lying helpless in the ward at that time, it was really distressing." Qi Xiwen didn't seem to notice the dark waves between Shen Yun and Su Mu, and continued Said.

"Qi Xiwen, if you don't want to stay, you can go." Su Mu heard Qi Xiwen was still talking, came out of the kitchen, and said Qi Xiwen in a cold voice.

Qi Xiwen glanced at his lower lip, shrugged, and said, "Okay, I won't say anything."

Shen Yun looked at Qi Xiwen, lowered his head and smiled, then raised his head to look at Qi Xiwen, "I really don't know, but please help me take care of my boyfriend."

Shen Yun bit the three words "boyfriend" hard, and then smiled slightly, "Oh, it's not a boyfriend, it's my husband."

Qi Xiwen's smile froze in place, twitched the corners of his mouth, gave a half-smile, approached Shen Yun, and said in a low voice, "You're welcome, after all, you had already broken up at that time, and I wasn't doing it for you."

Hearing Qi Xiwen's words, Shen Yun's eyes flickered, and in Qi Xiwen's way, he also approached her ear and whispered, "Thank you for your care, after all, he is still my boyfriend now, and you still have no chance."

"You..." Qi Xiwen was choked speechless, and glared at Shen Yun.

"You may not be together in the future." Qi Xiwen calmed down, leaned on the sofa, and said in a low voice.

"Whether we are together or not, he will not be with you." Shen Yun finished speaking with a smile, and silently rolled his eyes.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Xiao Bao looked at Shen Yun in a daze, holding the picture he drew in the afternoon in his hand.

Didn't mom finish talking and look at her paintings?Why have you been whispering to that aunt all the time.

"Mom, draw." Xiaobao grabbed the corner of Shen Yun's clothes, and handed the painting to Shen Yun's eyes.

"It's really good, Xiaobao is awesome." Shen Yun picked up the words and looked at it for a few times, then patted Xiaobao's head in relief.

"Xiaobao, right? Can I call you Xiaobao?" Qi Xiwen bent over Xiaobao and asked her gently.

Xiaobao turned around and hugged Shen Yun's waist, staring at Qi Xiwen, without saying a word.

"Qi Xiwen, if you have nothing else to do, I can show you around my room." Shen Yun hugged Xiaobao, looking at Qi Xiwen with sharp eyes.

"No need, your room is the same as Su Mu's room, even the decoration style is exactly the same, there is nothing to visit." Qi Xiwen said with a smile, in fact, he was so cruel that he wanted to destroy Shen Yun's house.

When she met Shen Yun today, she finally understood why Su Mu didn't live in so many places, but came to this place. At first, she thought that Su Mu was simply nostalgic, and wanted to live closer to the previous place .

Now it seems that he came to find Shen Yun.

He clearly said when he came here that he would not be with Shen Yun, but after only a few days since coming, the two hooked up again.

Then what is he, a jumping clown, or a shameless jumping clown.

Qi Xiwen pinched the palm of his own hand hard to keep himself from expressing his resentment.

"Let's eat." Su Mu put the food on the table and called to the three people on the sofa.

Su Mu heard the conversation between the two people in front of him, and then deliberately lowered the volume when the two people talked, so he heard the voice of talking, but he didn't know what the two people were talking about.

Hearing Su Mu yelling to eat, Qi Xiwen quickly got up and came to Su Mu's side, with his hands behind his back, talking playfully.

"What did you do, it smells so good."

Hearing Qi Xiwen's charming laugh, Shen Yun snorted coldly, pulled Xiaobao up, and went to the bathroom to wash his hands.

Su Mu took a step to the side, keeping a distance from Qi Xiwen.

"Qi Xiwen, at most we can be friends. If you continue like this, we won't even be friends." Su Mu looked at Qi Xiwen and warned in a cold voice.

"Su Mu, when did you ever consider me a friend?" Qi Xiwen looked at Su Mu sadly, his eyes turned red, and he asked again, "Su Mu, when did you ever consider me a friend."

"Qi Xiwen, have you ever thought about treating me as my friend? I treat you as a normal friend, but do you treat me like a normal friend?" Su Mu looked at Qi Xiwen coldly, and he had said some things to Qi Xiwen many times , I pretended not to understand and insisted on going my own way, so don't blame him for being rude.

Qi Xiwen was choked again and couldn't speak, turned around angrily, picked up the bag on the sofa, got up and closed the door.

Shen Yun came out of the bathroom with Xiaobao, just in time to see Qi Xiwen slam the door and leave.

"What's wrong? Did you quarrel?" Shen Yun looked at Su Mu with a half-smile and asked him.

"No, come and eat quickly, and leave her alone." Su Mu looked at Shen Yun, and eagerly helped her open the chair.

Shen Yun walked to the dining table, looked at a table of sumptuous dishes, and said, "Hey, this person left, wouldn't it be a waste of a table of good dishes."

"How can it be wasted? This table of dishes is prepared for you." Su Mu came behind Shen Yun, pressed her on the stool, and smiled flatteringly.

"Hmph." Shen Yun snorted coldly, seeing that the table was full of her favorite dishes, she reluctantly forgave him.

After dinner, Su Mulai stayed at Shen Yun's house, offering to help clean the table and sweep the floor, and to teach Xiaobao how to draw.

(End of this chapter)

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