Chapter 324 You Look Familiar

Shen Yun couldn't sleep, how could Su Mu sleep.

He was lying on his bed with his head behind his head, staring at the ceiling.

Several times I wanted to get up and send a message to Shen Yun, but was vetoed by myself again. At this time, Shen Yun was almost asleep, and it was time to disturb her rest by sending another message.

Regarding Qi Xiwen's matter, he didn't know how to explain it, because it was true that Qi Xiwen taught him to paint, and it was also true that he had been with him for two years.

Even though he hadn't had much contact with Qi Xiwen in the past two years, it couldn't hide the fact that Qi Xiwen had contact with him.

He really didn't know what to do, he was very grateful to Qi Xiwen for taking care of him during his injury.

But for Qi Xiwen's attitude, Su Mu has not been very friendly, he wants to make Qi Xiwen give up on him by making sarcastic remarks.

But it seemed that Qi Xiwen didn't understand, no matter what he said, she still had the same attitude as before.

It seems that one day it is really necessary to have a good talk with Qi Xiwen, explain everything thoroughly and clearly.

After thinking it over clearly, Su Mu felt relieved a lot, and began to feel sleepy in a daze.

The so-called life is alive, some happy and some sad, some joy and some sorrow, intertwined with each other.

There is a character wrap tonight, and all the actors and directors get together for dinner tonight.

On the car back to the hotel, Yang Qi was helping Lin Yiyin to make the schedule.

"In the past few days, I have pushed some small business matters for you. Listen to Dr. Shen and let you have time to rest." Yang Qi turned his head and talked with Lin Yiyin.

"Okay." Lin Yiyin rubbed her aching temples. She drank too much tonight, her head hurts, and her stomach feels uncomfortable.

"Have you been in contact with President Han recently?" Yang Qi asked Lin Yiyin gossipingly.

"I have no contact with him, not even WeChat." Lin Yiyin closed her eyes, leaned on the back of the chair, and spoke weakly.

"He helped you so much, why don't you thank him? Besides, as long as you get to know President Han now, are you afraid that you won't be exposed in the future?"

"Brother Yang, you can't tell whether you really can't tell or you can't tell, he looks at Dr. Shen with soft eyes." Lin Yiyin laughed at herself and said.

"What's the matter? I've inquired for you. That Dr. Shen already has a boyfriend."

"I know. But after all these years, hasn't he still liked her?" Lin Yiyin lowered her face, and her voice was very low in the last sentence.

"You are really worthless, don't think I don't know what you think, the back view on your phone wallpaper belongs to President Han, don't think I can't see it because of the back view." Yang Qi turned his head and glanced at Lin Yiyin , I really thought that other people were as stupid as her. Once the back view on her phone was seen by others, they would definitely be able to pull it out.

"How do you know?" Lin Yiyin was startled, she woke up instantly, and looked up at Yang Qi.

"Isn't that good? Look at it every day, and you will recognize it at a glance."

"Do you watch Han Chenxi every day?" Lin Yiyin's brain was dulled by alcohol, and she couldn't react. She frowned and asked Yang Qi.

"...I look at your wallpaper every day." Yang Qi looked at Lin Yiyin like a fool, and felt that discussing this issue with her now is really troublesome and laborious.

Lin Yiyin suddenly realized "Oh", she got up and lay down on the window, looking outside and giggling.

Yang Qi glanced at Lin Yiyin who was giggling behind her, and shook his head helplessly.

Silly girl, when will I be able to be with him without fighting for you?

When they arrived at the hotel, Yang Qi got out of the car first, opened the rear door, and helped Lin Yiyin get out of the car.I was afraid that she would be so drunk that she would not be able to see the way clearly, but even so, when Lin Yiyin got out of the car, she still staggered.

"Slow down." Yang Qi quickly grabbed Lin Yiyin's arm, telling her to be careful.

"It's okay." Lin Yiyin waved her hand indifferently, smirked at the front, and even waved her hand over there.

"Brother Yang, someone is patting me over there." Lin Yiyin took Yang Qi's arm and pointed to the front left and said to Yang Qi.

Yang Qi looked in the direction Lin Yiyin pointed, and saw a scene in the grass, which looked like a paparazzi.

After taking a look, Yang Qi looked away, took Lin Yiyin's arm, and dragged her into the hotel, "That's paparazzi, hurry up and leave."

"Don't pull me." Lin Yiyin staggered from being pulled, broke free from Yang Qi, and shouted at him.

Yang Qi was startled by her sudden roar, froze for a moment, and looked at Lin Yiyin in shock.

"I'll go by myself." Lin Yiyin said sharply, and she turned to the sky angrily.

Yang Qi looked at Lin Yiyin's back, and smiled in disbelief. It must be alcohol, he was drunk.

But even if he was drunk, he did not forget the way back to the room.

But Yang Qi soon discovered that he was wrong, because Qi Xiwen went to the wrong floor.

Yang Qi stood at the door of the elevator, looked at the elevator that had already passed his floor but was still going up, sighed helplessly, waited for the elevator to stop completely, and saw which floor Lin Yiyin stopped before following.

Lin Yiyin came out of the elevator in a daze, followed the route she remembered, came to a room, took out the room card from her pocket, and began to swipe the card.

After swiping several times, the door never opened. Lin Yiyin looked at the house number in a daze, and then began to knock on the door.

"Open the door, open the door for me, hurry up, I want to go in." Shouting, Lin Yiyin also hiccupped.

Lin Yiyin waited for a while, seeing that there was no response from the door for a long time, she slapped hard again.

"Open the door for me quickly, open the door quickly, do you hear me?"

Just as he was shouting, the door was opened from the inside. Lin Yiyin unexpectedly fell on the person who opened the door.

Yang Qi hurried, and finally arrived. When he looked up, he saw Lin Yiyin and Han Chenxi hugging each other at the door. He was startled, and quickly hid at the corner, peeking at their actions.

Han Chenxi was also taken aback by the sudden person. Smelling the strong smell of alcohol, he frowned in disgust, put his hand on Lin Yiyin's shoulder, and pulled her up.

"Lin Yiyin, why are you here? Where's Yang Qi?" Han Chenxi was even more shocked when he saw Lin Yiyin's face clearly. He looked around, but he didn't see Yang Qi.

"Yang Qi, it's in the back." Lin Yiyin spoke in a coherent manner, pointing to the back.

"You answer me first, why are you here?" Han Chenxi frowned indistinctly, how did Yang Qi become a manager, his own artists ran to the door of other people's rooms drunk, and didn't care about it.

"Of course I'm going back to the room." After finishing speaking, Lin Yiyin started to go in, but Han Chenxi held Lin Yiyin's shoulders to prevent her from entering.

Lin Yiyin was a little unhappy, frowned, and looked at Han Chenxi fiercely.

"You look so familiar."

(End of this chapter)

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