It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 331 My child is 3 years old

Chapter 331 My Child Is Already Three Years Old

Su Mu chatted with Xiaobao for a while, and didn't hang up the video until it was almost time for class.

Although in the end, Shen Yun did not appear.

The class bell rang, and Su Mu entered the classroom stepping on the bell, which immediately aroused the cheers of the whole class.

"Hello students, I am your new substitute teacher, and my name is Su Mu." Su Mu hadn't experienced this kind of battle for a long time, put down his books, cleared his throat, and said.

"Oh~ Teacher Su, where is Professor Wu?" Someone in the class made a fuss and asked Su Mu.

"Professor Wu is getting old, you must let him rest for a while."

"Ha ha ha ha."

"Teacher Su is so handsome!"

"Does Teacher Su have a girlfriend?"

Among the booing voices, this question seemed particularly abrupt, and when the question came out, it aroused the excitement of the whole class.

"My child is three years old." Su Mu lowered his head and smiled, and said.

All the girls in the class let out a regretful "Ah~".

"Okay, stop, let's start the class now." Su Mu picked up the book, knocked on the desk with the bottom, and started to give a lecture.

Shen Yun has been busy all day today, and he hardly even has the time to drink water.

Finally when it was time to get off work, Shen Yun stretched, retracted his hand to support his waist, and stretched out his hand to check the time. At this time, Su Mu should not be off work yet.

He also called just now to say that he still has a lot of things to deal with, and he probably won't be able to come back until very late.

Shen Yun got up and came to the lounge, wanting to see what Xiaobao was doing.

Pushing open the door, I saw Xiaobao lying on the sofa and falling asleep, with a paintbrush still clutched in his little hand.

Shen Yun smiled, came to Xiaobao's side, took off the pen in her hand, turned around, and saw the picture drawn by Xiaobao.

There is also a name marked next to each portrait. Shen Yun's angry face is written next to his mother, while the smiling boy is written next to his uncle.

Shen Yun narrowed his eyes, why did Su Mu smile.Unconvinced, Shen Yun picked up a paintbrush and painted on it.

After finishing the painting, Shen Yun looked at the blackened face with satisfaction, and put down the brush.

The moment he lowered his head, Shen Yun felt a flash in front of his eyes, and quickly raised his head to look out the window.

There was nothing but peace outside the window.

Shen Yun glanced at her brows lightly, she always felt weird today, and she didn't know if she was too sensitive, always feeling that someone was following her.

"Mom." Xiaobao stood up rubbing his eyes, saw Shen Yun's back, and called her.

"Are you awake?" Shen Yun turned around in response and looked at Xiaobao.

"Well, I'm hungry." Xiao Bao looked at Shen Yun and nodded.

"Let's go, let's go home, mom will cook something delicious for you." Shen Yun took Xiaobao's hand and put his thoughts behind him.

Because yesterday's incident was too big, the current turmoil has not completely stopped. The entrance of the theater is full of reporters, fans, and paparazzi, which have seriously delayed the filming of the crew.

There was no other way, the director could only give Zhu Yiyi a few days off to avoid the limelight, and shoot other scenes first.

In the hotel, Zhu Yiyi lay leisurely on the bed, watching the comments about herself on the Internet.

It's really amazing, even she is bisexual, and she came out on two boats.He also picked up photos of her having dinner with Shen Yun and Han Chenxi before, and said that they have a really good relationship and are not jealous of each other.

Who are you satirizing?Zhu Yiyi put down her phone in annoyance, she really didn't understand, but someone really believed her.

At any rate, it is said that she is pulling the baby to cover, but she is actually in love with Han Chenxi, so the credibility is higher than this.

Thinking of this, Zhu Yiyi didn't expect that she still had some fans who were her and Baby's CP fans, and even went to her private message to ask her if it was true.

"Laugh, you still have the nerve to laugh." Albert looked at Zhu Yiyi's heartless smile, and couldn't help but get angry.

"You know that the endorsement has been negotiated before, but the brand side is not willing now?" The more Albert thought about it, the more angry he became. People nowadays are really cold.

"Oh, I don't want it if it's a big deal. I'm still short of that endorsement. Besides, didn't they all make statements yesterday? They don't believe me. What can I do? I can't run over and tell them one by one that it's all fake. " Zhu Yiyi waved her hands indifferently, rolled around on the bed, and looked at the ceiling.

"Exactly, I can rest for a few days."

"It's different now. I told you that someone is going to blackmail you. You see, it's already starting to lie about your past." Albert handed back the contents of the phone to Zhu Yiyi to see.

"Don't look, what can I do? I have been working hard in the entertainment circle for the past few years. I have never been in a relationship and I have never been disrespectful. What can I do?" Zhu Yiyi turned her head to the other side, holding the The mobile phone that Albert handed over was pushed away.

"Then what if it's about you and Mu Sibai?" Albert tentatively asked Zhu Yiyi, wanting to see her reaction.

Hearing Mu Sibai, Zhu Yiyi immediately got up from the bed, snatched the phone from Albert, and checked the news.

"real or fake?"

Albert lowered his eyes, snatched back the phone, and said angrily, "Fake."

Zhu Yiyi looked at Albert, curled her lips, and muttered in a low voice, "It's fake, it's fake, why are you so fierce?"

Said Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, just after they finished talking about Mu Sibai, Mu Sibai called.

Zhu Yiyi looked down at the phone, saw Mu Sibai's name, and directly chose to hang up.

Albert glanced down at the phone, rolled his Adam's apple up and down, and didn't speak.

But the next second, Mu Sibai called again, and Zhu Yiyi hung up again.Immediately afterwards, Mu Sibai called again, as if Zhu Yiyi would not give up until she took her oath.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Zhu Yiyi answered the phone angrily, talking about Mu Sibai.

Albert glanced at Zhu Yiyi, lowered his head and played with his mobile phone, pretending not to care, but in fact he quietly approached Zhu Yiyi with his ear.

"Is the news on the Internet true?" Mu Sibai asked Zhu Yiyi anxiously, regardless of his indifference.

"Does it really have anything to do with you? Are you out of your mind?" Zhu Yiyi frowned and said to Mu Sibai.

"You mean, it's not true anymore?" Mu Sibai suddenly raised his voice, his words couldn't restrain his joy.

"Is it true that it has nothing to do with you, Mu Sibai, stop pretending to me here, who are you pretending to be?" Zhu Yiyi felt displeased, and cast all the anger of the past two days on Mu Sibai .

"Are you still angry?" Mu Sibai's voice was gentle, sounding a little bit aggrieved.

Albert was confused. As far as he knew, since the end of the last movie, there had been no interaction. Why did it sound like something happened to them that he didn't know about.

"I'm not angry, why am I angry? Isn't it that the marriage was arranged inexplicably? Wasn't it just that I accidentally bumped into my nominal fiancé hugging another woman on the day of the marriage? Why should I be angry? "The last sentence, Zhu Yiyi almost squeezed out from between her teeth.

(End of this chapter)

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