It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 333 It's time to put it on the agenda

Chapter 333 It's time to put it on the agenda
"So, just like that, I have a marriage contract with Mu Sibai." Zhu Yiyi explained the ins and outs of the matter to Albert clearly.

Albert lowered his head, his face was slightly gloomy, after listening to Zhu Yiyi's words, he pursed his lips and remained silent.

"Hey, are you stupid? It's me and not you who are going to get married, why are you angry?" Zhu Yiyi looked at Albert who was silent, and waved her hand in front of him.

Albert raised his head and stared straight at Zhu Yiyi. Zhu Yiyi was a little guilty of being stared at, her eyes flickered, and she blinked to avoid Albert's gaze.

After a while, Albert's lips moved slightly, he opened his mouth, and asked Zhu Yiyi in a hoarse voice, "Then what are you going to do? Get married?"

"How is it possible? I wish Yiyi is like the kind of person who is at the mercy of others? I would rather be single for the rest of my life than a marriage without feelings." When she said the last sentence, Zhu Yiyi's eyes moved slightly, and she raised her eyebrows unconsciously. The voice seemed to be accusing someone.

As for who is who, don't even think about it, it must be Mu Sibai.

Albert slowly lowered his eyes, so, you have feelings, right?
For a while, the two had their own ghosts in their hearts, and they were silent with each other.

"Go to bed first, don't you want to go to Shen Yun tomorrow?" Albert was the first to break the silence, and after speaking, he got up and left.

Zhu Yiyi looked at Albert's back and didn't speak.

She knew Albert's heart, always had.But, I'm sorry, she really doesn't have the ability and courage to like another person.

Su Mu was busy at school until midnight and didn't come back. On the first day, things were inevitably complicated, and he had to deal with them slowly.

Glancing at the opposite side, it is estimated that Shen Yun and Xiaobao are already asleep at this time, so he should not bother.

Open the door and go back to your own home.Turning on the light, she turned her head and saw Shen Yun sitting on the sofa.

"Are you back?" Shen Yun rubbed his eyes and looked at Su Mu at the door.

"Are you waiting for me here?" Su Mu put down his bag, came to Shen Yun's side, bent down, picked up Shen Yun by the waist, turned and sat on the sofa, and put Shen Yun on his lap.

Shen Yun took advantage of the situation and put his arms around Su Mu's neck, rubbed his face on his chest, and muttered in a low voice, "All the vegetables and rice are in the pot, eat while it's hot."

Su Mu looked down at Shen Yun, brushed away the broken hair on her face, and couldn't hide the smile in her eyes.

"Okay." Su Mu got up, hugged Shen Yun and pushed open the bedroom door.

Shen Yun tightened his arms around his neck, opened his eyes suddenly, looked back at the bed, then at Su Mu, struggling to get down.

"I want to go back to sleep at my own home, Xiaobao is still at home."

Su Mu saw through Shen Yun's inner thoughts at a glance, slowly lowered his head, approached Shen Yun's ear, and blew in gently.

Shen Yun shrank his neck and raised his eyes to look at Su Mu.

"Don't worry, I won't eat you." Seeing Shen Yun's reaction, Su Mu smiled, approached her ear again, and spoke softly.

The warm breath spread in the cochlea, and it was a little itchy. Shen Yun raised his hand and rubbed his ears, glared at Su Mu, and pushed his chest angrily.

"What are you thinking about in your mind? I don't have those dirty thoughts."

"Yes, yes, I am dirty, so you can sleep here well."

"Okay, since you said that, I will reluctantly agree." Shen Yun agreed with a look of reluctance.

Su Mu snickered, put Shen Yun on the bed, and pulled the quilt over her body.

"Go to sleep." Su Mu patted the quilt like a little treasure, and coaxed Shen Yun to sleep.

Shen Yun looked at Su Mu, and then slowly closed his eyes.

She was really sleepy. After a busy day today, she always felt that someone was following her. Her brain was always in a state of high energy. Now she relaxed and fell asleep soon.

Su Mu sat by the bed all the time, looked at Shen Yun who fell asleep quickly, and raised her hand to push aside the broken hair on her forehead.

Shen Yun might feel itchy, so he stretched out his hand to scratch his forehead, turned over, and put his hand outside the quilt.

Su Mu looked down at Shen Yun's slender hands, slender fingers with well-defined joints.

In this hand, after all, there is something missing.

Su Mu thought silently, took Shen Yun's hand, and put her back under the quilt.

It's time to put a marriage proposal on the agenda.

This time, he wanted to give Shen Yun a grand marriage proposal, and also gave her a grand wedding.

No matter how much time is left in the future, he doesn't want to regret it when he is still breathing his last breath.

Maybe it was too hot, so Shen Yun took out his hand again, and stretched out his legs at the same time, leaving a corner of the quilt to cover his stomach.

Su Mu lowered his head and smiled, put the quilt back on Shen Yun, picked up the remote control and turned down the air conditioner.

Putting down the remote control, glanced at Shen Yun, and walked out of the bedroom.

Zhu Yiyi came out of the hotel fully armed, with no one following her.

She didn't tell Albert that she left. What happened last night might be difficult for Albert to digest, and he probably didn't want to see her at this time.

Walking to the door of the hotel, I glanced outside, and there were paparazzi buried in the dark.

Zhu Yiyi didn't care, she waved carelessly at the paparazzi in the dark, then stopped a taxi in front of them, and left.

The paparazzi is standing where it is now, neither following nor not following.Follow along, I've been recognized, and probably won't be able to capture anything; don't follow, what if something unexpected is not photographed?
Zhu Yiyi looked back, and there was still a car following behind.

Trouble, they were all discovered and followed.Zhu Yiyi turned her head impatiently, the baby's address must not be discovered by these people.

"Master, please drive faster and get rid of the car behind." Zhu Yiyi said to the driver in front.

"Okay." The driver responded, stepped on the accelerator, and accelerated the speed.

The driver circled back and forth for several rounds, and at the gap of a traffic light, he finally got rid of the people following the car.

"Little girl, are you a star? I think you look familiar." The driver slowed down and said to Zhu Yiyi behind through the rearview mirror.

"Ah, do I look like me? Everyone says I look like Zhu Yiyi." Zhu Yiyi covered her face, pretending to be shy and lowering her head.

"Yes, that's Zhu Yiyi, aren't you? You really look alike."

"No, master. Let me tell you the truth, look at my face, it's actually fake, I made it like Zhu Yiyi's." Zhu Yiyi pinched her face, talking nonsense in a serious manner.

"Oh, that's it." The driver replied dubiously, and then looked at Zhu Yiyi through the rearview mirror, as if to confirm whether she really had plastic surgery.

After thousands of turns, the car finally stopped in front of Shen Yun's clinic.

"Thank you, master." Zhu Yiyi said to the driver, opened the car door, and walked out.

(End of this chapter)

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