Chapter 340 We Have a Backdoor

Shen Yun entered the clinic, cleaned the inside and outside of the room, and checked for pinhole cameras by the way.

After searching around, nothing suspicious was found, but a lot of candy skins were found in the corners.

You don't need to think about it to know that Xiaobao hid it secretly, because Xiaobao's teeth are not good, and she often suffers from toothaches in the middle of the night, Shen Yun strictly controls the amount of candy Xiaobao eats and does not let her eat more.

No wonder she started complaining of a toothache recently. Su Mu must have secretly given her candy.

Shen Yun took the broom and cleaned all the candy skins.

After she had sorted everything out, the first patient arrived.

Chu Keren dawdled early in the morning, came to the set at the last time, and let her manager walk ahead of her.

With her coffee position, she is not qualified to fight with Zhu Yiyi, and she still has this recognition.

And what she did to Zhu Yiyi, she didn't tell anyone, including her manager.

"Hey, you came in time, and work will start soon." Zhu Yiyi was sitting at the entrance of the studio, and when she saw Chu Keren coming in, she spoke immediately.

Chu Keren was taken aback by Zhu Yiyi's sudden voice, and looked at Zhu Yiyi in horror.

"Why are you here?"

"Sister Chu, what are you talking about? Why do you think I am here?" Zhu Yiyi smiled slightly, stood up and looked at Chu Keren deeply.

Zhu Yiyi is about 1.7 meters tall, while Chu Ke is only 1.6 meters [-]. Standing up, she is half a head taller than her.

Seeing Zhu Yiyi standing up, Chu Keren subconsciously took a step back and looked at Zhu Yiyi warily.

"You, don't come here, let me tell you, I still have your shocking secret in my hands." Thinking of the document that the person sent to him last night, he stabilized his body, emboldened himself, and looked at Zhu Yiyi.

Zhu Yiyi smiled indifferently, she didn't think that this person could have any shocking secrets about herself.

"Really? Tell me, listen, what big secret can make you threaten me."

Seeing Zhu Yiyi's indifferent expression, Chu Keren wondered if that person was lying to him again, but the content in that document did seem to be true.

"Okay, since you want to know, I'll give you a hint. The story between you and Mu Sibai is very exciting." Chu Keren stared at Zhu Yiyi, wanting to see her reaction.

Zhu Yiyi paused, looked at Chu Keren abruptly, then smiled suddenly, and looked at Chu Keren, "Why, instead of being a gossip-monger, start being a CP fan of me and Mu Sibai?"

Chu Keren looked at Zhu Yiyi's expression, and didn't know what she meant for a while, maybe the things in those documents were all fake.

Zhu Yiyi glanced to the side and saw that the director was looking for Chu Keren, "Sister Chu, don't stay here, or you should be anxious if the director can't find you. After all, you need to shoot a scene for two hours."

"You, hum." Chu Keren pointed at Zhu Yiyi with his finger, endured it, retracted his finger, clenched his fist, turned and left.

"Hmph." Zhu Yiyi looked at Chu Keren's back, snorted coldly, and walked to Albert's side.

"Chu Keren has the past affairs between me and Mu Sibai, you contact Lin Yifan. If this matter is exposed, you will not be caught off guard." Zhu Yiyi and Albert whispered.

Albert looked at Zhu Yiyi and nodded.

After a busy day, I can finally get off work.Shen Yun stretched out his arms, leaned on the back of the chair, and stretched lazily.

The phone rang suddenly, Shen Yun sat up, picked up the phone and looked, it was Xie Linfeng calling
"Brother Feng." Shen Yun answered the phone and called out to Xie Linfeng.

"Shen Yun, I just heard the news that Kevin, a world-renowned and authoritative cardiologist, will come to the People's Hospital of City B for investigation next Monday."

"Really?" Shen Yun stood up excitedly when he heard the news.

"Really." Xie Linfeng also laughed and responded to Shen Yun.

"Great, great, Su Mu is saved." Shen Yun was so excited that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, and got up quickly to go back to find Su Mu.

Just in time, Shen Yun who rushed out collided with Su Mu who came to pick her up.

"What are you going to do? You're in such a hurry." Su Mu put both hands on Shen Yun's shoulders to help her up, and rubbed Shen Yun's bumped forehead with one hand.

"Su Mu, that's great, you're saved." Shen Yun grabbed Su Mu's arm, shaking his body back and forth excitedly, then raised his head and hugged him.

"What, what can be saved? What are you talking about?" Su Mu was confused by Shen Yun, but still raised his arms to hug Shen Yun, and asked her suspiciously.

"Your illness, your illness is cured." Shen Yun let go of Su Mu, and stared at Su Mu excitedly.

"Really?" Su Mu looked at Shen Yun in disbelief, unable to believe what he heard.

"Well, brother Feng called me just now and told me that the most authoritative cardiologist in the world will come to the People's Hospital next Monday, and you can have surgery then." Shen Yun nodded excitedly, looking at Su Mu with sparkling eyes .

"But," Su Mu looked at Shen Yun, hesitating and didn't know how to speak. Aren't they going to get the certificate next Monday?Is the time coming in a hurry?

"What's the matter?" Shen Yun was dazzled by the good news, and completely forgot about yesterday's appointment to collect the certificate next Monday.

"It's okay, how many days will that expert stay here?" Su Mu shook his head, and asked Shen Yun another question.

"I don't know, but we must act quickly. When the world's authoritative experts come here, many people must want to take advantage of these few days to find experts for surgery. Therefore, we must be one step ahead of them and make appointments with experts as soon as possible." Shen Yun clenched his fists tightly, as if he was determined to win.

Su Mu was amused by Shen Yun's appearance, raised his hand to rub her head, and answered firmly.

"Okay, from today onwards, I won't sleep, I will wait for the expert to arrive at the hospital every day, and strive to be the first to perform the operation."

"That's not the case, we have a back door." Shen Yun opened his eyes and looked at Su Mu, looking like he was about to praise me.

"Huh? We still have a back door? Let me guess who it is, maybe it's my dearest girlfriend." Su Mu saw through Shen Yun's thoughts and followed her words.

"Of course." Shen Yun raised his head arrogantly, smiled suddenly, and said, "It's not the back door, it's because our clinic cooperates with the People's Hospital, so I know many doctors and friends over there, and they can tell me what the experts say. It's time."

"Oh~ no wonder, at that time, he pretended to be dizzy and the doctor would help you talk." Su Mu suddenly realized, and suddenly remembered that when Shen Yun fainted and forced him to appear, he was still wondering why Shen Yun had been dizzy for so long. , but also explained clearly.

Su Mu turned over the old account suddenly, Shen Yun turned his head in embarrassment, pretended to look away, and said guiltily, "I was really dizzy at that time, but I woke up early."

(End of this chapter)

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