It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 351 A person in love has an IQ of 0

Chapter 351 People in love have zero IQ

Zhu Yiyi suddenly raised her head and looked at Mu Sibai.

"Okay, I'll settle the scandal. After all, part of it was caused by me." Mu Sibai stared at Zhu Yiyi, paused, and said again, "You, you don't have to leave, and apologize to Shen Yun for me."

After speaking, Mu Sibai looked at Lin Yifan, Lin Yifan immediately understood, made an OK gesture, and went upstairs to deal with the scandal.

Zhu Yiyi watched Lin Yifan go upstairs, lowered her eyes, bowed her head and said "OK."

"It's already here, so let's go after dinner. You don't have work today." Mu Sibai walked past Zhu Yiyi and walked downstairs.

Zhu Yiyi turned her head, looked at Mu Sibai's back, and said, "No need, I don't want to have any more scandals."

"I have everything, so it doesn't matter if I have another one. Besides, they are all going to be dealt with anyway, and it's easy to deal with one more." Mu Sibai came to the living room, poured himself a glass of water, sat down, Zhu Yiyi said.

Zhu Yiyi thought about it, what Mu Sibai said seemed to make sense, but it was a bit strange to say that they were sitting together for dinner after a quarrel.

"I ordered a hot pot just now, and it shouldn't be long. Are you sure you don't want to eat?" Seeing that Zhu Yiyi was a little shaken, Mu Sibai asked her eagerly.

Zhu Yiyi swallowed, she was indeed a little hungry, she lost weight recently, and didn't eat well.

"Then if you really can't eat, I can help you eat some." Zhu Yiyi looked away, pretending not to care.

Mu Sibai looked at the arrogant Zhu Yiyi, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he picked up the water glass to drink, but found that there was no water in the water glass.

The locksmith hurried over with his bag, saw so much rubbish and red paint on the door, glanced at Shen Yun and Su Mu, and opened his mouth tentatively.

"Miss, sir, are you all right?"

"It's nothing, it's just that the family owes money and hasn't paid it back. I came to see if all the good things in her house have been moved." Su Mu put his hands in his trouser pockets, came to the locksmith, kicked away the garbage at his feet, opened the mouth.

"Ah." The locksmith who was opening the lock shook his hands, stopped his movements, looked at Su Mu and then at Shen Yun behind him.

"This, it's against the law." The locksmith stood up, tightly gripping the tools in his hand.

"What are you doing? You think you are Xiaobao." Shen Yun rolled his eyes speechlessly, hit Su Mu on the back of the head behind him, walked up to Su Mu, and smiled shyly at the locksmith, "Sorry!" Ah, this is my own clinic, if you don’t believe me, you can take a look at the certificates inside.”

The locksmith looked suspiciously at Shen Yun, then at Su Mu, seeing that they didn't look like bad guys, so he continued to open the lock.

Su Mu looked at Shen Yun and grinned silly at her.Shen Yun glared at Su Mu, raised his hand and slapped him on the arm.

"Oh, it hurts." Su Mu complained to Shen Yun while clutching his beaten arm.

Shen Yun glanced at Su Mu, then glanced under Su Mu's pocket, "Your phone has been vibrating."

Su Mu took out the mobile phone from his pocket, turned off the mobile phone, put it back in his pocket, and said to Shen Yun, "It's okay, don't worry about it."

"Okay." The locksmith opened the lock and squatted down, and began to pack up the tools.

"Master, thank you." Su Mu took out three red tickets from his wallet and handed them to the locksmith.

"It doesn't take that much." The locksmith smiled honestly, took off his gloves, wiped his hands on his body, took only two red tickets, and took out a stack of crumpled money from his pocket, and asked Give Su Mu some change.

"You don't need it, master. Just treat it as a joke I just made for you, so why not?" Su Mu didn't answer, and gave the locksmith the money again.

"No, really no. How old am I, it's not that I can't take jokes. How about this, I won't give you the change if it doesn't work." The locksmith smiled and pushed the money to Su Mu.

"That's fine, thank you brother." Su Mu had no choice but to take the money back.

"You're welcome, I'm leaving first." The locksmith carried his bag, greeted Su Mu and Shen Yun, and left.

"Come in." Su Mu pushed open the door and said to Shen Yun who was in a daze.

"What time is it?" Shen Yun suddenly turned around and asked Su Mu.

Su Mu raised his wrist and glanced at the time, "It's past ten o'clock."

"It shouldn't be." Shen Yun frowned and muttered softly.

"What shouldn't it be?" Su Mu didn't know what Shen Yun was talking about, and asked Shen Yun in a daze.

"What am I here for? I'm here for work. Don't you think it's strange that no one has come at this time?" Shen Yun looked at Su Mu and said.

"That's right, from what you said, it seems to be the case." Su Mu hissed, suddenly realized, and looked around, and there was indeed no one coming.

"Why do you feel like you are getting more and more stupid." Shen Yun gave Su Mu a disgusted look, pushed him away, and walked straight into the room.

"Don't you know that people's IQ is zero in love?" Su Mu smiled, followed Shen Yun into the room, and walked out with a broom.

Shen Yun turned around, saw Su Mu going out, and asked him, "Why are you going?"

"I swept up the garbage outside, and when people come, seeing how dirty your door is, I must go back in disgust." Su Mu turned to Shen Yun and said.

After speaking, Su Mu went out.

When he came to the door, Su Mu closed the door from the outside, took out his mobile phone and called Xie Linfeng.

"How is the situation now?"

"The situation is very bad. At present, many patients who have made appointments can't call." Xie Linfeng suppressed his anger. He didn't know how those people found his phone number, and threatened him by phone to ask Shen Yun to dismiss him.

"What should we do now?" Su Mu was silent for a while, and asked Xie Linfeng.

Now things are far more serious than he thought, because things about Shen Yun on the Internet are becoming more and more troublesome, and even become popular searches.

Now many patients who had made appointments thought that Shen Yun's mind was not on them, and he would definitely not treat them wholeheartedly, so they all asked to withdraw from the contract.

What's more, Xie Linfeng was asked to dismiss Shen Yun, and some of them didn't know if they were patients, so they agreed together.

Xie Linfeng didn't speak either, as if he was deciding something, it took him a long time to open his mouth.

"Let me come, just let Xiaoyun rest for two days, she must be very tired recently."

"That's the only way to go." Su Mu looked back at the door, as if he could see Shen Yun inside through the door.

No need to think about it, she must have put her face on her hands and stared at the front in a daze.

"You are waiting for me over there now, I will be there soon."

"it is good."

Su Mu responded, hung up the phone, and started sweeping the floor.

After cleaning up all the rubbish outside the door, Su Mu went into the room and brought out a basin of water to start cleaning the paint on the door.

(End of this chapter)

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