Chapter 362 Sweet
Xiaobao hid in Su Mu's arms, smiling embarrassedly.

"Mom, can uncle be my father?"

"That's all you want him to be your father?"

"Yeah." Xiao Bao looked at Shen Yun excitedly and nodded.

Shen Yun fondled Xiao Bao's head, looked forward, and said.

"Mom also wants Uncle to be your father, but Uncle still has some concerns, so he can't be your father for the time being. Shall we wait? Wait until Uncle wants to be your father, okay?"

"Well, good." Xiaobao nodded vigorously, bit her finger, and tilted her head to look at Shen Yun, "But mom, what are you worrying about?"

"Worry is thinking about it, just like you have blueberry cake and ice cream in front of you, but you can only eat it first. If you eat the cake first, you are afraid that the ice cream will go bad, and if you eat the ice cream first, you feel that the cake will be taken away by others. Worries." Shen Yun looked down at Xiaobao in his arms, and patiently explained to her.

Xiaobao looked at Shen Yun with blurred eyes, it was too profound, and it was a bit difficult to understand.

"Then can't I take a bite of the cake first and eat ice cream? This ice cream won't melt, so no one will eat the cake."

Hearing Xiaobao's words, Shen Yun smiled and pinched the tip of Xiaobao's nose, "Little clever ghost."

"Hee hee." Xiao Bao nestled in Shen Yun's arms, grinning at Shen Yun.

The afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on the living room through the balcony, the warm yellow light was printed on the smooth floor, and the reflected light just shone on the sides of Shen Yun and Xiaobao.

Under the sunshine, it also sets off the warm daily life of Shen Yun and Xiaobao.

Holding the blueberry cake in his hand, Su Mu knocked on Shen Yun's door happily.

He is not such a person who gives up so easily, a roll can make him retreat in the face of difficulties.

Joke, so many years of thick-skinned is not for nothing.

Hearing the knock on the door, Shen Yun and Xiaobao looked towards the door at the same time and stopped the sound.

"Uncle is knocking on the door." Shen Yun pointed to the door and whispered to Xiaobao.

Xiao Bao covered his mouth with his hands, opened his big round eyes, and nodded.Excitedly looking at the door, he wanted to get up to open the door, but because Shen Yun didn't speak, he didn't dare to move.

"Go and open the door for him, don't say I asked you to open it." Shen Yun saw Xiaobao's eagerness to open the door, nodded and said to her.

"Okay." Seeing that Shen Yun agreed, Xiaobao got up quickly and ran to the door to knock.

Shen Yun leaned on the sofa, turned around to look at Xiaobao, saw that she was about to open the door, and reminded, "Why did I tell you?"

Hearing this, Xiao Bao quickly stopped and moved the stool to the door.Get up and stand on the stool, lie on the peephole and look out the door.

Su Mu had already heard the commotion outside the door, and knew that it was Xiaobao who opened the door, so he had already retreated to the door, looking at the cat's eyes with a smile on his face.

Seeing Su Mu's face, Xiao Bao quickly got off the stool and opened the door excitedly, "Uncle."

"Xiaobao, let's see what delicious food uncle bought for you." Su Mu looked at Xiaobao, showing the cake, and walked into the living room very naturally.

After putting down the cake, he turned his head to look at Shen Yun, and smiled flatteringly at her.

Shen Yun looked at Su Mu's smile, gave him a blank look, and turned his back to Su Mu.

"Cake." Xiaobao lay on the table, his eyes seemed to be fixed on the cake, and his saliva was almost dripping.

"Uncle will cut a piece for you, can you take it back to the bedroom and eat it?" Su Mu opened the cake, lowered his head and asked Xiaobao.

"Okay." Xiao Bao raised his hands excitedly and responded.

"Eat less, be careful of toothache at night." Shen Yun listened to the following conversation, turned around and said something, then turned his head back.

Xiao Bao glanced at Shen Yun, let out a disappointed "Oh", looked back at Su Mu, and whispered, "Uncle, put more."

"Okay." Su Mu answered Xiaobao angrily, and quietly added another piece of cake to her.

Holding the cake in both hands, Xiao Bao happily ran to the bedroom, and closed the door very considerately.

Su Mu looked at the direction Xiaobao left, smiled, came behind Shen Yun, and surrounded Shen Yun from behind.

"Don't be angry, okay? I'll bring you your favorite cake." Su Mu took out another piece of cake from behind and put it in front of Shen Yun, and said.

Shen Yun raised his eyes and glared at Su Mu, then took the cake from Su Mu.

If you can't get along with anyone, you can't get along with food.

"Don't be angry anymore?" Su Mu walked around in front of Shen Yun, looked at Chen Yun dotingly, raised his hand to help Chen Yun wipe off the cream from the corner of her mouth.

"Why am I angry? Is it because you kept it from me? Is it because everyone else knows and doesn't tell me? Is it because you lied to me together with others?" Shen Yun ate the cake and asked Su Su absent-mindedly. Mu, but every word he said pierced Su Mu's heart.

"Uh," Su Mu looked at Shen Yun, and didn't know how to respond to such a question.

"Why don't you talk?" Shen Yun turned his head and asked Su Mu knowingly.

"It seems so." Su Mu lowered his head and replied in a low voice.

Shen Yun was still eating the cake with her head down, not in a hurry to ask Su Mu questions, as if nothing was as important as the cake in front of her.

Su Mu was not in a hurry to speak, and looked at Shen Yun quietly, waiting for her to speak.

After eating the last bite of cake, Shen Yun threw it into the trash can, looked up at Su Mu, and said, "This cake is not tasty, it's a bit bitter."

"Then I won't buy this cake in the future." Su Mu fixed his eyes on Shen Yun's face, and raised his hand to wipe off the cream that accidentally rubbed on Shen Yun's face, but his eyes never left Shen Yun.

Shen Yun also stared at Su Mu, and suddenly raised his hand to grab Su Mu's collar, raised his head, and touched Su Mu's lips.

Lips and teeth intersect, helping each other.

Su Mu raised his hand and put it behind Shen Yun's head. Instead, he hooked Shen Yun's chin and pressed her on the sofa.

Shen Yun put his arms around Su Mu's neck, stepped back slightly, and left Su Mu.

Staring at Su Mu with a smile, he licked his lower lip, "It's so sweet."

Su Mu looked at such a charming Shen Yun, rolled his Adam's apple up and down, swallowed, raised his hand to lift Shen Yun's chin, and deepened the kiss.

For a moment, Shen Yun was panting and collapsed in Su Mu's arms.

Why does it feel that Su Mu's kissing skills are getting better and better, and the time is getting longer and longer. She was about to suffocate just now.

"Su Mu, tell me the truth, are you secretly practicing kissing skills?" Shen Yun raised a finger and pointed at Su Mu, asking forcefully.

Su Mu raised the corner of his mouth, smiled with satisfaction, and slowly approached Shen Yun, warm breath sprinkled on her cochlea.

"I'll just take you as a compliment, but I have better skills, do you want to try?"

"Rogue." Shen Yun blushed, retreated back, dodged Su Mu, and pushed his chest.

"What are you thinking about? I'm talking about massage techniques. Lie down and I'll massage your shoulders for you." The corner of Su Mu's mouth twitched into a smug smile.

(End of this chapter)

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