Chapter 367 Revenge
Smith saw Shen Yun's concerns, and continued to say, "Don't worry, I won't let you do anything difficult, I just hope you can give me something."

With that said, Smith took out a file bag from behind and handed it to Shen Yun.

"I also hope that you will give this portfolio to Su Muna."

Shen Yun looked down at the file bag, reached out to take it, looked at Smith again, and asked.

"Professor, are you really not going in?"

"No, I have something to do in the past, so I will go back first." Professor Smith shook his head with a smile, turned and left with a cane.

Shen Yun looked at the back of Smith leaving, tightened the file bag in his hand, turned and returned to the ward.

In the ward, Su Mu hadn't woken up yet, and Xiao Bao was sitting in front of the bed staring at Su Mu boredly.

Shen Yun put the file bag on the table, Xiaobao turned to look at Shen Yun, and called her in a low voice.


"Little treasure." Shen Yun smiled, raised his hand and stroked Xiaobao's head.

Su Mu didn't wake up until night, during which time Shen Yun sat by the bed and looked after him.

Xie Linfeng came again in the afternoon and took Xiaobao back.

Su Mu woke up leisurely, and turned to look at Shen Yun who was sitting beside him, who was already asleep, but even so, Shen Yun's hand was still clutching his own.

Su Mu supported his body with the other palm, trying to sit up without waking Shen Yun up.

The hand was pulled, and Shen Yun woke up suddenly, looking at Su Mu with big hazy eyes.

"You're awake." Gradually returning to consciousness, Shen Yun withdrew his hand and rubbed his eyes, and said to Su Mu.

"En." Su Mu moved his fingers slightly, looked at Shen Yun tenderly, and nodded.

"Professor Smith asked me to give it to you. Take a look." Shen Yun took the portfolio on the table and handed it to Su Mu.

Su Mu's hand froze when he took the file bag, lowered his eyes, took the file bag, opened it and asked Shen Yun, "He's here?"

"Well, you came after you fell asleep." Shen Yun nodded and said.

Su Mu didn't speak anymore. At this time, the file bag had been opened. Su Mu took out a stack of documents from it, and an envelope fell out along with the documents.

Su Mu put the documents aside, opened the envelope first, and read it.

Suddenly, Su Mu dropped the letter paper abruptly, picked up the information, and roughly read it.

The information was flipped through by Su Mu. Shen Yun raised his head and glanced at Su Mu. From his veined hands, it could be seen how excited Su Mu was now.

"What's wrong?" Shen Yun asked Su Mu curiously, and reached for the letter paper.

I know that it is useless for me to say anything now. The bombing incident was concealed because of my own selfish interests. I want to say sorry to you here.

This incident itself caused one kind of harm to you, and because of our failure to report to each other, it caused a second kind of harm. Here, I want to say sorry to you again.

You and Qingchen are both my favorite students. After that incident, I often wondered, if I hadn't asked you to do the last experiment, would this face never have happened.In the past three years, I have also blamed myself and felt guilty in my heart, and I have deeply apologized to you.

Sorry, excuse me for only showing up now.I know that you have been secretly investigating the bombing. This portfolio contains some information about the bombing. I hope it can help you.

Finally, let me say sorry to you, to Chen Chen. "

After reading the contents of the letter, Shen Yun silently closed the letter paper and looked at Su Mu.

Su Mu was still flipping through the documents, his eyes were red, even though he tried his best to suppress his voice, Shen Yun could still hear his low and excited voice coming from his throat.

Shen Yun glanced at the heart rate meter with too many ups and downs, raised his hand to hold Su Mu's hand, and called him.

"Su Mu."

Su Mu heard the voice and looked up at Shen Yun.His eyes were red, his Adam's apple rolled up and down, and he opened his mouth, but he couldn't say a word for a long time, as if something was stuck in his throat.

"I understand." Shen Yun smiled, got up and hugged Su Mu, and helped Su Mu with his hands behind his back, so as to calm his emotions.

After a long time, Su Mu closed his arms and slowly embraced Shen Yun.

"I can avenge the early morning." Su Mu finally spoke, his voice getting louder and louder, as if venting.

"I can avenge the early morning, and I can avenge the early morning." Su Mu pushed Shen Yun away, but excitedly grabbed her hand and said again and again.

"Yes, you can avenge the early morning." Shen Yun held Su Mu back and nodded following his words.

"Hahaha, it's great." Su Mu laughed out loud, but accidentally involved his own wound, causing him to frown in pain.

"Okay, I know you're very happy, but stop it now." Shen Yun looked at Su Mu, clenched his hands into fists in front of him, and made a closing motion.

Happy and happy, excited and excited, now is the time to talk about real-time issues.

Su Mu stopped smiling in time, but then laughed twice.

"Don't be too happy, at least you have to heal your illness first before you think about revenge." Shen Yun looked at Su Mu seriously. With his current small heart, he couldn't bear such a big pain. storm.

Su Mu smiled at Shen Yun, took Shen Yun's hand, pulled her into his arms, and agreed wholeheartedly.

"Oh, it's not the right time to come." He Yan opened the door and saw the two people sitting together, said loudly on purpose, and walked in with a thermos bucket.

Shen Yun looked at He Yan, got up from Su Mu's arms, and took the thermos from He Yan's hand.He opened the thermos, poured out a bowl of chicken soup and handed it to Su Mu.

Su Mu shook his head, pushed the bowl to Shen Yun, and asked her to drink first.

"You drink it first, and I'll fill it up myself later." Shen Yun pushed the chicken soup to Su Mu again, asking him to drink it first.

He Yan sat on the stool beside him, looked at the two people pushing back and forth, and said, "I've boiled this chicken soup for two hours, you two must finish it for me, don't waste my heart."

Su Mu looked at Shen Yun and saw that she insisted on drinking first, but had no choice but to take the chicken soup.

Picking up the bowl, blew on the chicken soup, took a sip, frowned, looked at He Yan, "It's really too bad to drink."

"It's hard to drink, you have to finish it for me." He Yan rolled his eyes and said to Su Mu.

Su Mu lowered his head and smiled, and continued drinking the chicken soup.

"What about the things I asked you to bring?" Shen Yun looked at He Yan and asked.

"Xiaowei went to get it. She is afraid that you will be hungry, so let me bring you the chicken soup first."

Just as he was talking, the door was pushed open from the outside again, and Xia Wei entered the ward carrying big and small bags.

Seeing this, He Yan got up quickly, took the bundle from Xia Wei, and put it on the hospital bed beside him.Immediately after that, he came behind Xia Wei and helped her press her shoulders.

"I brought all the things you asked me to take, and you can see if there is anything missing."

(End of this chapter)

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