It's a little sweet for childhood sweethearts

Chapter 370 You Are My Treasure

Chapter 370 You Are My Treasure

"I'm not hungry." Shen Yun smiled and shook her head, she was really not hungry.

"You haven't eaten much today, and you're still not hungry." Su Mu frowned and said to Shen Yun.

"That's right, Sister Yun, you haven't eaten much. If you want to eat, I'll go down and buy it for you right now." He Yan looked at Shen Yun and said in time.

"No, I'm really not hungry. If I'm hungry, can I still not eat?" Shen Yun shook his head and didn't let He Yan go.

"That doesn't work either. Eat a little whether you're hungry or not. You have a bad stomach, so what if you don't eat." Xia Wei also said to Shen Yun.

"I really can't eat any more. If I'm hungry, I'd eat it earlier." Shen Yun frowned in embarrassment, she felt like throwing up now smelling the smell of chicken soup.

"That doesn't work either, He Yan, you can see if there is no food downstairs, you can do anything." Su Mu raised his head and said to He Yan.

"Anything is fine?" He Yan looked at Shen Yun and confirmed with her.

"Well, anything is fine." Shen Yun nodded, since he didn't have anything to eat anyway, so he just dealt with the two casually.

"Okay." He Yan responded, turned and walked out of the ward.

"I'll go with you, I'm afraid you won't buy it well." Xia Wei followed He Yan and left with him.

There were only the two of them left in the ward again. Shen Yun sat on the bedside flipping through the picture book, while Su Mu kept turning his head to stare at Shen Yun.

"Why didn't I find the landscape architecture you painted?" Shen Yun turned to the last page of the painting book but didn't find the painting she wanted to see. He raised his head and asked Su Mu.

"Of course, this book is dedicated to drawing you." Su Mu said.

"Did Qi Xiwen read it?" Shen Yun knew that she couldn't be so brooding, but she still couldn't control her brain's fantasy.

In a foreign country, there is a relatively familiar person, and the relationship is naturally closer than others, and it is still when Su Mu is so weak.

"I didn't read it. What she saw were those landscape paintings. The you on them are all my treasures. I definitely can't show them to him." Su Mu stared at Shen Yun, as if he could see through her thoughts.

Hearing what Su Mu said, Shen Yun was very happy, but "I haven't seen any of your landscape paintings either."

"It's all at home. When I'm discharged from the hospital, I'll show you everything." Su Mu smiled and said softly.

"Okay." Shen Yun immediately agreed, and smiled contentedly.

Not long after, Xia Wei and He Yan came back with plastic bags.

They bought a large portion of wontons, mainly because Xia Wei looked at Shen Yun's lack of appetite, and if they bought her something too greasy, Shen Yun would definitely not eat it.

Facts have proved that Xia Wei still knows Shen Yun very well. Shen Yun made up his mind when they went out. If Xia Wei and the others bought all meat, she could eat two bites at most, and then throw the rest to Su. Mu.

But for wontons, she can still eat a few more.

However, she still didn't finish a bowl of wontons, about half of which was left, and threw it all to Su Mu.

He Yan and Xia Wei had already gone back, and when they left, He Yan carried a heavy thermos bucket and complained a few words.

Said that Su Mu and Shen Yun didn't give him face, boiled chicken soup for two hours, and ended up drinking a bowl.

Hearing He Yan's complaint, Su Mu and Shen Yun looked at each other and smiled, without speaking.

"It's so late, why don't you go back? I don't worry about going back later." Su Mu turned his head and glanced out the window, it was completely dark.

He knew that Shen Yun actually didn't want to go back tonight, but there was only one hospital bed here, and he was still asleep, how could he let Shen Yun lie on the bed and sleep.

Shen Yun glanced at Su Mu and didn't speak. He seemed to help him tuck the quilt in retaliation. To be precise, he wrapped Su Mu tightly and couldn't move at all.

"I'm fine here. Besides, even if something happens, there's still a nurse." Su Mu moved his arm that hadn't been needled, trying to get it out of the quilt, but after several attempts, Shen Yun stuffed it back again. .

"I'm worried." Shen Yun finally stopped what he was doing, looked at Su Mu and said.

"There's nothing to worry about." Su Mu twisted his body, and finally took out his arm this time.

"What do you think?" Shen Yun glared at Su Mu and asked him back.

"But you're like this, I don't worry about it." Su Mu looked at Shen Yun, he could feel that Shen Yun was very tired now, and he was trying to cheer himself up.

"I don't care." Shen Yun glanced at Su Mu, and decided that he must stay here tonight.

She asked Xia Wei to bring her clothes, how could she go back.

"Hey, okay." Su Mu also had no choice but to agree with Shen Yun, "Then I'm sleepy, you can wipe my face, I want to sleep."

Su Mu raised his face to Shen Yun, waiting for her to help him wipe his face.

Shen Yun stared at Su Mu for a while, then suddenly smiled, got up and fetched a pot of hot water, helped Su Mu wipe his face, and washed his face by the way.

Su Mu said that she was really sleepy when she said she was sleepy, and when she returned from pouring water, Su Mu had already fallen asleep.

Shen Yun put the water basin under the bed, sat on the edge of the bed, raised his head to support his chin, and stared at Su Mu's drip.

This bottle of intravenous drip is about to run out, and she wants to watch it hang up and change to the next bottle.

The drips are very slow, and it takes several seconds for a drop to fall.

Shen Yun looked at it and fell asleep unknowingly.

The hand on the chin slipped, and the head lowered instantly. Seeing that it was about to hit the edge of the bed, Su Mu caught Shen Yun's chin in time.

He only woke up in the afternoon, how could he be sleepy.It's just to let Shen Yun relax his vigilance and sleep peacefully.

But because he didn't think too much about it, he caught Shen Yun with his needle-pricked hand, and a bag instantly appeared on the back of his hand.

Su Mu looked down, raised his hand and pulled out the needle.

Without the shackles of needles, both hands can move freely.

Su Mu carefully placed Shen Yun's head on the bed, then lifted the quilt from the other side and got up, went around to Shen Yun's side, picked her up and put her on the bed, and sat on the head of the bed instead.

The door of the ward was pushed open from the outside, and the nurse calculated the time to change Su Mu's dressing.

Seeing Su Mu sitting by the bed, he frowned.

Su Mu glanced at the nurse, and made a "shh" gesture to her before she could speak.

The nurse closed the door and walked in, glanced at the bed, then at Su Mu, and said nothing.

Looking down and seeing the needles on the ground, he even sighed, hesitated, and whispered to Su Mu, "Sir, you can't do this next time. Your body is weak now, and you are more likely to catch cold."

"Okay, thank you, I see." Su Mu stretched out his other hand and continued to prick the needle.

The nurse gave Su Mu another injection, looked at Su Mu again, walked out without saying a word.

Not long after, the nurse came back, still holding a quilt in her hand, and handed it to Su Mu.

"Thank you." Su Mu took the quilt and thanked the nurse again.

(End of this chapter)

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