With a single order, hundreds of millions of travelers return

Chapter 7 What you think and what you think, cut through the ages with one sword!

Chapter 7 What you think and what you think, cut through the ages with one sword!

"Exotic creatures are a powerful group living in another dimension. Once they invade the earth, any strong person who jumps out will be billions of times stronger than me."

"Even if separated by hundreds of millions of miles of starry sky, with a flick of a finger, the earth can be completely destroyed."

"Emperor Chu is the supreme existence who gave us a new life to the traversers. His strength is unfathomable. Those who praise his real name will have eternal life in reincarnation."

"He reversed time and space, commanded the traverser to return to the ancestral star, and prepared to fight to the death with alien creatures!"

After the words fell, Yang Feng and Bai Lao had already opened their mouths wide, but they couldn't say what they wanted to say.

They have been completely shocked by these words.

Strange creatures from exotic lands, separated by billions of miles of starry sky, can cover the sky with a flick of a finger!
Leng Qingqiu, a half-step grandmaster, is already a top combat power on the earth, but among the traversers, he is actually in the lower reaches!
It is conceivable that those powerful traversers exist, and they have the ability to destroy heaven and earth with just a few gestures.

And that Emperor Chu is even worse, he can travel the long river of time step by step, trace the present and trace the past, and reverse time and space!
This power is still in the category of human beings, even if it is called a god.

Far beyond their cognition, breaking the three views established since birth.

Unspeakable, unimaginable!

It can be said.

If the fierce battle just now was not still lingering in their minds, and Leng Qingqiu's strength far exceeds that of the Grandmaster.

They suspected Leng Qingqiu, who had just escaped from the mental hospital.


Yang Feng let out a deep breath of turbid air, his heart was churning, and there was a flash of light in Bai Lao's eyes.

If Leng Qingqiu's words are true, then the earth will really not be flat in the future.

"Miss Leng, since that Emperor Chu is so powerful, why didn't he try his best to destroy the foreign land for me?"

Bai Lao thought about it carefully and expressed his confusion.

This Emperor Chu, according to Leng Qingqiu, no longer belongs to the past, nor does he belong to the future, and has jumped out of the ancient history of Ten Thousand Realms.

Otherwise, it is also impossible to travel the long river of time, go back to the past, and arbitrarily change the development direction of the earth.

It is even more impossible for all the traversers to return to the ancestral star through the long river of time.

Ignoring time and space, ignoring cause and effect, and ignoring God, the vast power in it can hardly be exhausted in a few days and nights.

But so, why didn't Emperor Chu show up and kill the alien creatures?

In the past, Leng Qingqiu would definitely avoid answering these questions, or even sneer at them.

Emperor Chu, the merits and virtues she possesses are like the sands of the Ganges River, and she is so poor that she can't count them all in her life. How can people randomly question her?
However, Emperor Chu gave her instructions just now, so he didn't care about these details.

"Emperor Chu is the supreme existence."

"His plan is not something we can easily understand. It's not that he didn't make a move, but because of his different levels, he couldn't see it. Otherwise, how can we communicate without incident today?"

"This is because Emperor Chu is protecting us in the dark."

"The reason is that Emperor Chu knew the supreme truth that the crisis of human beings must be resolved by human beings. Therefore, he recalled all the traversers and used human power to protect the earth."

"Secondly, Emperor Chu has been fighting all his life. If it hadn't been for Emperor Chu's sacrifice to stop him, the most powerful existence in the foreign land would have come to the earth long ago, obliterating hundreds of millions of living beings with one finger."

"Emperor Chu is invincible in ancient and modern times, so powerful that it is unimaginable. I only hate that no one can catch up with his footsteps and fight with him!"

Leng Qingqiu tried his best to publicize the deeds of Emperor Chu.

Yang Feng and Bai Lao were taken aback.

In a trance, they seemed to see a tall body standing between the sky and the earth, his body was wrapped in clouds of chaotic haze, making it difficult to get a glimpse of his true face.

This figure raised its head slightly in the face of the surrounding gods and Buddhas.

Swinging the long sword, a beam of sword light pierced through the ages, as if passing through billions of ages, billions of epochs, coming from the end of the boundless time and space.

No immortality, no primordial ancestor, no supremacy can stop it.

The sword energy spans hundreds of millions of miles, cutting everything!
"Pfft!" "Pfft!"

When deep in imagination, Yang Feng and Bai Lao spat out a mouthful of blood.

The two wiped their mouths, their faces full of horror, what is that sword light! ?

"Miss Leng, what happened just now? We were just trying to build the image of Emperor Chu in our minds, and we almost lost half of our lives!"

Yang Feng's face was full of shock.

Across billions of stars, across the ages, the aftermath of the sword energy can still hurt them!

Seeing the two being backlashed, Leng Qingqiu gave a warning.

"Emperor Chu, what kind of peerless man is he, and what kind of person is he? You have doubts in your heart but tried rashly, and you have violated the power of cause and effect in the dark."

"I advise you to be more honest, and don't offend Emperor Chu, even in your heart."

The two looked at each other, seeing horror in each other's eyes.

If they were half-believing in Leng Qingqiu's words just now, then they can only be convinced now!
"Miss Leng, we both believe what you said just now, can you spare some time now and find a quiet place to chat with us?"

Yang Feng solemnly extended the invitation.

This event, which is enough to change the fate of the earth, does not dare to neglect in the slightest.

"Then I will trouble you to lead the way."

Leng Qingqiu nodded, although he was thinking of his parents at home, he did not refuse.

Right now is the juncture of alien invasion.

Let the special management bureau warriors prepare early, and the next time the exotic creatures appear, they can reduce some unnecessary casualties.

Seeing that Leng Qingqiu didn't object, Yang Feng heaved a sigh of relief, he really didn't have much confidence in the face of a half-step Grandmaster.

Afterwards, Yang Feng immediately reported the situation here to the imperial capital.

After listening to Yang Feng's report, the dignitaries at the imperial capital took a deep breath after carefully reviewing the materials handed over.

Time is urgent, start the video conference immediately.

For this meeting, Chu Fan also planned to participate, but he paid attention from the perspective of God.

"Miss Leng, time is urgent, let's attend the meeting here."

Yang Feng looked at a large and simple camp tent and scratched his head in embarrassment.

What he was talking about was the street where Leng Qingqiu and the exotic demon lion had a terrifying battle just now.

Although the body of the exotic demon lion has been dragged to the scientific research department by the soldiers, and a temporary headquarters has also been set up.

But the problem is, Leng Qingqiu is a half-step grand master.

For such a strong person to lower his status and stay here, he is ready to be rejected.

Leng Qingqiu looked inside the tent.

Although it is a temporary building, there are electrical appliances, tables and chairs, drinks and snacks, and there is a faint smell of perfume in the air.

It can be seen that these soldiers spent a lot of brain cells.

"It's okay, the sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes don't care about trivial matters, even if they are outside, they can live in a ruined temple."

Leng Qingqiu shook his head, didn't care, and sat down directly.

(End of this chapter)

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