Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 135 Young master, the list was stolen [2]

Chapter 135 Young master, the list was stolen [2]

I feel a little weird, I can't tell.

"I'm sure." Li Yufeng's voice was deep but extremely firm.

Jin Xi looked up at him, then nodded slowly.

———— Li Yufeng & Jin Xi ————

When they arrived at the registration office, Li Yufeng used his connections, so apart from the notary, there were only the two of them.

Everything is ready, Li Yufeng has already signed the marriage certificate, when Jin Xi is about to raise the pen to sign.

Li Yufeng's phone rang suddenly.

"Who?" Jin Xi's pen paused, then turned to look at Li Yufeng.

"It's Dongcheng." Li Yufeng thought for a while, and said to Jin Xi, "Wait a minute, I'll answer the phone and come back."


Jin Xi put down her pen and wanted to wait for Li Yufeng to come back before signing.

But she didn't expect that after putting down the pen this time, she never picked it up again.

Li Yufeng went to the door to answer the phone, because if Dongcheng called his number, something serious must have happened.

As soon as he picked it up, Li Yufeng heard Dongcheng's urgent voice.

"Master, the list has been stolen!"

The diary was naturally unsuccessful, Li Yufeng arranged for Jin Xi to go back to Li's house, and hurried to the consortium by himself.

As soon as he entered, Li Yufeng saw Dongcheng coming towards him.


"Why was it stolen? Go and check for me!" Li Yufeng said with a serious face, "Go and notify Fan Chuang to come back, and use the fastest speed."

"It's the young master." Dong Cheng nodded, and then he suddenly looked hesitant.

Li Yufeng frowned unhappily, "Say, don't hesitate in front of me."

He is in no mood to guess now.

"Master Dongcheng would like to ask about the list, where did you take it?"

Only Fan Chuang and Li Yufeng knew the list of assassinations, and only the two of them could reveal it.

Either Fan Chuang rebelled, or Li Yufeng accidentally leaked it.

Li Yufeng was startled for a moment, and then thought about it in his mind.

He took the list from Fanjia and kept it with him all the time, then went back to the villa in China, and then...
It seems that I have never seen it again!
Suddenly, Li Yufeng thought of a suspicious person.

But he himself immediately vetoed it, turned around and waved his hand at Dongcheng.

"Go and check the monitoring of my villa in China, especially the one in the master bedroom, and also check the one in the study."

"It's the young master."

As soon as Jin Xi returned to Li's house, she felt restless.

She didn't know what was wrong, but she just felt restless, and she couldn't even sit outside to calm down.

Could it be that Li Yufeng discovered something?
Looking at his anxious look just now, something must have happened.

Just thinking of this possibility made Jin Xi's heart beat faster.

If Li Yufeng found out, how should he explain it?

There is no way to explain this matter!
Suddenly, from the corner of the eye of Jin Xi, he saw Li Yufeng walking in from the gate.

She quickly stood up and walked over, waving to Li Yufeng. "I'm here!"

Li Yufeng turned his head, but his eyes became a little complicated.

The complicated Jin Xi couldn't understand his expression.

"Come in, I have something to ask you."

"Ask me?" Jin Xi pointed to herself, then nodded. "okay."

Li Yufeng took Jin Xi back to the master bedroom, and as soon as he entered, Jin Xi found a file bag in Li Yufeng's hand.

2 more.

(End of this chapter)

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