Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 151 I really want to kill you [16]

Chapter 151 I really want to kill you [16]

"You mean young master Xiaobao?" The maid looked up at Huo Xu strangely, "Didn't the young master pick him up yesterday?"

Why would you send someone to pick you up?
"Did you pick it up?" Huo Xu was afraid of being exposed by the maid, so he quickly smiled at her, "I may have misremembered it, so go ahead! I'm going back to report."

"Well, go slowly!" The maid bowed to him politely.

Huo Xu left Li's house in an escaping posture, because it was the time for shift change, and he only had 3 minutes to leave.

After escaping from the back garden, Huo Xu saw Meng Qi who was obediently waiting for him.

Meng Qi also saw him at the same time, and walked towards him.

"Why didn't I see you taking anything?" Meng Qi looked him up and down, but didn't find that he had anything more than when he went in.

Huo Xu shook his head. "could not find it."

"Are you really going to get things? I thought you were going to steal things!" Meng Qi smiled awkwardly, "Sorry, I misunderstood you!"

"." The black line on Huo Xu's head.

What is there to steal from the Li family?The "thing" he most wanted to steal had been stolen!
"So what are we going to do now?"

"Go to my house, I'll take you to see Jin Xi."

"Okay! But you have to wait for me!" Meng Qi grinned, "I'm going to take my son, mine and Li Yufeng's child! Jin Xi knows."


Huo Xu sprayed it out directly.

Jin Xi had Li Yufeng's child, and Meng Qi also had a child?

Both of their sisters gave birth to children for Li Yufeng? !
What exactly does Li Yufeng want to do!Also full of children and grandchildren!
"What are you doing? Are you so surprised?" Meng Qi frowned, a little disgusted by Huo Xu's spouting behavior.

"No, no, let's go and pick up your son."

————Jinxi Dividing Line————
After picking up Meng Qi's child, Huo Xu kept watching him in the car.

Because Meng Qi's child was older than Jin Xi's, Meng Qi's child was already sitting by herself.

"What's the name of this kid?"

"Meng Nianxi." Meng Qi stroked her son's hair, "Because it is more troublesome to register, so my son's surname is not Li, but my surname."

"Oh." Huo Xu looked Meng Qi up and down, and then at Meng Nianxi who was sitting beside him, feeling a little puzzled.

Although this child also has big eyes, double eyelids and fair skin, no matter how he looks at it, he can't overlap with Li Yufeng!He doesn't resemble Li Yufeng at all like Xiaobao, and he doesn't even seem to resemble Meng Qi.

A thought suddenly rushed into Huo Xu's head.

Could it be that the child was adopted?It was adopted by Meng Qi specially to deceive Li Yufeng
Otherwise, how could it be so different.

"How long will it take for us to arrive?" Meng Qi interrupted Huo Xu's thoughts.

Huo Xu pulled his thin lips guiltily, "Hurry up, we'll be there soon."

As she said that, she made a turn and went back and forth several times before a villa suddenly appeared in front of Meng Qi's eyes.

"You live here?"

"Yes." Huo Xu nodded, "Let's go, Jin Xi is inside."

"Okay!" Meng Qi turned around and hugged Meng Nianxi into her arms, and walked in with Huo Xu.


Okay, what about the long review?
(End of this chapter)

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