Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 156 I really want to kill you [21]

Chapter 156 I really want to kill you [21]

The villa is located on the mountainside, so it is difficult for ordinary people to find it if they are not familiar with the road type.

The car stopped at the entrance of the villa, and as soon as Li Yufeng got out of the car, a servant greeted him.


"Well, how is the young master?" Li Yufeng raised his eyes and glanced at the servant in front of him, with an indifferent expression on his face.

"The young master just fell asleep! But the young master doesn't like to drink milk very much these days, so he lost 100 grams in weight." The servant's voice became smaller and smaller, and finally he almost spoke with his own throat.

Li Yufeng's black eyes stared at the servant sharply, "You lost weight? What do I want you idiots for?!"

"Master, it's the young master who doesn't eat all the time." Well, they have nothing to do as servants!

"Don't you know how to coax? Do you want me to teach you the child!" Li Yufeng gave the servant a hard look, and walked into the villa.

Fan Chuang shook his head helplessly behind, followed Li Yufeng and walked in.

Xiaobao's room is on the second floor, and Li Yufeng went straight to Xiaobao's room without stopping.

Seeing Xiaobao sleeping peacefully in the crib, the smile that Li Yufeng hadn't shown for many days finally returned to his face.

Even Fan Chuang, who followed him, was stunned.

It really is a father-son bond.

Li Yufeng didn't speak, but sat quietly beside Xiaobao's bed, looking at Xiaobao in the bed without blinking his black eyes, with an imperceptible smile on his thin lips.

"I said, your son is getting more and more beautiful!" Looking at his miniature version of Li Yufeng's face, Fan Chuang couldn't help but want to go up and pinch him.

This kid is so cute.

"Well, I think so too." Li Yufeng nodded, with a sense of pride in his tone.

"He looks like you when you were a child! Look at his eyelashes, they look like fans!" Fan Chuang was so envious.

Li Yufeng raised his head and glared at Fan Chuang.

"Don't say it as if you are much older than me. When I was young, you were not that old."

Fan Chuang smiled awkwardly, "I just said it casually."

Li Yufeng by the bed took one last look at Xiaobao, covered him with a quilt, and then stood up and walked out of the room.

Fan Chuang also followed out and closed the door for Xiaobao.

"What's the matter? Why this expression?" Fan Chuang looked at Li Yufeng, always feeling that he seemed to have something on his mind.

"It's nothing, what can I do." Li Yufeng lowered his face coolly, and walked downstairs.

Fan Chuang touched his nose.

"Where did I offend him?"

————Jinxi Dividing Line————
Jin Xi and Meng Qi stayed together at the beach until dark before returning.

As soon as she entered the room, Meng Qi was busy making milk for Meng Nianxi. Jin Xi watched from the side, feeling very sour.

She used to be like Meng Qi, no matter where she went, the first step was to feed Xiao Bao first.

But now.
She really misses Xiaobao.

If it wasn't for her deliberately suppressing her emotions, Jin Xi felt that she was really going to collapse.

"Sister, are you happy now?" Jin Xi asked quietly from the side.

Meng Qi, who was holding a baby bottle in her hand, froze, turned her head and smiled at Jin Xi, "What is there to be happy about now! As long as Nian Xi can grow up healthy and healthy, I will feel happy! But... I I still hope that our family can be reunited.”

Jin Xi smiled on the side, but did not speak.


8 more~
(End of this chapter)

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