Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 170 The Out-of-Control Li Yufeng [2]

Chapter 170 The Out-of-Control Li Yufeng [2]

"Speak!" Li Yufeng walked to the bed with a few steps, and lifted Jin Xi up from the bed like a dog, "Jin Xi, do you think you will have a good life when you come back?"

At this time, Jin Xi, who was dying, couldn't say anything complete, so she could only use all her strength to speak to Li Yufeng.

"Don't hurt Huo Xu's parents."

Hearing Jin Xi's words, Li Yufeng simply added fuel to the fire.

With a flick of his big hand, Jin Xi was thrown from the bed to the ground again, her head hit the floor, and Jin Xi passed out directly.

When Li Yufeng stepped forward and walked over again, he saw a pool of blood on the floor.

It was Jin Xi's blood, with a strange red color.

In an instant, Li Yufeng seemed to wake up suddenly, seeing the blood on the floor that had almost spread to his feet, Li Yufeng roared like crazy.


Both the servant outside the door and Dongcheng in the room heard it.

Dongcheng hurried over and kicked open Li Yufeng's door!
But because there was a bed blocking it, when Dongcheng came in, he didn't see Jin Xi, but only saw bloodstains all over the place.

"Master, where are you hurt? Is it a wound?"

Li Yufeng stared at Dongcheng with black eyes, and said with a hint of panic in his tone.

"No, it's Jin Xi! Quick, call the doctor!"

————Jinxi Dividing Line————
In the emergency operating room, Jin Xi's wound had three stitches, and there were bruises all over her body, and the doctor applied medicine one by one.

Because Li Yufeng had ordered that male doctors not be allowed in, so there were only some female doctors treating Jin Xi.

Maybe it's all about women. Seeing the injuries on Jin Xi's body, everyone couldn't help sighing, "Once you enter a rich family, it's as deep as the sea!"

When Jin Xi was conscious, she heard the discussions of the female doctors on the side.

"What's the reason for this? Why are you attacking so hard!"

"I don't know what's going on, but look at the wounds on that body, it's naked domestic violence! It looks really shocking!"

"Yeah, yeah, I used to envy women who marry wealthy families, but now I suddenly feel that my husband is so good! I'm going home tonight to add food to my husband!"

"Okay, don't talk about it, this is a private matter of the Li family, aren't you afraid that you will lose your life if you hear it?"

"Yes, the head nurse said yes!"

The voice of discussion stopped, and Jin Xi's consciousness gradually became clearer.

At first she was able to move her fingers, but because a little numbing drug was applied to her forehead, she found it very difficult to open her eyes.

Afterwards, Jin Xi felt that she was being pushed out by something, until someone moved her to another bed, Jin Xi's eyes could be slightly opened.

In the blur, a figure flickered in front of his eyes a few times.

Jin Xi tried her best to open her eyes wide, and finally saw that person clearly.

It was Li Yufeng, who was looking straight at himself with a cold face.

The two looked at each other, and Jin Xi's eyes subconsciously turned to other places.

"You don't even want to look at me?" Li Yufeng said first, his voice was a little hoarse, but his tone was threatening.

Jin Xi shook her head and said nothing.

Or rather, she didn't know what to say.

The person who leaked the list was indeed herself, she had nothing to say, and she had no chance to quibble.

3 more.

(End of this chapter)

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