Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 176 Jin Xi suffers from mental illness [4]

Chapter 176 Jin Xi suffers from mental illness [4]

With just one voice, Jin Xi was sure that it was Xiao Bao's voice.

Jin Xi's eyes widened suddenly, and then she began to struggle with all her strength to sit up.

Then, that devil-like voice came over.

"woke up?"

Jin Xi couldn't respond, she could only tilt her head and look towards the door.

Li Yufeng was standing at the door with Xiaobao in his arms, and Xiaobao in his arms was crying for some reason, while Li Yufeng was holding Xiaobao in a very standard posture, walking back and forth non-stop.

This scene made Jin Xi's heart tremble.

Because at this time Li Yufeng obviously didn't know how gentle his expression was.

It simply overturned all his previous image.

But when Jin Xi wanted to reach out to touch them, a burst of dizziness struck, and Jin Xi suddenly fell into endless darkness.

Seeing Jin Xi's hand sank suddenly, Li Yufeng quickly walked a few steps to her bedside.

Stretching out a hand to probe her forehead, he found that she had a slight high fever, so Li Yufeng went out again and called the doctor in.

After various examinations by the doctor, the doctor came to a conclusion.

Jin Xi suffers from mental illness.

And the kind of person who has serious assumptions.

People suffering from this type of disease will have all kinds of fantasies, and some even imagine that they have a pair of wings and can fly from the top of the building.

This disease is not serious, but it can endanger life.

Looking at Jin Xi lying flat on the bed, Li Yufeng raised his head and said to the doctor, "How likely is it to be cured?"

"Now patients can't cooperate with our treatment, so it will be very difficult to cure." Jin Xi subconsciously refuses treatment now, so no matter how superb the doctor's medical skills are, there is no way.

"I don't care what method you use, you must make her return to normal." Li Yufeng's tone was a little more serious, and there was a little panic in his tone, "She can't become mentally ill, I won't allow it."

The doctor stood there sweating profusely.

Because the task assigned by Li Yufeng was too difficult, and he couldn't refuse it.

He was the one who caused Jin Xi to suffer from mental illness, and he is the one who asks Jin Xi to be cured now.

Doctors feel that it is really difficult to be a human being.

"Mr. Li"

Before the doctor finished speaking, Li Yufeng's cell phone rang suddenly.

Li Yufeng took it out and saw that it was an unfamiliar number.

But at the first moment of looking at the phone, Li Yufeng guessed who it was.

Then, a gentle female voice came over.

"Brother Aye, it's me, I'm Meng Qi."

————— Li Yufeng Di Dividing Line ————
He and Meng Qi met in a hotel box.

Meng Qi took Meng Nianxi there, so Li Yufeng saw the little boy as soon as he entered.

But for some reason, Li Yufeng felt that it had nothing to do with him from the first moment he saw this child.

Perhaps it was because he was not like himself, or because no child could be more like Xiaobao than himself.

"Brother Yufeng, you are here!" Seeing Li Yufeng, Meng Qi hurriedly stood up with Meng Nianxi, "Nianxi, this is Dad, hurry up!"

"No need." Li Yufeng raised his hand suddenly from the side, "Let's talk about it after the paternity test is over."

If it was really his child, he would also be responsible.

Li Yufeng didn't want to evade any responsibility.

"Brother Yufeng, don't you believe me?" Meng Qi's attitude towards Li Yufeng was very sad.

(End of this chapter)

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